"Although this secret technique is good, it's the end of it!"

Bai Ye raised his head slightly and said.

Although his voice was not loud, when he said these words, the surrounding space suddenly stopped, and the huge body of the celestial dragon that could not see the edge seemed to stop at this time.

The chaotic dragon standing outside this space looked at the white night in the space below, and his expression changed slightly.

At this moment, it seems to have a bad premonition.

It originally wanted to say something, but Bai Ye's aura at this moment had undergone earth-shaking changes, wisps of radiance from the heavens wrapped him, endless brilliance continued to bloom, and a power that transcended the heavens and the world was slowly released. come out.

The whole world is being affected by the energy of the city of the heavens in him.

The gigantic Tianlong body slowly faded away, Bai Ye did not attack violently, but resolved everything with the transcendent power of Zhutian City.

Endless brilliance bloomed from his body, the surrounding world slowly melted and changed, and the entire secret technique was gradually dismantled.

The surrounding world changed to its original appearance, and the world became clear and bright.

The chaotic dragon standing in the sky looked at Bai Ye so softly dissolve his secret technique, his eyes changed.

Then his face softened. At this time, he clearly understood that the difference between his strength and Bai Ye's realm was still very far.

At this time, Bai Ye seemed to him that in the Endless Fragmentation Realm, there should be few people who would be his opponents.

"How is it? Are you satisfied with this result?"

At this time, Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes, looked at the Chaos Dragon in the sky and said.

Chaos Shenlong had a helpless and bitter smile on his face, and said lightly, "I'm far less powerful than you, and you can take any treasure here."

As he said that, a tall and closed golden sky tower was opened below, and one after another of the precious lights that were soaring into the sky could be seen flickering non-stop.

Bai Ye just glanced at it lightly, and didn't pay much attention.

Such treasures are not so attractive to him.

He turned his head and said to the Chaos Dragon: "What I want most is not the treasure here, you said that if I can conquer you with my strength, you will tell the information about the supreme powerhouse, now you should tell Some information about your master."

Chaos Shenlong, who was floating in the sky, smiled slightly: "If it is an ordinary powerhouse, I will not tell him, because they are still very far away from my master's realm, but you are different, you can be regarded as my master's realm. It’s very near, and you will have the opportunity to reach that realm in the future, so it’s not impossible to tell you some information.”

"Tell me, what do you want to know? I can answer as much as I can."

Chaos Shenlong became more relaxed at this time, staring at Bai Ye and said.

Seeing that Chaos Shenlong was willing to tell some secrets, Bai Ye frowned slightly and thought for a moment, then said, "I don't have many questions, I only need to know three things."

"please say."

Chaos Shenlong looked at Bai Ye and said.

At this time, Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God and others also listened quietly.

The Chaos Dragon doesn't seem to shy away from them either.

Bai Ye didn't care about their presence, and asked directly, "The first question, was this world created by your master?"


Chaos Dragon nodded.

It's not multilingual.

Hearing this answer, it was similar to what he had guessed, and Bai Ye then asked: "So how did this world enter the world of endless chaos? And there are so many sealed statues outside, is there any kind of war that happened here? ?"

Hearing this question, Chaos Shenlong hesitated for a while, and Qiu Mu Chaoshen and others also wanted to know how this Wanjie Pond appeared in the endless chaotic world.

After all, a supreme powerhouse put the world he created into the endless chaos world, and I don't know what the purpose is.

If there is really any special purpose, then Qiu Mu Chaos Sovereign God has to worry about it.

After pondering for a moment, the Chaos Dragon slowly replied: "I'm not very clear about this, but what I know is that not only the Wanjie Pond was created by the master, but the endless chaos world outside was also created by the master, so the master Talents will arrange all this, so that the endless chaos world and the world powerhouses outside can enter the Wanjie Pool. As for the war that happened here, it is true that there was a war between two different world powerhouses a long time ago. But they were also unruly and sealed by their masters..."

Hearing this answer Bai Ye was a little surprised. He didn't expect that in addition to Wanjie Pond, this endless chaotic world was also created by the supreme powerhouse?

Such a method is truly extraordinary.

Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God and the other four Endless Shattered Realm experts were also a little stunned.

"The Endless Chaos World was also opened up by that existence? Why haven't any legends been passed down before?..."

An Endless Broken Realm powerhouse muttered to himself.

Standing at the forefront, the Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God said: "How can such a strong person be able to know and speculate."

Although the Qiu Mu Chaos God opened his mouth like this, he was shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The last question, do you know where your master is going? Or, where does he exist?"

Bai Ye solemnly asked the last question, the one he most wanted to know.

So far, he has not captured any figure of the tenth-order powerhouse. He learned from the two endlessly broken realm powerhouses that he had contacted in the world he created before that the tenth-order powerhouse seemed to exist in a different plane than them.

That is the place where the supreme avenues of the entire heavens and the world cannot reach and capture.

This is what makes Bai Ye feel very curious and interested.

"Regarding this last question in 2.1, I can't answer you either, I just know that as long as the realm reaches that level, it will naturally find such a place. The master once said that some places do not need to be specially searched, as long as the way When you’re done, the other side of the road will naturally be in front of you.”

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