"Oh? How do you say this? This Wanjie Pond was not bred from the endless chaotic world, so how could it appear in this endless chaotic world?"

Bai Ye asked again.

"I'm not very clear about this. According to my observation, this Wanjie Pond should be a ninth-order world on the same level as the endless chaotic world, and it is a closed ninth-order world. As for why it appears in this endless chaotic world. , it is not very clear, since the tenth-order powerhouse is involved, then everything is not simple."

Xiaobai's voice sounded again.

"Related to the tenth-order powerhouse? Could it be that this Wanjie Pond was created by the tenth-order powerhouse?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly and fell into thinking.

After thinking for a while, he asked Xiao Bai again, "What do you mean by that wave of consciousness just now, did you crack it?"

"That period of consciousness is very vague. I just captured the word inheritance. Specifically, when you enter the Myriad Realms Pool, you should be able to get more information."

Xiaobai opened his mouth mechanically.

"Inheritance? Is there really information about tenth-order powerhouses?"

Whispering in the night.


Xiaobai responded lightly.

"It seems that entering the Wanjie Pool this time should be able to obtain some unknown secrets. The secrets of the tenth-order powerhouses are what many ninth-order powerhouses are looking for. I don't know if I can obtain information about the tenth-order powerhouses. Complete information on the strong."

Bai Ye stared at the Wanjie Pond that was constantly bred in front of him, and whispered with flickering eyes.

Looking at the Wanjie Pond in front of him, he also slowly drew out an area and sat down. Now he only needs to sit still for two days and wait for the Wanjie Pond to open. .

Chapter six hundred and thirteen: The fruit of Hongmeng creation

Time passed slowly.

During this period, several Infinite Shattered Realm powerhouses descended from Tianjiang City, and they were picked up by the Qiu Mu Primal Chaos God.

Their consciousness swept toward the Ten Thousand Realms.

At this time, many visions have erupted in Myriad Realms, which look very amazing, like slowly blooming flowers.

The breeding area expanded a lot, submerging the position where Bai Ye was sitting cross-legged, but Bai Ye's figure was not there, and his figure seemed to move with the expansion of Wanjie Pond.

But Bai Ye didn't wake up in the slightest. The position of his body changed, which seemed to come from the instinct of the body.

The Wanjie Pond is like life, constantly growing, becoming bigger and bigger, the power of the Dao is getting more and more powerful, and the auspicious colors of the Dao Dao are scattered, forming a very strange picture in the endless void.

The dragon roamed the nine days, the phoenix was clothed in endless flames, and there were all kinds of rare birds and beasts running in the void.

A wisp of energy ripples.

"Myriad Realms Pool is slowly opening!"

Looking at the sudden scene in front of them, many creatures were amazed, and many Chaos Demon Gods around them opened their eyes one after another.

363 They all stood up slowly and looked at the strange scene in front of them.

The Wanjie Pond is like a treasured place of heaven and earth, blooming with splendid rays of light, and a strange and mysterious heaven and earth sounded at the beginning, which made people feel that they were going to be enlightened and sublimated, attracting many strong men to come.

Among them are the Zhutian City powerhouses.

The powerhouses of Zhutian City came to the Ten Thousand Realms, and soon they found Bai Ye's figure, and they automatically gathered beside Bai Ye.

Seeing that Bai Ye was in meditation, they didn't bother.

All are quietly guarding Bai Ye's side.

At this time, there are figures everywhere in the endless void, and they are all Chaos Demon Gods with extremely powerful breath, and even the ninth-order powerhouses have descended.

There was a lot of discussion around.

"This time the Myriad Realms Pool is opened, I must look for the fruit of Hongmeng creation. I have been stuck in this realm for too long. If I can find the fruit of Hongmeng creation, then I can break through the shackles and reach the realm of the god of chaos. It's gone!"

Not far from them, an ancient Chaos Demon God who was in the third tier of Chaos God said, he looked a little old, and he didn't know how many years he had lived.

Logically speaking, there should be no change in the appearance of the lifespan when it reaches the eighth-order level, but this ancient Chaos Demon God seems to have the end of its lifespan.

This made Luo Hu, Shi Hao and the others a little puzzled.

They looked at the Great Demon God Feng Yuan and asked, "Is there a problem of longevity in your world?"

The Great Demon God Feng Yuan looked at the ancient Chaos Demon God with an old face not far away, and smiled slightly: "It's hard to say about lifespan. Under natural circumstances, the lifespan of the Chaos Demon God is endless, but the Chaos Demon God itself has blood and blood. If the source exists, if the blood and the source of the body are severely consumed or even overdrawn in the battle of life and death, then the body will change. The damage to the body may be irreversible, but as long as you don't continue to fight to overdraw your original bloodline, your lifespan will still be endless."

The simple explanation by the Great Demon God Feng Yuan, Luo Hu, Shi Hao and the others understood it.

After the Great Demon God Feng Yuan said this, they didn't feel that it was strange, and this kind of thing happened in their world.

It's just that they are somewhat interested in the fruit of Hongmeng's good fortune that the ancient Chaos Demon God said.

They then asked the Great Demon God Feng Yuan: "Then what is the fruit of this Hongmeng good fortune? Can a Chaos Demon God be promoted to the realm of Chaos Venerable God?"

This is what they are very curious about.

From the eighth-order to the ninth-order realm, can one fruit do it?

In their hearts, they hoped that the Great Demon God Feng Yuan could answer them.

When the Great Demon God Feng Yuan heard the word Hongmeng fortune-telling fruit, his eyes also shone with hope and longing.

"This fruit of Hongmeng's good fortune can indeed make a chaotic devil be promoted to the realm of chaotic gods, but this kind of fruit is also a treasure that can be encountered but not sought in the Wanjie Pond. In the endless chaotic world, only the ancient city lord Meng Meng The guardian of Chaos God was fortunate enough to get one and gave it to his wife, and finally his wife broke through from the realm of the post-chaos demon god to the realm of the god of chaos."

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