"You can take action, you can't hurt me in 2.1, I still say that, you are all under my control, as long as I think about it, you can decide your life and death, my words are not just words , although you don't believe it, but I have to prove it to you."

Bai Ye said unconcernedly.

"Okay, then I won't let go!"

"Swords open forever!"

The cold and stern young Yan Mo suddenly slashed towards Bai Ye with a sword, and a jet-black sword intent pierced through all the barriers of time and space, and the ages seemed like waves rolling under his long sword.

Countless big and small worlds are constantly annihilated under the eternal sword intent that loves him, dissipating silently.

This is a strange, domineering sword with the meaning of endless destruction. It opened the time and space of the ages, cut off the barriers of the world, and instantly descended in front of Bai Ye. .

Chapter seven hundred and seventy first: peerless transcendence

Facing this terrifying sword, Bai Ye still stood in the distance, with his body firmly rooted there, without the slightest intention to move.

It's just that his face is solemn at this moment, his eyes burst into dazzling brilliance, and his lips move slightly: "Stagnation!"

With the words of his majesty falling, Shifang Tianyu was affected, and the sword light that was enough to destroy everything suddenly stopped in front of him.

The wind quenched the clouds.

The endless sword intent of destruction all dissipated at this moment, and only an eternal sword light remained there, like a light that was frozen in an instant.

The tumultuous time and space all subsided at this time.

This amazing scene shocked everyone present.

Especially the black-robed Yan Mo opened his eyes slightly, and an unbelievable light erupted in his eyes.

He really couldn't believe that Bai Ye didn't move at all, just spit out two words and easily blocked him with a unique strike.

"This...how is this possible?!"

The black-robed Yan Mo, holding the jet-black long sword in his hand, muttered to himself in horror.

Even if the strike just now did not use all of his strength, he at least used [*]% to [*]% of his strength.

To be blocked 29 times by the other party quietly, this is simply a myth.

At this time, his heart was violently surging, and it was difficult for him to calm down for a long time.

This seemingly calm junior in front of him has a realm of strength that he can't imagine.

"What kind of strength are you?!"

After being silent for a long time, Yan Mo's eyes exuded a stern brilliance, staring at Bai Ye and said.

With a smile on Bai Ye's face, he waved his hand slightly, and the eternal sword light in front of him turned into a little fluorescent light and dissipated in front of him.

"I've already said that everything about you is under my control, even with the blessing of the Supreme Dao."

Bai Ye simply said this sentence, and did not reveal his current realm of strength.

The more he behaved, the more incomprehensible he became.

"Hey, don't pretend to be a ghost, although I don't know what kind of means you used, but I think your realm should be similar to mine, in this world there is no room for existence above the realm of Daozhi, so I dare to conclude Your realm of strength is definitely not above the realm of Daozhi. You should have obtained it. It is a treasure of the Dao. Otherwise, it is impossible to block my attack so easily. If I am not wrong, it should be a domain type. Treasures of the road!"

Yan Mo's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he said.

"The treasure of the avenue? How can you see it?"

Hearing his words, Bai Ye became interested.

Indeed, his realm of strength is not much higher than theirs, and he has not broken through to the realm above Daozhi.

But the other party could guess that he was using a realm treasure, which made him feel a little incredible.

He did use the Ten Directions Forbidden Great Array, which belongs to the domain, but it is not the so-called great treasure.

Listening to the other party's tone, is there such a power as the so-called Great Dao Treasure?

"Hmph, isn't that obvious? Everything you've shown is enough to explain. Just follow the law, and just two words can block my attack. It's not a domain-like avenue treasure."

Yan Mo snorted again and said.

"It seems that you are still quite smart, but you guessed wrong. I don't have any so-called domain-type avenue treasures, and even the first time I heard what the avenue treasures are."

Bai Ye said bluntly with his hands on his back.

"Hey, stop pretending to be a ghost here, even if you have the treasure of the avenue, you can't stop us all, and your treasure won't have much effect under the supreme avenue. The treasure of the avenue originates from the supreme avenue, since the source In the Supreme Dao, then the Supreme Dao can be suppressed! Your so-called self-confidence is just a fragile porcelain bottle!"

Yan Mo still insisted that Bai Ye possessed the treasure of the Great Dao.

However, Bai Ye raised his brows slightly, and didn't want to explain anything, and said directly: "Since you think so, then you can use the Supreme Dao to attack and see if the Supreme Dao can work."

Although Bai Ye's tone was not very sonorous and powerful, it revealed an unspeakable domineering in the dullness.

"Okay, I want to see how you're going to stop it next!"

Yan Mo stared at Bai Ye with a pair of eyes like the demon god of the abyss, and said with a cold face.

At this time, he closed his eyes slightly, raised the long sword in his hand again, and wanted to invoke the mighty power of the Supreme Avenue.

However, just when he communicated with the Supreme Dao, suddenly an inexplicable energy blocked his connection with the Supreme Dao!

He suddenly raised his brows, opened his eyes in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible, how did I lose contact with the Supreme Avenue! What did you do?!"

His sharp eyes turned to Bai Ye again.

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