The energy of the surrounding heaven and earth has calmed down enough, and the world has regained its clarity.

Hou Yi, Kuafu, Chi You, Xiang Liu and other great witches turned into a flash of lightning and came to Xingtian's side.

They looked at Xingtian, their eyes were full of light, and they couldn't wait to ask Xingtian: "Xingtian, how did you suddenly get promoted to Zuwu?"

They are very concerned about this.

Because in their opinion, since all the ancestor witches have all fallen and disappeared, it is basically impossible for their witch clan to give birth to the ancestor witch.

How did Xingtian do it?

They felt very surprised and curious.

Xing Tian smiled without saying a word, and when he turned his hand, a bottle of Pangu blood essence appeared in his hand.

"Look at this and you'll understand."

Hou Yi, Kuafu, Chi You, and Xiang Liu all looked at the blood of Pangu in Xingtian's hands.

All of them opened their eyes wide for a while, and there seemed to be disbelief expressions on their faces.

"This...this is...Pangu blood essence?!"

Hou Yi said with some uncertainty.

Xing Tian nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, this is the blood of the father of Pangu! I also got some blood of Pangu before I was able to break through to the realm of ancestral witches."


Everyone suddenly took a breath.

"How did you get the spirit and blood of Father Pangu? There shouldn't be the spirit and blood of Father Pangu in the great Luoyuan world!"

Hou Yi said in disbelief.

Xing Tian smiled again and said, "It's true that there are none in the Great Luo Hongyuan World, but it doesn't mean that there are no other places."

"His place?!"

Hou Yi and the others had suspicious expressions on their faces.

"You're talking about places outside the Great Luo Honghuang World?"

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Not bad."

Chi You asked with an expression on his face, "Could it be that there are other big worlds in the Great Luo Honghuang World? Or, did you go to the boundless chaos? Or some secret realm before the opening of the sky?"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "Neither, the place I went to was completely outside the latitude of the Great Luo Honghuang World, it was a completely different place, there were different powerhouses in the world, and almost everything was there. available."

"A latitude space that is completely different from the Great Luo Honghuang World? What place is that?"

Hou Yi praised his father, Chiyou Xiangliu and the others' appetites were immediately lifted.

They couldn't imagine the world that Xing Tian was talking about.

"There is the city of the heavens! The place that connects the heavens and the world!"

Before Xingtian could answer, Shi Hao and Luo Hu slowly walked out of the hidden space and said.

Hou Yi praised his father, Chiyou Xiangliu and the others looked at Shi Hao and Luo Hu who suddenly appeared beside them in surprise.

They felt an unusual aura in Rahu Shihao and the others.

They were hiding in the dark, and these great witches didn't even notice it, indicating that the strength of the other two was definitely above them.

457 Xing Tian watched Shi Hao and Luo Hu appear with a smile on his face.

"Brother Shi Hao, Brother Luo Hu, let me introduce to you. These are my brothers, Hou Yi, Kuafu, Chi You, Xiang Liu."

Xing Tian introduced Hou Yi and the others to Shi Hao and Luo Hu.

Luo Hu and Shi Hao looked at Hou Yi and the others and nodded slightly.

"These are the two Daoists I brought back from Zhutian City, Daoist Shi Hao and Daoist Luo Hu, both of them are quasi-sacred realm powerhouses."

Xing Tian turned to introduce Shi Hao and Luo Hu to Hou Yi and the others.

"The quasi-sacred realm powerhouse, no wonder you can't feel that you are hiding in the dark, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Hou Yi spoke to Shi Hao and Luo Hu very enthusiastically.

"Your strength and realm have reached the peak of the eighth-order. As long as you have enough Pangu blood, you can also quickly step into the realm of the ancestors."

Shi Hao spoke to Hou Yi and the others with a smile on his face.

Speaking of the blood essence of Pangu, Hou Yi and others became interested again.

"Just now you said, from Zhutian City? Can you get enough Pangu blood essence there?"

Hou Yi asked in an open mouth.

"of course."

Shi Hao answered without hesitation.

"You see, fellow Xingtian, didn't you get enough Pangu blood essence and successfully broke through to the Ancestral Witch Realm?".

Chapter [-]: The Demon Master Kunpeng Arrives

"Then we can also get the blood of Pangu and break through to the realm of the ancestors?"

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