Seeing that Xingtian had purchased the blood essence of Pangu, Shakyamuni could not sit still.

There should still be many treasures in Zhutian City. If one or two pieces are suitable for him, then it is very perfect.

Shen Wansan looked at Shakyamuni and said, "There is nothing particularly suitable, but there are good things, do you want to take a look?"

Sakyamuni saw that there was nothing particularly suitable for him, and his expression changed slightly, and it was a sad look.

"Since there is no one that is particularly suitable for me, then I will not look at it. I may not be able to buy good things now."

Shakyamuni waved his hand and said with a smile.

As he spoke, he was about to head towards the No. [*] first-grade cultivation treasure in the sky.

Seeing him speak like this, Shen Wansan was inconvenient to say anything.

"I wish you an early breakthrough!"

Shakyamuni nodded, then took a step forward and disappeared.

At this time, almost all the ninth-order powerhouses in Zhutian City entered the first-grade 2.1 cultivation treasure land in the sky to cultivate.

No ninth-order powerhouse appeared.

The same is true for the other eighth-order powerhouses. After the last auction of the Great Dao Fruit, they couldn't wait to enter the cultivation.

Although many of them don't have enough value points to buy a [*]st-grade cultivation treasure, but fortunately there is a holy place for retreat and practice like the Zhutian Pagoda.

It's just that each practice requires a lot of value points, but it is still much cheaper than buying a first-grade cultivation treasure.

It is a very good choice for the strong who do not have enough value points and want to break through the realm.

With the passage of time, huge energy fluctuations came from the No. [*] first-grade cultivation treasure.

An indomitable ancient giant phantom appeared above the sky on No. [*]. .

Chapter [*]: Xingtian and Rahu

Many powerhouses in Zhutian City were alarmed and began to look at them one after another.

A giant danced and opened up worlds, and the geomancy and fire were constantly evolving with him as the center.

As if to reopen Chaos.

The energy of the surrounding Zhutian City is also constantly fluctuating like a tide.

"This movement..."

"It seems that another strong man who broke through the ninth order was born!"

The powerhouses of Zhutian City felt that the energy fluctuations this time were similar to the last time when Rahu broke through the ninth-order realm.

"I don't know which one broke through the ninth-order realm!"

"Looking at this giant's phantom and aura, it's very unfamiliar... Wouldn't he be a powerhouse in the Great Luo Honghuang World?"

"When you say this, it seems to be true. I felt this aura not long ago. At that time, a few strong people from the Great Luohuang World came in. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now it is echoing carefully. The strong breath is a stout man at that time!"

A seventh-order powerhouse suddenly recalled.

"The powerhouses in the Great Luo Desolate World have all entered Zhutian City to break through. It seems that we can't slack off."29

"Yeah, now the entire Zhutian City is in a wave of rapid breakthroughs. Once we relax, we will fall far behind others."

At this time, the entire Zhutian City continued to receive breakthrough information, whether it was a low-level powerhouse or a high-level powerhouse.

Xing Tian's breakthrough to the Ancestral Witch Realm was the most dynamic one.

At this time, in the No. [*] first-grade cultivation treasure land, Xing Tian slowly opened his eyes, and the explosive body surface was filled with layers of blood and flames, constantly steaming.

His eyes as bright as the sun flashed with the joy of a strong man.

"I finally broke through to the Ancestral Witch Realm!"

Xing Tian slowly got up and looked at the chaotic first-grade cultivation treasures in all directions.

"This rank of cultivation treasure is really amazing. It can change the form at will, and reverse the flow of time. Without this rank of cultivation treasure, even if I have the blood of Pangu, it is impossible to break through so quickly!"

Xing Tian found that being able to break through to the Ancestral Witch Realm so quickly, this rank cultivation treasure, played a big role.

The flow rate of time inside is completely different from the situation outside. The ratio of the time tassel inside to outside is 1:10000, which means that if he cultivates in it for one day, it is equivalent to 10000 days of cultivation outside!

And it is 10000 days of cultivators in the best practice holy house.

Xingtian has been here for four days, that is to say, he has been practicing for 40000 days!

"Not now that this city of the heavens is so miraculous, not only does it have the blood of Pangu, but also has such an amazing place for cultivation, and I don't know who the city owner of this city is, to actually have such a city, its realm of strength should not be Are they weaker than the saints in the Great Luo Hongyuan world? They should even be stronger than those saints?"

At this time, Xingtian felt that the owner of the city of the heavens should be very difficult.

Until now, he has not seen the city lord of Zhutian City.

And with his current realm of strength, he is still unaware of the existence of the city lord of Zhutian City.

It can only show that the realm of strength of the city lord of Zhutian City is far above him.

At this time, he felt the breath of other Zhutian City powerhouses.

"So many quasi-sacred realm powerhouses... Sure enough, this city of heaven is not an ordinary place!"

At this time, in Xingtian's perception, the breaths like the ancient sun appeared in his perception.

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