There are not many people who can offend the little Marquis of Zhenhai and stay safe.

And those people also have deep backgrounds.

Everyone is a descendant or a genius who came out from the big forces in the outside world.

Their background is comparable to that of the Marquis of Zhenhai, and even more powerful.

But they all acted very low-key.

Unlike Zhenhai Hou Xiaohou Ye so arrogant.

Just when the dozen or so Red Flame Guards were about to pierce Bai Ye's body, suddenly, transparent barriers rose up in front of Bai Ye, blocking all attacks.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break this barrier, which made more than a dozen Scarlet Flame Guards feel terrified.

Their attacks were actually blocked by all of them?And they didn't see any movement in Bai Ye's body.

And his hands were still behind his back, looking at them calmly.

His light-hearted eyes made them feel very shocked and insulted.

Bai Ye glanced at them with slightly lowered eyelids, and took a step forward gently with his hands on his back, as if he didn't see them at all.

Bai Ye behaved like this, like a strong adult looking at a dozen hard-working urchins.

There was an air of contempt on his body.So.

Chapter [*]: Guessing the identity background, changing attitudes


The Marquis of Zhenhai seems to have noticed that Bai Ye is not easy.

"It was so easy to block everything. It seems that your strength is not as weak as it looks on the surface. No wonder you were so tough before."

He seemed to be interested in Bai Ye all of a sudden.

"It's just some trivial means, but there is no problem in dealing with some small trash fish."

Bai Ye walked forward slowly with his hands on his back, as if he was in a no-man's land, and the dozen or so Scarlet Flame Guards around him were all frozen in shape, standing in place and unable to move.

They could only let Bai Ye slowly approach their little Marquis, and they could only watch helplessly.

Although they also tried hard to break free from the invisible bondage, it was of no use.

The time and space around them are completely banned. If there is no strength to transcend the realm of Taoism, it is basically impossible to break free from Baiye's ten-direction prohibition formation.

"Miscellaneous fish? Did I mention this little Marquis as well?"

The Marquis of Zhenhai also noticed the abnormality of more than a dozen Chi Yan guards around him, and looked at Bai Ye coldly and said.

Bai Ye raised his brows slightly and said calmly, "You can think so, because in my eyes, you are not much better than these little trash fish."

Bai Ye's words can be described as unusual contempt, showing a peerless powerhouse attitude.

The little Marquis of Zhenhai frowned tightly for the first time.

The special temperament on Bai Ye's body doesn't seem to be pretended.

At this moment, he couldn't figure out what Bai Ye's real strength realm was.

In fact, it wasn't just him. At this time, the entire Chaos City was very surprised by Bai Ye's amazing strength.

Originally, in their opinion, Bai Ye was just a little rookie who had just reached the primary level of Daozhi.

But what he didn't expect was that in the face of the lore of more than a dozen powerful Scarlet Flame Guards, he could easily block it!

And the dozen or so Scarlet Flame Guards who besieged him seem to be unable to move at this moment. They don't know what kind of powerful means Bai Ye has used to make more than a dozen Scarlet Flame Guards immobile!

For a while, the entire Chaos City was full of discussions.

"It seems that this person is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. His realm of strength is far more than what it looks like on the surface. Judging from his appearance and the aura of the years flowing from his body, he should still be very young. I don't know if it is which one A powerful successor, or character, who came out of the big forces."

"Impossible, right? He would be a arrogant figure who came from a big power outside? The clothes on their bodies and the aura on their bodies are not very similar, and people from big power outside will usually be notified. And there will be Terrible guardians, there is nothing in them that has these points."

"It's hard to say. I've heard that some ancient hidden sects and aristocratic families out there will be very low-key. They are never very public when they walk outside. Maybe they belong to this category."

"If what you said is true, then the little Marquis of Zhenhai probably kicked a hard rock."

They wantonly talked about the background of Bai Ye.

Their conversation was naturally heard by Bai Ye and Zhenhai Hou Xiaohou Ye.

Bai Ye didn't have any mood swings about these rumors.

Because he doesn't have any feeling about it at all.

However, the little Marquis of Zhenhai is different. He also has such a guess in his heart, but he can't be sure.

According to Bai Ye's strength, he shouldn't be a nameless person.

And his hand is very strange and unpredictable. Just now, Bai Ye shot at the dozen or so Chi Yan guards around him, but he didn't see how Bai Ye did it.

If he does not have a very powerful secret treasure, he has a very powerful inheritance.

No matter which one it is, it can be said that the origin of Bai Ye is probably not simple.

If Bai Ye really has a strong background, he is not easy to provoke.

After all, his father, the Marquis of Zhenhai, was not that powerful compared to those secret sects in the outside world.

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