The eyes of the Supreme Avenue suddenly looked down at the white night like two blazing eternal suns and said. .

Chapter [-]: Formal fight

"bring it on!"

Bai Ye said in a low voice, his eyes bursting with dazzling light, like the sun and the moon rising out of the abyss, and his whole body was filled with endless fighting intent.

The aura spreads to the infinite space that can be perceived.

At this time, he was like a supreme god of war standing in the void, the energy package of the entire city of the heavens, and at this time he felt an unprecedented power.

Extraordinarily abundant energy.

Within a thousand feet of his body, the power of the avenue automatically retreated.

At this time, his whole person looked sacred and inviolable, full of great majesty.

At this moment, he has a feeling that he has surpassed the realm of Daozhi, surpassing everything.

At this time, a small crack appeared between his eyebrows, as if it was a mark of 'Tao', like his third eye.

All things in the world are invisible in front of him!

At this moment, he can see the true appearance of the Supreme Avenue, and it is no longer so vague.

It became exceptionally clear.

In the 29 mysterious spaces of the highest dome, in an endless purple-gold lake, there is the most original Dao rule power water vapor.

Above the lake, there are spheres of worlds, densely floating above the lake, wrapped by the power of rules.

It can be seen that these world spheres have returned to their original state, and they look chaotic without any color.

Obviously this is the result of the reincarnation of the Great Way, so that all the worlds have no color, and all the energy has been drained.

However, at this time, tiny world spheres were also born from the purple-gold lake.

Bai Ye guessed that these newly born world spheres should be some small thousand worlds among the heavens and the world.

All the worlds are born from the endless lakes in the mysterious space of the Supreme Avenue.

These lakes should be the source of life for the entire Supreme Dao and even the heavens and the world.

Above these world spheres, Bai Ye saw an eternal figure sitting cross-legged.

His posture is very strange, composed of the five elements of heaven and earth, full of supreme aura.

The aura of the heavens circulated on the figure, and it was unusually aloof.

The shape is also very strange.

His feet are like the roots of old trees, rooted in the spheres of the heavens, his body is like a mountain, the shape of a beast is like that of a beast, his head is human, his arms are shining with gold, his eyes are like fire, his ears are accompanied by the wind, and his long hair is like water.

The wisps of energy floating around represent the most powerful and supreme energy and rules of the heavens and the world!

Ordinary strong people see 'it' and can't help prostrate on the ground and worship.

However, Bai Ye did not have any such feeling.

At this time, all he has is endless fighting will, and he is about to completely erase the consciousness of this supreme avenue.


At this time, the consciousness of the supreme avenue in the mysterious space suddenly opened its eyes, and seemed to realize that Bai Ye was prying over.

It descended directly across the numerous spaces, suddenly appeared like ten thousand layers of light and shadow, broke through all the defenses, and slapped Bai Ye's heart directly with a palm.

bang bang bang! ! !

In an instant, a big explosion occurred in the space, shaking nine days and ten places. The billions of layers of space were like the thin ice on the surface of the lake in early winter shattering constantly.

It seems that these space debris can be seen flying around with the naked eye.

Chuangshi Yuanling and others quickly withdrew far away, and even got into the space-time layer.

Even so, they were hit hard.

The time and space around them are constantly distorted, and they use all means to maintain the balance.

In the end, they couldn't resist the aftermath of the Supreme Dao's shot, and when they were about to be crushed into serious injuries by time and space, the fate time and space spirit beasts shot and brought them into the long river of fate at the critical moment.

This allowed them to escape unscathed.

"It's really scary!"

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Chuangshi Yuanling's mouth, who came to the river of destiny, and said with lingering fears.

"Supreme Daoist shot in person is really not what we can imagine, and we don't know how Daoist Bai Ye is doing now, will it be okay?!"

"I don't know, but I don't think there will be any major danger. We have all seen it. Daoist Bai Ye has changed completely. It is very close to the Supreme Avenue, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

On the side of the fate time-space spirit beast, the chest heaved slightly and turned the breath to open the mouth.

He didn't have any injuries, but the breath on his body became a little disordered.

Like Chuangshi Yuanling and Jiang Yi, Nightmare and Xiyan have different degrees of injury.

After all, his strength is much stronger than them.

Listening to the words of the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast, several people nodded slightly, expressing their agreement.

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