Bai Ye stared at the purple portal and said indifferently.

"Yes, the inside of that portal is the end point of all the avenues, where the tenth-order powerhouses go."

At this time, Xiao Bai's voice sounded slowly in Bai Ye's heart.

"As long as you step into it, you will cut off all the layers of the world, cause and effect."

After Bai Ye heard this, his body slowly flew upwards. He seemed to be attracted by a special force, and he couldn't help it.

However, when he was less than a hundred meters away from the portal, he suddenly woke up and stopped.

He can't step into the other side of this road just like this now.

He still has Zhutian City and many strong people in Zhutian City to deal with, and now he has not figured out everything so he can't step into it without worry.

But there was an unusually strong attraction that forced him to keep getting closer to the purple portal.

He seemed to have trouble severing the connection.

"This purple portal seems to have a strange magic that attracts me deeply. How can I avoid this attraction?"

Bai Ye asked Xiao Bai in his heart.

"¨"You only need to completely hide your own breath, and this purple portal will disappear, but it is not a long-term method. If you want to avoid this trouble first, you can only cut yourself and take a half step back, so that you can completely Cut off contact with this gateway to the other side of the road."

Xiaobai replied calmly.

"Self-cutting a knife?"

Bai Ye was obviously reluctant.

He has now stepped into the tenth-order realm, and if he cuts himself with a knife, it will be more than worth the loss for him.

"Actually, with the current situation of the city lord, there is no need to cut himself. As long as we deal with the affairs of Zhutian City as soon as possible, the city lord can step into it calmly."

Xiaobai answered.

"How long can you cut off this attraction by hiding your breath?"

Bai Ye asked again.

He also doesn't know how long it will take to deal with the affairs of Zhutian City, and he still has no clue about everything.

As for whether he will step into the other side of the road in the end, he is a little uncertain.

After all, no one knows what kind of place is on the other side of the road, what is there, and why some tenth-order powerhouses do not choose to enter it. He has to figure out these issues.

"It's hard to say. As long as the city lord reveals the tenth-order aura again, the portal on the other side of the road will appear again. It will depend on whether the city lord will reveal this aura in the next time."

Xiaobai answered very honestly, and the meaning was very clear.

As long as it doesn't reveal the breath of the tenth-order realm, it will be fine.


Bai Ye looked at the huge purple portal in the sky, and slowly disappeared all his breath.

As he disappeared from his body, the dazzling beam of light slowly disappeared at this time, and the purple portal hanging high in the sky also slowly disappeared.

As if it never existed. .

Chapter [*]: No trace of the tenth-order powerhouse

"I don't know why the tenth-order powerhouses in the Great Luo Honghuang World didn't enter the other side of the Tao."

Watching the huge purple portal disappear, Bai Ye said leisurely.

He seemed a little melancholy and puzzled in his heart, and needed some answers.

"The city owner finds them and asks them to know. I don't know this question, and some truths still need to be explored by the city owner himself."

Xiaobai's icy voice continued to sound.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a sullen voice, "Darro Prairie World, yes, it's time to enter the Great Loro Prairie World and see why those tenth-order powerhouses refuse to leave."

At this time, Bai Ye already had the intention of entering the world of Da Luo's great wasteland.

As long as he understands some things clearly, he can enter the world beyond the Tao with confidence.

Although he is not afraid of anything, after all, it is always good to know and prepare.

Afterwards, he slowly turned around from the sky, looked at the entire city of the heavens, and finally looked at all the powerful people in the city of the heavens who were looking forward to it.

With a faint smile on his face, his figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the eyes of all the powerhouses in Zhutian City.

"Meet the Lord of the City Lord (Supreme)"

Everyone respectfully saluted Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, and then said loudly to the crowd: "Now the time has come, you can enter the world of Da Luo's wild world as much as you can! Whether you are looking for treasures or experience, you don't need to worry about anything, you have to remember Behind you is the city of the heavens, and there is the city of the heavens standing behind you with me in any matter."


The powerhouses headed by dozens of Chaos Gods also responded loudly.

"I wonder if the Supreme has any specific instructions?"

At this time, the Qiu Mu Chaos God suddenly asked.

"I don't have any orders. You just need to enter the Great Luo Desolate World and do whatever you want, and you don't need to keep a low profile. I want this Great Luo Desolate World to be lively. You need to watch and help each other. If there is any huge danger, I will appear at any time."

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