Then it can be said that it would be meaningless for them to enter the world beyond the Tao.

"It's okay to let you go, but on the road behind, only the strong can move on, so if you want to move on, you have to pass me."

As Bai Ye opened his mouth, the big black snake said coldly after thinking about it.

"Do you mean to continue fighting?"

Bai Ye looked at the black snake in front of him, frowned slightly, and said with a not very good-looking face.

"There is no need for a life-and-death battle, as long as any one of you can catch my full blow, then even if you have my approval, I will not pay more attention to you no matter how advanced you are."

The black snake said calmly.

It is a step to say such a thing, no matter what the result is, it can retreat calmly.

Hearing that, Bai Ye's expression softened.

He doesn't care what the big snake in front of him intends, just a single blow will not consume him much energy at all.

He could agree to this.

"Okay, let's do it! I'll take your all-out blow."

Bai Ye said calmly.

He has a ten-direction banning formation, and as long as it is a strong person in the realm of Daozhi, he can catch it, and the same is true for the previous blow.

The energy consumed can also be said to be relatively small, and he can still remain calm and calm.

"Okay, I knew it was you who would stand up. My attack this time is not on the same level as before. You'd better think about it clearly before making a decision."

The big black snake said with a very humane sneer.

"In any case, if I don't take your move, I'm afraid we can't help ourselves. Even if you are strong, we have no choice."

Bai Ye looked at it still as calm as water and said.

The big black snake just sneered and didn't speak again.

If Bai Ye can't catch it, then the powerhouses in front of him will be eaten by their partners.

On the other side of the Tao, the world is a world of the weak, especially in this place of exile.

The weak will only be destroyed.

"Since you've figured it out, then I'll take action!"

The black snake opened its mouth wide, and a pale man crawled out of its mouth. He was naked and full of disgusting liquid. The man directly pulled out the two big fangs in the snake's mouth...  ......

As two sharp swords, they charged directly towards Bai Ye.

The moment he rushed out, there were tens of thousands of figures exactly like him in the void.

"Mamba Dance!"

The man who climbed out of the black snake's mouth shot directly.

The sword light traversed the three thousand worlds, and the stars of sword energy fell down one after another.

The void was cut open, turned into countless fragments, constantly shattered, and the terrifying sword qi constantly shuttled in and out.

The nearby mountains and mountains were directly smashed into pieces by the terrifying sword energy, and terrifying black holes appeared in the void.

Creation Yuanling's own destiny, the space-time spirit beasts, all withdrew far away in the first time.

"This time, the Mamba Snake really did his best."

Several giant beasts looked at the void that was constantly being shattered, and said quietly.

"It wants to kill all of them here, it depends on whether the human powerhouse can resist it."

Bai Ye looked at everything in front of him, and still stood calmly in place. When the sword qi of destruction approached him, he just frowned slightly, and countless sword qi dissipated from his front.

"Destroy them all to me!"

Bai Ye opened his mouth softly, waved his hand, and suddenly all the tens of thousands of figures that were shuttled in front of him suddenly stopped.

They looked at Bai Ye in disbelief, and then their bodies melted little by little, completely disappearing into this world.

As all the figures in the void disappeared, the black big snake in the distance suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood from his mouth.

It looked at Bai Ye, who was standing still, and his heart trembled, but he didn't think too much about it, so he turned and left.

It was very clean and neat like running away, without any hesitation.

It was obviously frightened by the power of Bai Ye!

The human powerhouse in front of him is definitely not something he can provoke!

If it guessed correctly, this human powerhouse should have stepped into the realm of boundless Tao!

The existence of this realm can be killed with just a wave of your hand! .

Chapter [*]: The giant beast retreats, the city of chaos

A powerhouse in the realm of Dao Wuya is absolutely the supreme existence in the entire exile land.

No one dared to provoke.

The beasts on the opposite side looked at Bai Ye's astonishing performance, and they all felt a shiver all over their bodies, and there was a faint cold air flowing through their bodies.

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