"Okay." He Qinghua nodded, squinting at the surroundings of the Huang Family Ancestral Land, and suddenly said with joy, "God is helping you."

"Oh? What do you say!"

"Have you seen that little river, Fire Palm, first hurt the surface, and then hurt the five internal organs. First of all, you need to cool down your skin, use cold and heat, and repair the trauma. Then, when you are cultivating I teach your mind, just It can expel fire poison.”.

Chapter 799 Leave

Bai Ye was also happy and leisurely, suddenly remembered an important thing, and stood up suddenly.

"What's wrong?" He Qinghua thought she had discovered the enemy, with a nervous look on her face, she was not a ghost hand Rakshasa now, just a crippled person, her life was all in the white night, she didn't want to be thrown out.


Bai Ye ran far away in an instant, and this speed was not like an injury at all.


He flashed his hand twice, a happy smile appeared on his face, and then he was on the ground again, this time it was really okay.

"What's the matter, you are about to say if there is an enemy coming. I told you, you must take me away, and I can teach you how to do it."

He Qinghua couldn't see what Bai Ye was doing, thinking that he was going to be abandoned, and shouted anxiously.

"Okay, stop screaming, there are no enemies, just remembered, forgot to put away your and the old man's weapons, ~ it's alright."

He Qinghua was furious in his heart, a broken weapon, made you nervous like this, I never saw you so rude when facing us just now, and I thought something was wrong-.

Why do not you go to hell.

"I'm going to die when I'm talking to him!"

He Qinghua swore in her heart to ignore someone again, and at the same time hide her embarrassment, what she did just now was shameful enough!

"Hey, it's all money!" Bai Ye was so happy that he could sell the money again when he went back.

The medicine is very powerful. Thirty percent of the blood volume is restored, and Bai Ye's wound is healed again. In front of this unreasonable system, it is so miraculous.

Bai Ye exercised his muscles and bones, and the whole body felt very comfortable.

"It's still the best health."

In just ten minutes, his body recovered seven to eighty-eight.

The injury on the surface has indeed recovered, but the fire poison of the Fire Palm has not been repaired. If you want to repair it, you need to drink the antidote.

Fire poison is also poison.

Fortunately, the fire poison will not reduce his attributes, nor affect his strength, but after ten days, it is difficult to say.

"Plan to go faster!"

Bai Ye's heart tightened, he didn't want to try again, the feeling of being cooked, not to mention that if the fire poison invaded the internal organs, he was afraid that it would cause unimaginable damage to him.

Just when Bai Ye was calculating in his heart, Huang Xuemei appeared with a human head in his hand, with a worried look on his face, but when Bai Ye was in a trance, he returned to his original state.

"You're back?" Bai Ye had already received a prompt from the system, seeing Huang Xuemei holding Dongfang Bai's head, without any surprises.

"Well, are you alright!"

Bai Ye nodded to indicate that there was nothing wrong, and looked at Huang Xuemei with a surprised look in his eyes.

"It's amazing, you didn't get hurt, I thought you were going to fight the other side hard."

With a confident smile on the corner of Huang Xuemei's mouth, she said, "Tianlong Xinfa, he is far worse than me. Although his skill is deep enough, my adventures are not bad, but it's a pity that the ghost saint ran away."

Bai Ye didn't think Huang Xuemei was pretending, but it was really okay, so he calmed down and comforted: "If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, and we will meet soon."


Huang Xuemei nodded and looked at He Qinghua and said, "What's wrong with her."

Bai Ye said the matter again, without any hiding, and finally said: "The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and we can join hands with her to deal with them."

Huang Xuemei glanced at Bai Ye and said with a thought, "Yes."

Closing her eyes, He Qinghua breathed a sigh of relief. The people who wanted her life most had let her go. At least she could survive, but she didn't dare to speak indiscriminately, for fear of irritating Huang Xuemei.

If she changed her mind and killed her, who would she find to reason with, and she didn't want to die yet.

Huang Xuemei turned to look at Bai Ye and said with a smile, "You're making great progress. It was a little difficult to deal with me at the time, but now you can kill one person and kill another person."

"Don't listen to Wang Ba chanting the scriptures." He Qinghua closed her eyes and meditated, reciting some scriptures in her heart, and she was helpless to be regarded as a model.


Bai Ye was relieved to see that Huang Xuemei didn't plan to do anything, now she was not sure that she could hold her hostage.

If Huang Xuemei insisted, Bai Ye would have to run away.

"Don't worry, it's not bad to cooperate with you, I don't want to destroy it, and I won't force you!"

Huang Xuemei saw through Bai Ye's thoughts and broke it with a single word. It is better to cooperate with ulterior motives.

At least her purpose is very simple now, she just wants to revive Lu Lin.


Bai Ye laughed dryly, but Huang Xuemei's actions were also in line with her wishes. At least he wouldn't be on guard against her. The mission was almost over, and he didn't want to make trouble.

However, I was amazed at Huang Xuemei's increase in strength. It was like a rocket, getting stronger day by day.

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