Will there still be a large number of creatures living in it?

"Let's go and have a look."

Bai Ye spoke lightly with his hands on his back, and he was also very surprised by the huge city that appeared in this exile. 507

Several people followed Bai Ye to the outside of the huge city.

Bai Ye looked up and saw that on the huge city wall, there were many terrifying traces of animal claws and gaps in divine soldiers.

From these traces, it can be clearly seen that this huge city has withstood a lot of terrorist attacks.

Above the city gate, there are four incomparably ancient characters written—City of Chaos!

"City of Chaos."

"The name is interesting. It is very similar to this place, and it is also very appropriate."

Bai Ye muttered to himself.

Just when they arrived at the city gate, two beams of light suddenly descended from the sky. In the golden beams, two creatures wearing golden armor and holding golden spears looked at Bai Ye and others with majesty. He opened his mouth and asked: "Who are you?! The city of chaos should not be approached by idle people and others!"

Bai Ye looked at the two golden armored guards and said with a slight smile: "Can't you get close to me? We just want to enter the city to see. Is there any other condition for entering this chaotic city?"

"You want to enter the City of Chaos? It is impossible to enter the City of Chaos without an invitation. I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, the spears in our hands will not be merciful! "

The golden armor guard said coldly. .

Chapter [*]: It's that simple, let you be convinced

The breath on them was extremely fiery, making people feel a strong sense of oppression.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's breath to block all the pressure, the Creation Primordial Spirit and the others would really be unbearable.

Bai Ye was a little puzzled by the invitation mentioned by the two golden armor guards.

"Invitation? What invitation? Whose invitation is needed?"

Bai Ye's eyebrows moved slightly and he said.

He did not expect that there are conditions and rules to enter this chaotic city.

Seems like some kind of invitation is needed to get in?

"As long as your strength is strong enough, and there are no monstrous sins, the inspection envoys of the Chaos City will naturally send you an invitation letter to enter the Chaos City."

The golden armor guard said lightly.

"But it's obvious that your strength has not reached the standard. You don't need to check by the inspector, and I can judge your strength level."

The golden eyes of the golden armor guard glanced at Bai Ye and others. Based on the breath of Bai Ye and the others, they had a judgment in their own hearts.

"Oh? What kind of strength can be recognized? Some things can't be seen on the surface, especially the realm of strength."

Bai Ye carried his hands on his back, smiled faintly, and behaved very kindly.

He didn't care much about the contempt of the two golden armors.

At this moment, a special aura faintly circulated on his body, and the Ten Directions Forbidden Great Array has been quietly released, shrouding the two golden armored guards in front of him.

Yet they didn't notice it at all.

"It seems that you are quite confident. It is very simple to get the recognition of your strength. In addition to getting an invitation letter, another way is to defeat us and test your sins in front of the Holy Blood Stone. You can enter as long as you meet the requirements. into the city of chaos."

Seeing Bai Ye, the golden armor guard refused to give up, and showed a calm and calm expression from beginning to end.

They felt that Bai Ye seemed a little complicated.

Maybe he's really not as simple as they seem?

However, even if it is not simple, it is not easy to defeat the two of them. Although the strength of the two of them is not at the peak of Daozhi, they have also reached the middle of Daozhi, and the two of them cooperate with each other, and their strength will be amazing. improvement.

Unless Bai Ye and others have the strength of Daozhi Peak, otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to enter the Chaos City.

Originally, after they said this request, Bai Ye and others would wisely choose to retreat.

However, what they didn't expect was that instead of retreating, Bai Ye didn't even show any embarrassment on his face. Instead, a smile appeared on his face, and he said with a relaxed expression: "Is it that simple?"

"Huh, simple? Are you underestimating us too much?! It is not difficult to enter the Chaos City through us. It is easy for the lord to be inspected to issue an invitation letter! There are not many people who enter the Chaos City from us. I think you still have to think clearly before you speak, once we make a move, we won't stop there! Don't lose your life because of a momentary anger!"

For Bai Ye's easy and indifferent answer, they seemed to have been insulted, and strands of cold murderous aura permeated from them.


Bai Ye smiled again, and as soon as he said these words, the two golden armor guards who wanted to do it suddenly froze. At this moment, they realized that our body could not move at all!

No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free.

The two of them looked at Bai Ye in surprise, frowned and said, "What did you do to us?!"

Bai Ye smiled indifferently and said: "It's not what you said, as long as you defeat you? What? Is it wrong for me to do this?"

In Bai Ye's ten-direction forbidden formation, Bai Ye wants to defeat them, it is not too simple.

Although it will consume some energy, it is also inevitable.

"Break it for me!"

The two golden armor guards knew that it was Bai Ye's method. The two of them suddenly burst into an unparalleled momentum. The whole world was shaking, and the endless golden rays of light released endless energy. Two suns appeared on the ground.

However, even so, they were still unable to break free, as if an inexplicable mysterious force had firmly anchored them.

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