Chuangshi Yuanling and Xiyan stood aside and did not speak.

Xiyan looked at Bai Ye, she tried to observe Bai Ye's realm strength, but she found that Bai Ye was like an inestimable abyss that she couldn't see through at all.


She could judge that Bai Ye's realm of strength should be far above them.

It can even be said that it is very different from them.

She didn't know that there would be such a strong powerhouse outside the world beyond the Tao. It was a bit unimaginable.

Originally, she thought that the realm of Daozhi had come to an end.

Taoism never ends.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Since fellow Daoist said so, then I will go out and see how beneficial the energy of this supreme avenue is. Do you want to join us?"

"I am willing to go with fellow Daoist Bai Ye."

With a smile on his face, Destiny Time and Space Ling said immediately.

Bai Ye watched him answer so quickly, with the same smile on his face, and he could feel the great expectations of the spirit beasts in the time and space of destiny.

Then his eyes turned to the Creation Yuanling and Xiyan.

"what about you?"

Bai Ye looked at them both.

Although Xiyan looked very unfamiliar, he could tell that this beautiful woman was also a tenth-order powerhouse.

It seems that she should have been brought to Zhutian City by the Creation Primordial Spirit and the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast.

"We would like to go together."

Before waiting for the creation of the primordial spirit to speak, Jiang Yi and the nightmare suddenly came out from the tower of the heavens.

They slowly came to Bai Ye and the others, smiled and said.

Bai Ye glanced at them and said with a light smile, "You all recovered?" Nai.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty: The Destruction of the Great Luo Famine World


Jiang Yi said with a smile on his face.

At this time, he and the Nightmare have completely condensed the flesh, and the breath on the body has become more profound and unfathomable.

"Although there is still a little distance from our peak period, it is not a big problem. This time, we can go out with Daoist Bai Ye to see the reincarnation of the avenue."

Nodding at night.

He did not expect that Ji Yi and Nightmare would recover so quickly. It seems that the utility of those supreme substances is really no trivial matter.

"We are also willing to go out with Daoist Bai Ye to have a look."

At this time, Chuangshi Yuanling opened the mouth and said.

Xi Yan also agreed.

The Daozhi realm powerhouses present agreed to go, and it was not easy for them to refuse.

"Very well, then let's go."

Bai Ye saw several people who were willing to go, with a shallow smile on their faces, and when they raised their hands, a huge passage appeared over Zhutian City.

Just as they were about to step in, the Primordial Primal Chaos Master among the five Chaos Masters suddenly said, "Lord City Lord, can we go with us?"

Bai Ye turned his head slightly to look at him, and smiled lightly: "Do you want to go and see too?"

"We also want to see the scene of the reincarnation of the avenue. We have never experienced this before. We don't know what the reincarnation of the avenue is like."

The Lord of Courtyard then opened his mouth and said.

"Yeah, Dao Reincarnation, even if I can't wait for any chance, I believe that after experiencing Dao Reincarnation once, I should have a lot of insights. I wonder if Lord City Lord can bring us together?"

At this time, Luo Hu also said.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, it is very dangerous for their realm of strength to go to the outside world. If those Dao spirits perceive their existence, they will destroy them without hesitation."

Before Bai Ye could reply, Chuangshi Yuanling suddenly said.

"Oh? Dao Ling?"

Bai Ye didn't seem to know the existence of Dao Ling.

The Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast standing aside explained: "Daoling is the incarnation of the Supreme Dao, not in the heavens and the world, the strength is strong or weak, but no matter what, they have enough strength to destroy any A world and the creatures in it, so as long as they find any creature, they will destroy it without hesitation. After the destruction, the energy of the creature will return to the embrace of the Supreme Dao. The Dao energy will be replenished to form a new cycle."

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully.

"Then what is their strongest strength?"

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, then asked another question.

"The strongest should be the Daozhi realm, maybe weaker than the average Daozhi realm, but if they are united, they will look extraordinarily terrifying. Not long ago, we met in the Great Luo Honghuang World However, there are six golden Dao spirits, and their realm of strength is weaker than that of ordinary Daozhi realm powerhouses, but suddenly their breaths condense into one, they will become very different, and they can instantly increase a few small levels. , not to be underestimated.”

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny then replied.

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