Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise, I am now poor, and I can't advance.

Now it is the boundless realm of Tao, the realm of origin.

It is estimated that it is because he has Zhutian City.

It seems that I need to rush to the other side of the Tao as soon as possible. I don't do business, I have nothing, and I think everything is empty talk.

Not long after, Zhutian Dao walked to Bai Ye's side: "They are back."

Bai Ye got up and looked behind Zhutian Dao, and sure enough, the time and space spirit beasts of fate, the creation spirit, Jiang Yi, and the nightmare had all returned.

Bai Ye nodded from them, and then said, "I have some thoughts now. I don't know what you mean, so I ask."

Chuangshi Yuanling came over and saw that the momentum was different from the previous Bai Yeruo.

He asked, "Are you promoted?"

Bai Ye nodded calmly, affirming the statement of the Creation Yuanling.

Destiny time and space spirit beasts, nightmares, Jiang Yi heard the words and looked up and down at Bai Ye in surprise, as if looking at monsters.

This also makes it impossible for people to live, what life?

Follow the clone for a walk, this is the promotion, when is the promotion of the realm so simple.

How does it feel to sleep in the night and drink water to advance?

"Speaking of business, I can't go to the other side of the Tao right now. Some things have not been fixed. I have thought about it. Even if we can go now, we only know the general situation. There is nothing, and if we go, we will be blind." Nai.

Chapter 805 Returning to the City of Chaos

Bai Ye pointed at the Avenue of the Heavens with his finger.

Continue to say: "Now there is an opportunity for us to enter as a clone first, so why not use the clone directly, build a good force, and then go directly?"

The founder, Yuan Ling, was surprised that Bai Ye would have such an idea, but thinking about it, it's okay, anyway, it's okay if the clone is destroyed.

It is on the other side of the Tao, there are no trustworthy people to manage their forces!

Thinking to see the concern of the creation spirit, Bai Ye continued: "We have also passed through the city of chaos before, how do you feel?"

Jiang Yi thought for a while, and said hesitantly, "It's messy, but it's also very strong."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny nodded and agreed with Jiang Yi's words: "There is no relationship, no power, only strength."

"Well, what do you think, with the strength of the clone, what level is it?"

The founder Yuanling, Jiang Yi, and the spirit beasts of the time and space of destiny all began to recall the information they brought back from the last clone.

Analyze and compare.

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said hesitantly: "It is difficult to say that it is difficult to recover all of them. At that time, it was very simple to establish a small and medium-sized force."

"Yes, I also shocked them last time, and this time I have advanced again, our strength should not be underestimated!"

The Creation Primordial Spirit seems to be the same, a row of hands.

Excitedly, he said: "Yes, why didn't I think that although our strength is reduced, this is equivalent to adding countless lives to us. After dying a few times, and then going back, isn't this an infinite resurrection!"

"That's what I mean, so we can develop at both ends, and when things are almost the same here, we'll go directly, and we can come back at any time if we have the Great Dao of the Heavens."

Zhutian Dao was on the side, looking at these people, just like discussing what to wear.

I don't even ask if the clothes are my own, I just think about which one to wear.

Can you run now?

He somewhat understands why the last supreme avenue was blackened.

That feeling of fighting against fate is really annoying, isn't it?

I didn't hear them discussing for a long time.

As soon as Zhu Tiandao turned back, he saw everyone looking at him.

Zhutian Avenue was stunned: "What, what's wrong..."

"Are you willing?" Bai Ye looked at the Avenue of the Heavens expressionlessly.

Still can't stand his face with such a stupid expression.

"Well, my fate, the fate of the heavens and the world is also in your hands."

Zhutian Dao looked at Bai Ye seriously and said.

"Don't take it seriously, it's just a casual job for you."

Bai Ye dismantled the Avenue of the Heavens.

After a few people prepared, they once again entered the other side of the Tao with their conscious body.

All Heavens Dao skillfully waved his hand, and Zi Qi flew over, and several people glued the condensed spiritual consciousness into the Zi Qi.

The Dao of All Heavens sealed the seal again, "Go!"

The avatars of Bai Ye, Jiang Yi, Nether Nightmare, and Chuangshi Yuanling disappeared instantly.

After Bai Ye saw that the clones of himself and several people disappeared, they dispersed and arranged the next things.

And Bai Ye is mainly to arrange the powerhouses of Zhutian City, as well as some other preparations.

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