The little old man glanced at her and said, "Hua Luo, don't you want to leave this brand behind to protect your eternal hell? If you take action against the Supreme Dao, you should know the consequences, don't you want to give up everything? "

The hot witch Hualuo smiled and said with a wicked smile: "After guarding the endless years, the eternal hell has also given birth to three strong men in the realm of Daozhi. They entered the world beyond the Dao, and I have completed the task. Dormant is quiet. Countless years have finally rekindled the blood today, even if it fades away in the splendor, there is no regret.

Hua Luo's pair of bewitching pupils shone with extremely terrifying rays of light, looking at the supreme avenue on the dome with endless fighting intent.

"¨"Haha, what Hua Luo said is right, rather than being driven by the eternal drive of the Supreme Dao, it is better to fight with the light and disappear in the endless glory."

Gu Ling in the golden armor, with a pair of golden eyes beating, stared at the movement in the sky, tightly holding the long spear in his hand, ready to search at any time.

You can faintly see the power of the terrifying Dao Law permeating his body surface, and the void is constantly shattering and reorganizing on the surface of the body, which looks extremely terrifying.

The little old man fell silent after listening to the two people's passionate words. His small and turbid eyes were also shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Old man, you've lived for so long, and it's enough. At this time, are you still going to continue to live, or your blood has already cooled down, and it's not the same as it used to be?"

Hua Luo glanced at the dwarf old man, and then quietly watched the thousands of beasts galloping in the dome, as if one by one incomparably bright fireworks were blooming, and the terrifying fluctuations seemed to be like billions of stars exploding.

The Supreme Avenue seemed to be angry at this time, and a wave of supreme consciousness recovered, and a big boundless hand suddenly appeared, pinching the divine beasts in their hands, completely obliterating them.

"Are you trying to betray me, humble ants!"

In the sky suddenly appeared an endless primordial purple light, dazzling and dazzling, forming a huge face of light above the dome.

He looks like a human but not a human, and like a beast but not a beast, making it difficult for people to see his true face, but he can see the general outline.

The consciousness of the Supreme Dao appeared, and the whole world became extremely heavy. At this time, everyone seemed to be pressing a great world on them, and they felt a lot of pressure. .

Chapter [*]: Subvert everything, restart the world

"Take me as an ant, and today I, the ant, have to contend with the Tao!"

Meng Mu's tall body is incomparably tall and straight, and the power on his body is endless, like a sea of ​​stars shrouding the sky in all directions.

The whole world was shaking constantly, the space was instantly shattered for hundreds of millions of miles, and all material turned into chaos.

The chaotic energy continued to roll, and it continued to diffuse towards the surrounding at a crazy speed.

Standing in the chaos, he was really like a demon god, his body covered the sky and the sun, and the endless chaotic energy fell from his body.

Suddenly with a loud shout, the body instantly turned into countless light spots, transformed into countless divine beasts, just like hundreds of millions of suns, hanging in the void, illuminating the eternal space, and it looked extremely spectacular.

One after another mythical beasts raised their heads and hissed, standing in the void again, roaring and roaring, rushing towards the Supreme Avenue with the final brilliance.

Bright rays of light streak across the sky, like violent meteors, marching forward, bursting out the so-called power and law, like a warrior who will never look back, which is extraordinarily tragic.

Everyone in the void seemed to be able to see Meng Mu's unyielding face on every divine beast.

There seemed to be a deafening sound.

kill kill kill! ! !

I have been enlightened for 497 million years, and I have no regrets. I do not fight with Tao, but with whom!When the man is alive, even if it is an instant fireworks, it will make the world dazzling!

This sound awakened thousands of Daozhi realm powerhouses present.

One by one, they stared at the incomparably firm and tragic void in the shadow of the pastor!

"The ants dare to argue with the Tao, annihilate it!"

The huge face on the dome sneered mercilessly.

One after another terrifying fluctuations swayed out, forming a light of supreme law like an autumn sickle slashing across hundreds of millions of divine beasts.

Boom boom boom! ! !

One after another mythical beast was hit and shattered in the air, and it really burst into a dazzling light like fireworks, but this fireworks was many times more dazzling and gorgeous than the fireworks in the world.

It's just that this attack did not stop all the divine beasts, and the rest of the divine beasts rushed into the supreme avenue space almost instantly.

Like countless stars, an extremely dazzling light erupted, and countless explosions sounded.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the end, the huge face in the sky was deformed by the bombing, and even a small part of the face disappeared.

This is extremely amazing, this is part of the Dao that obliterated the Supreme Dao.

The Supreme Avenue was completely angry: "Give me complete annihilation!"

In the end, the Supreme Dao seemed to have caught the last bit of Meng Mu's true spirit brand and ruthlessly crushed it.

At this moment, Mengmu's breath completely disappeared in the whole world.

Watching Meng Mu completely disappear from the ground, the young man in golden armor was holding a golden spear.

"It's my turn, it turns out that the Supreme Dao is not as indelible as imagined!"

Gu Ling, a man in golden armor, stepped up to the sky and said excitedly.

Seeing that Meng Mu actually wiped out part of the Dao rhyme of the Supreme Avenue, he felt extremely excited and waved his spear.

The surrounding space kept shaking, as if the whole world was dancing with his spear, and the endless chaos suddenly set off a wave of hundreds of millions of feet, turning the stars in the heavens and the world.

"You ants want to challenge me too?!"

Gu Ling, who was staring at the golden armor, said coldly and harshly on the Supreme Avenue.

Gu Ling didn't answer his words, his body and the long spear in his hand became one, and he said calmly: "Where the long spear goes, all worlds return to the ruins!"

The golden spear turned into a long golden line and rushed directly to the Supreme Avenue, and the sky shattered into a straight eternal nothingness.

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