Although the powerhouses hiding in the dark are very powerful, they are still dominated by the saints in the Great Luo Honghuang World.

He doesn't believe that in the Great Luo Hongyuan world, there are more powerful existences than these saints!

"If he doesn't show up, no matter what today, don't try to leave this great Luohuang world!"

Daoist Zhunti suddenly looked ruthless, and again came to suppress the ruler of the court and others.

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This time his strength has no reservations, and it seems that he will suppress all the rulers of Tingyuan and others with one blow.

The energy of the entire Great Luo Wild World is constantly surging, it seems that it is constantly changing with the ups and downs of his breath.

The endless laws of the Great Luo Honghuang continued to permeate and turbulent, and the Lord of Courtyard and others suddenly felt an unusually strong pressure.

The Daoist Zhunti came to them in an instant and shouted, "Suppression!"

One of his big hands pressed directly towards the ruler of the court and the others, and countless secret patterns of the laws of heaven filled his hand.

The Lord of Courtyard and the others wanted to resist, but they couldn't move. At this moment, they were completely enveloped by the power of the laws of the Great Luo Wild World.


Bai Ye, who was on the top of the Zhutian Tower, saw this, slowly shook his head, and said lightly: "It seems that I have to go off to play in person."

As he said that, his figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the great Luohuang world.

And in an instant, he came to the front of Daoist Zhunti, and with a slap, he directly slapped the mighty Daoist Zhunti!

Bai Ye fluttered with a palm, but Daoist Zhunti seemed to be attacked by the entire avenue, and the cassock of his body suddenly burst open.

The blood gushed from the nose and mouth, and the body barely stopped until it flew hundreds of millions of miles away.

The other five saints looked at the sudden appearance of Bai Ye in horror.

A simple palm can seriously injure Zhun Ti Dao!

This is something that none of the saints in their presence can do. Although Daoist Zhunti is the weakest among the six saints, he is still a saint-level powerhouse!

The unfamiliar powerhouse in front of him could actually hurt the Daoist Zhunti so easily. His strength is extremely terrifying!

At this moment, they stood there in a daze, their eyes widened, staring at Bai Ye in disbelief.

Bai Ye is standing in the void with his hands on his back, which can be said to be unusually detached, and his body exudes the brilliance of the heavens, which looks unusually sacred.

"Meet the Lord of the City Lord (Supreme)!"

Seeing Bai Ye's sudden appearance, all the experts in Zhutian City present saluted Bai Gong respectfully.

Bai Ye glanced at them and said indifferently, "No need to be too polite." Nai.

Chapter [*]: Destroy the Great Luo Famine World

"Who are you?!"

The original Tianzun frowned and looked at Bai Ye and said.

In the face of a powerhouse like Bai Ye, he did not dare to be careless. After all, Bai Ye made him feel the presence of fear.

At this time, the five saints of them are filled with unusual aura, ready to attack or defend at any time.

They can feel the arrival of Bai Ye, which is definitely unusual, and I am afraid it has a different purpose.

Seeing Yuan Tianzun open his question, Bai Ye glanced at him lightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know this, so let those who can speak come out."

Bai Ye said calmly with his hands on his back.

His face was neither sad nor happy, as if he was not looking down on Yuanshi Tianzun, but as if his nature was like this.

In his mouth, the so-called able to speak refers to the tenth-order powerhouse in the Great Luo Honghuang World.

"I'm not qualified? The saints I waited for in the entire Great Luo Hongyuan world are the supreme powerhouses, so I won't be qualified? If I'm not qualified to speak, then who else is qualified?!"

The original Tianzun looked gloomy, and responded coldly, Bai Ye's arrogant attitude made him feel unhappy.

As a saint in the Great Luo Hongyuan world, this is the first time he has been despised and looked down upon.

If ordinary people talk to him like this, I don't know how many times they have been annihilated.

But when Bai Ye spoke like this, he could only hold back the murderous aura in his heart.

Listening to the words of the original Tianzun, Bai Ye showed an indifferent smile on his face, and said slowly: "Supreme? Are you people worthy of being called supreme? You are just created creatures."

Bai Ye's words once again deeply stabbed the nerves of several saints such as Primordial Tianzun.

"You said that, is there any existence in the Great Luo Honghuang world that is stronger than me and other saints?"

When Bai Ye said this, the hearts of several of their saints were shaken. At this time, Nu Wa couldn't help but said.

Bai Ye didn't answer her words, and he didn't seem to have the patience to talk to them.

Instead, he looked at the dome of the Great Luo Honghuang World, and said lightly, "I've already come here in person, do you still want to show up? Do you think it's alright to just keep your face and make no sound?"

Bai Ye's words were very light, but they spread to every corner of the entire Great Luo's wild world.

"Who are you talking to?!"

Lao Tzu's old eyes twinkled with light. He looked at Bai Ye's eyes and stared at the dome of the Great Luo Honghuang World, which seemed unusual. He frowned and asked.

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