Qiu Mu Chaoshen looked at Lao Tzu, Primordial Heavenly Venerate, Tongtian Sect Master, Nuwa, Zhunti and the Daoist, and spoke indifferently.

His eyes swept across these saints.

At this time, in other corners of the Great Luo's Desolate World, they observed six saints descending from the top, causing another uproar.

They haven't seen the saints show up for a long time since the last great catastrophe.

This time the six saints appear together, it is a rare scene!

Even in the last Conferred God Tribulation, they never saw the six saints appearing together.

The six saints appeared together, and it was also reflected from the side that this matter was probably not that simple.

Facing the question of Qiu Mu Chaos Venerable God, Lao Tzu, Primordial Heavenly Venerate and others did not rush to answer.

Instead, he tapped towards the ground, and Zhen Yuanzi, who was sealed under the ground, was liberated.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi appeared again, unkempt and ragged, looking particularly embarrassed.

There is no trace of fairy rhythm on him.

Zhenyuan Daxian, who used to cover the sky with only one hand, was also in dire straits at this time.

But this time he appeared, without any anger, but looked at the sky, his pupils shrank, and his heart was full of fear.

It was the first time that he had suffered such a blow. At this time, the aftermath of the stormy waves in his heart could not calm down for a long time.

"Thank you a few saints for your rescue!"

Zhenyuanzi came back to his senses, and quickly thanked Laozi Yuantianzun and others.

Several saints looked at him and nodded slightly.

"You go to the side to recuperate and rest first, and we will handle it here."

The original Tianzun said to Zhen Yuanzi, who had a dilapidated face.

"Trouble you saints."

Zhen Yuanzi is no longer standing here reluctantly. If a saint takes action, he can rest assured and observe slowly.

He would like to see what kind of strong man behind this is shooting him.

With that said, he retreated to the Wuzhuang Taoist Temple and went directly into the secret room to cultivate.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun's gaze fell again in front of Qiu Mu Chaoshen Zun and others.

Then he looked at the surrounding void, and said indifferently: "Come out, you don't have to hide in the dark, it will be exposed when you arrive."

In the dark, the five masters of chaos, Shi Hao, Luohu, and Xingtian, looked at each other, secretly startled.

Then they slowly walked out of the dark.

"Haha... As expected of a Dao-level powerhouse, he easily sensed our existence."

The Primal Chaos Lord looked at the original Tianzun and smiled slightly.

After they appeared, the remaining [*]-odd Chaos Venerable Gods and the powerhouses from the Endless Shattered Realm also came out.

There were more than forty quasi-sage-level powerhouses at once, and even if they were six saints, their pupils shrank slightly.

There are more than [*] strong people in the void plus more than a dozen quasi-sacred realm powerhouses on the ground, there are [*] quasi-sacred realm powerhouses!

With so many quasi-saint-level powerhouses, they are completely comparable to the Great Luo Honghuang World, or even more!

This made them feel a little surprised.

Could it be that there is a world comparable to them outside the Great Luo Hongyuan world?

All of a sudden, they had many thoughts in their minds.

"Where are you from? You shouldn't be the powerhouses in the Great Luo Honghuang World. What is the purpose of coming to the Great Luo Honghuang World?"

The original Tianzun's eyes flickered, staring at the Lord of the Court and others and said.

His tone was not so sharp, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"We are indeed not the powerhouses in the Great Luo Hongyuan World. You won't know where we came from. It's better not to say it."

Facing the six saints, the Lord of Courtland replied calmly.

"So, is there really another big world outside of the Great Luo Hongyuan world?"

The original Tianzun seems to be asking and talking to himself.

"Of course, your Great Luo Honghuang World is not unique. It should be said that besides your Great Luo Honghuang World, there are many other great worlds that exist, but you just don't know about it."

The Lord of Courtyard spoke indifferently once again.

"Oh? There are many other big worlds? We didn't even notice? So how did you cross the world?"

At this time, Lao Tzu's eyes flashed, and he said to the ruler of Tingyuan and others.

"We naturally have our own methods, but it is inconvenient to tell them."

The court master replied.

"Inconvenient to tell? Do you want me to wait for you to take all of you and ask them one by one?!"

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