With the appearance of this breath, Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes burst into light. He slowly stood up and stared at the light curtain supported by the supreme breath in the sky, blocking the power of the Great Way of the Endless Chaos World.

Bai Ye can be sure that this supreme breath comes from the tenth-order powerhouse, and only a breath of the tenth-order powerhouse can easily block the supreme avenue of the endless chaotic world.

"The breath of a tenth-order powerhouse, has a tenth-order powerhouse ever stayed in the Wanjie Pond?"

Bai Ye stared at the void tightly and said quietly.

Listening to Bai Ye's words, all the powerhouses in Zhutian City shuddered.

Tenth-order powerhouse? !

Although they have never seen such a powerhouse, they know that the tenth-order powerhouse is the supreme powerhouse above the ninth-order powerhouse!

The energy that blocked the endless chaotic world avenue just now, is it the tenth-order powerhouse who is shooting?

Is there a tenth-order powerhouse in the Wanjie Pond? !

Countless question marks and doubts were shocked, and they rose in their hearts. Since the city lord said that it was the breath of a tenth-order powerhouse, it must be right. They would never doubt Bai Ye's judgment.So.

Chapter [*]: The suppression of Wanjiechi Avenue

"Lord City Lord, there are still tenth-order powerhouses in the Wanjie Pond?"

At this time, Luo Hu slightly stepped forward and asked Bai Ye softly.

Bai Ye stared at the void, glanced at Luo Hu and said, "Maybe there used to be, but it definitely doesn't exist now, if there are tenth-order powerhouses in Wanjie Pond now, then Wanjie Pond will not be opened, leaving countless The strong entered wantonly."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Luo Hu felt reasonable.

"Since Wanjie Pond has a tenth-order powerhouse before, I don't know if there will be any inheritance or information."

Rahu said softly again.

Bai Ye glanced at him, a little light flashed in his eyes, and finally said leisurely, "Maybe."

He is still a little interested in the information of the tenth-order powerhouse. As for inheritance, he does not need it, because he has the city of the heavens and the reincarnation of the heavens. The rest of the inheritance is optional for him, not too much. important.

Maybe the inheritance of the tenth-order powerhouse will be very crazy to others, but it is a tasteless existence for Bai Ye, and there is no fatal attraction.

However, if you can get the inheritance of the tenth-order powerhouse, you might be able to sell it for a good price.

Bai Ye thought secretly in his heart.

The inheritance of the tenth-order powerhouse can only be a business for him.

While they were talking, the huge portal in the Wanjie Pond slowly opened, and at this time, one after another extremely powerful figures began to descend from all directions.

They are all the gods of chaos and the powerhouses of the endless shattering realm.

Their arrival attracted the attention of many people present, and their arrival meant that the Wanjie Pond was about to open.

Among the people who came, Bai Ye knew a few, Jiufeng Primordial Chaos God, Protected Primal Primal Chaos God, and Tianyuan Primal Primal Chaos God, beside them there were several Endless Broken Realm powerhouses, who were standing in different directions.

All eyes are focused on the huge portal in the center of the Wanjie Pond.

Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God found Bai Ye and descended in the direction of Bai Ye.

"Brother Bai Ye."

Qiu Mu was also accompanied by four Infinite Shattered Realm powerhouses, their gazes turned towards Bai Ye, they felt an unfathomable aura on Bai Ye, which made them unable to see through.

Their eyes flashed with fearful expressions.

However, they still politely nodded to Bai Ye to show respect, and Bai Ye returned the same gift.

For them, there is no need for Bai Ye to have too many intersections, and the four of them have the same idea about Bai Ye.

"Do we want to form a team when we enter Wanjie Pool this time? It's good to have someone to take care of. After all, Daoist Bai Ye entered Wanjie Pool for the first time. I can introduce and explain to Daoist Bai Ye in many places."

Qiu Mu Chaos God opened his mouth to Bai Ye and wanted to invite Bai Ye to join their team.

Bai Ye glanced at a few of them, then shook his head and said, "I have a new understanding of fellow Daoist Qiu Mu, I'm not used to teaming up with others on this occasion, I prefer a feeling of unfamiliar adventure. If fellow Daoist Qiu Mu goes with you, then this feeling will probably be gone."

Bai Ye's simple words declined the kindness of Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos God.

"Well, since that's the case, then I won't force it anymore."

Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos God didn't make too many demands. He felt that Bai Ye did this because of his own plans.

He's a smart guy, and he doesn't plan to ask any further questions.

However, at this time, Bai Ye did not find the figure of the Lord of Chaos, which made him feel a little strange. The Lord of Chaos should not be absent on such occasions. figure? They are not interested in Wanjie Pond?"

Hearing this question, Qiu Mu Chaos God looked at Bai Ye with a dumb smile and said, "Master of Chaos, it's not that they have no interest in Wanjie Pond, but Wanjie Pond has serious repulsion towards them, and Chaos Master has the aura of the supreme avenue. It is too thick and has a serious repulsion with the Dao in the Wanjie Pond. If you don't say that you can't enter the Wanjie Pond, even if you enter, you will be suppressed by the Dao power in the Wanjie Pond. The strength is very limited, and the opportunities that can be obtained are also very limited, and those opportunities are optional for the Chaos Master, so every time the Myriad Realms Pool is opened, the Chaos Master will not participate."

"I see.. ........."

Hearing Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos say this, Bai Ye understood.

"That said, as the Primordial Chaos God, you also have the aura of the Great Way of the Endless Chaos World. You, the Primal Chaos God, will also be suppressed when you enter the realm of strength in the Ten Thousand Realms Pool?"

Bai Ye seemed to think of something, and then asked the Qiu Mu Chaos God.

Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos raised his eyebrows slightly, and answered undeniably: "Yes, our Primordial Primal Chaos will also be suppressed when entering the realm of strength in the Wanjie Pond, but it is not as serious as the Lord of Chaos, and the strength we exert will also be limited. Sixty or seventy percent, if the Chaos Lord enters it, it is very good to be able to exert one or two percent of its strength. Our state is still relatively good, but because of this, we will allow the powerhouses of other worlds. Enter the Wanjie Pond and allocate resources, after all, there are some very difficult and dangerous dilemmas in the Wanjie Pond, and it takes some strong people to join forces to deal with it.”

Bai Ye nodded when he heard this.

Qiu Mu's Primal Chaos said this, everything can be explained. Under normal circumstances, no one will share the resources in the home with outsiders, unless it is difficult for them to get them, then outsiders will be allowed to enter. Help, share resources.

"Then will the realm of strength of us outsiders be suppressed as well?"

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