"Haha, that's good, Daoist Bai Ye would you like to stay in my palace for a while?"

Chaos Lord was very happy to invite Bai Ye.

Bai Ye shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but the Wanjie Pond is about to open. I still hope to enter the Wanjie Pond to see it first."

Chapter [*]: Learning from each other

"That's fine. After the Wanjie Pond is over, we can have a good chat."

Chaos dominates the ancient road and said.

"Okay, the matter here is over, you can go back separately."

He opened his mouth to several Chaos Venerable Gods present.


Several Chaos Venerable Gods present responded.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, then I'll say goodbye first."

Finally, Chaos Master Gu Daotian opened his mouth to Bai Ye.

"Fellow Daoist please."

Bai Ye responded with a slight smile.

With that said, the figure of Chaos Lord Gu Daotian disappeared in this uninhabited star field.

After he left, the strong man, Jiufeng Chaos God, and a Chaos God who looked very indifferent and never spoke were very curious when they looked at Bai Ye.

It should be very difficult for a powerhouse who can let Chaos dominate Gu Daotian to treat him like this.

Zun Zun, a strong man, introduced himself to Bai Ye: "My name is Meng Hu, the lord of the ancient city in the north. It is a pleasure to meet fellow Daoist Bai Ye."

Bai Ye looked at him and nodded, and 29 responded politely, "I'm also very happy to meet fellow Daoist Meng Hu."

After the introduction of the god of Chaos, the god of chaos, Jiufeng, slowly stepped forward, a pair of beautiful eyes like water, and the autumn water glowing with wisps of autumn water said to Bai Ye: "My name is Jiufeng, the city lord of Xihuang City, I am very happy. Get to know Daoist Bai Ye."

Bai Ye also responded to Jiufeng Primal Chaos God who looked amazing in front of him.

In the end, the very indifferent God of Chaos also walked up to Bai Ye and said, "My name is Tian Yuan, the lord of Donghuang City, it's a pleasure to meet you, I don't know what kind of realm Bai Ye has reached now, I I can't see through your realm of strength at all, which makes me very curious, and I don't know if I can learn from fellow Daoist Bai Ye."

"of course can."

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

However, just when Bai Ye agreed, Qiu Mu slowly stepped forward and said with a smile to the god of chaos, Tian Yuan, who was like a thousand-year-old ice cube, "Tian Yuan, I advise you not to fight Brother Bai Ye, Otherwise, you'll know what it's called, asking for nothing."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

Before Tianyuan Primal Chaos God could speak, the Protected Primal Primal Chaos looked at Qiu Mu and said.

Qiu Mu smiled slightly, but did not speak, but looked at Bai Ye and said, "Brother Bai Ye, do you want me to tell you about your performance not long ago."

Bai Ye touched his nose and said with a faint smile, "Since fellow Taoist Tianyuan wants to learn from me, then come on, you don't need to say anything else."

After Bai Ye said this, Qiu Mu didn't say anything more.

"Hehe, since Daoist Brother Bai Ye said so, then I will be more tongue-in-cheek, but I still say a word of Tianyuan, discuss with Daoist Brother Bai Ye, you must not have any reservations, what kind of power can be used, just Try to show it as much as possible, otherwise, you may not even have a chance to shoot."

Qiu Mu finally warned Tianyuan Primal Chaos God.

The meaning of his words is already very obvious. He is almost saying that Bai Ye's strength is very terrifying, and he almost didn't say that Tian Yuan is not Bai Ye's opponent at all.

Hearing this, Tian Yuan probably knew Bai Ye's strength.

Being able to make Qiu Mu such a high praise shows that Bai Ye's strength is extremely terrifying. At this time, he looked at Bai Ye's cold eyes full of fighting intent.

He didn't know how long he hadn't shot, and Qiu Mu's remarks aroused a warlike spirit in his heart.

At this time, the guardian god of chaos and the god of chaos Jiufeng, Qiu Mu, retreated far away, leaving the battlefield in the middle to Bai Ye and Tian Yuan.

At this moment, the Guarded Chaos God and Jiufeng Chaos God really want to see Bai Ye's terrifying strength.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, I know that your strength is exceptionally strong, so I will not retain any strength."

Tian Yuan and Bai Ye stood on opposite sides, facing each other, Tian Yuan's aura slowly burst out at this time, and as his aura exploded, the stars in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles were constantly shaking, as if they would fall at any time.

Bai Ye looked indifferent, looked at Tian Yuan with a faint smile and said, "Just do it, don't worry about hurting me."

There was hardly any breath on Bai Ye's body, and in his calm expression, it could be seen that he was very confident.

"Okay, then here I come!"

Tianyuan Primal Chaos God did not take out any weapons. At this time, his body was covered with a piece of crimson energy, and bone spurs like fairy gold grew from his body, with three heads and six arms, as if they had completely changed their form.

With that said, he stepped into the void and headed towards the white night, with strands of shattered Dao Law power surrounding his whole body, looking extremely violent and ferocious, like a prehistoric beast in the endless chaos. A large area collapsed, and endless chaos continued to roll.

Almost instantly, he came to Bai Ye's face with a fist with bone spurs.

One after another, the power of destruction came straight to the white night.

But just when his fist hit Bai Ye's face, Bai Ye didn't back down at all, he stretched out a hand and grabbed the hand of the God of Chaos.

But when he grabbed the arm of the Heavenly Primal Chaos Venerable God, he felt an unusually hot palm, as if he had the power of fire from the origin of the Great Dao.

Bai Ye quickly let go of his hand and put one foot on the abdomen of the god of chaos. His feet were wrapped with 360 of the energy of the heavens, so he didn't feel any burning sensation. In an instant, the god of chaos was kicked by Bai Ye. flew out.

But in an instant, Tianyuan Primal Chaos God appeared in front of Bai Ye again, as if he had never been kicked out by Bai Ye before.

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