The boy was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Bai Ye and the others to react so quickly.

Then he scratched his head while explaining.

"Haha, um, that's because this thing appeared out of nowhere. He's called a mud beast. It likes to dig around in the soil, and it uses its smell to identify people. If it catches up with it, it won't kill you unless you kill it. It, otherwise there is no escape."

Then he pointed to the corpse of the mud beast and said, "You don't need this. Give me 29, and I can exchange it for money."

After speaking, without waiting for Bai Ye and the others to speak, they took out their daggers from their pockets and began to decompose the corpse.

Bai Ye walked over and took a look. This monster is very similar to the earthworms of the previous world.

A huge, mollusk invertebrate with no eyes and only large mouthparts.

It's just that the shell on the back of this mud beast is very hard, showing a brownish-yellow luster.

Bai Ye tapped with his hand, and it felt like he was hitting an iron plate, making a clanging sound.

Chuangshi Yuanling also came to Bai Ye's side. He felt that this thing was pretty good, so he gave Bai Ye a look, meaning we should keep it for ourselves?

Bai Ye shook his head and tapped it with his chin.

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny walked to the side of the boy and squatted down.

He said to him with a novel look: "Boy, I think your swordsmanship is pretty good. Have you ever done an autopsy before?"

The young man said cheerfully: "Yes, I am often chased by them, so after a long time of contact, I know what their interface is like. You can see everything along this gap, and it will separate. ."

This young man is also a smart person, and it is estimated that he has seen Bai Ye and the others, and has already seen his little tricks.

So I simply said it frankly, otherwise the master who can kill the mud beast, if he is angry, he can't deal with it.

After the boy finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at the expression of the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny, and found that he was not angry.

He simply stood up and saluted a few people.

He said: "Thank you for your help. Actually, I'm not lying. I was born and raised here. It's just that when I was born, my parents died, and I grew up with food from hundreds of families."

Seeing the unsurprised expressions of several people, he continued: "I don't have any ability myself. Only by tricking people who help me can I have some income and make a living."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny looked at the boy in disbelief: What?No other business?

The teenager was not at all embarrassed to be dismantled, and said with a smile: "Also, to be a tour guide or something. For the newcomers, introduce the relevant situation and earn some errands."

The founder Yuan Ling looked at the young man and shook his head, and smiled: "You kid, you have a very flexible mind! Okay, for the sake of your sophistication, let us introduce the power distribution of Chaos City, and you will not be missing. beneficial."

The teenager nodded, and after quickly disassembling the corpse, he received it in his portable space instrument.

Then he made a gesture of please, took Bai Ye and the others, walked to an open space, and sat down.

Then, he took out the firewood from the space instrument, piled it up, and started a fire on the spot.

I took some meat from an animal I don't know what it was and put it on with a wooden stick, and started roasting it on the fire.

Finally, he took out a bottle of spirit wine from the space magic tool and raised his hand to signal it.

"This is spiritual wine, can you drink it? It can be used to replenish spiritual power, but the taste is a little weaker."

The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny brought it over, opened the lid and smelled it, and then returned it to the boy with a look of disgust.

The teenager smiled, took a sip, took a sip of the wine, wiped his mouth with his hand, and then said, "I think you don't need to eat and drink with the strength of the adults, but I'm not good enough, and I don't have the ability of the adults."

Bai Ye looked at the fire, and it was after he had fasted himself that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

In fact, watching the teenager roast meat and drink wine, it feels like a different flavor.

The founder Yuan Ling said anxiously: "Now you can introduce us to the distribution of forces in this chaotic city."

The teenager nodded, then pointed to the city of chaos in the distance, and said it all.

The original Chaos City, the current forces, are divided into three groups.

The first group was headed by the city lord, the management class, the city lord they had met before.

Lord Terma, the powerhouse of the boundless realm.

There are two masters under the city lord, and they are all strong in the realm of Dao Wuya, but they have just broken through the realm of Dao Wuya.

One is the person who helps the city lord to manage the city, the person who works in the house, called Master Ta Li, who is mainly responsible for the recycling and trading of resources.

The second is to manage the security of the city of chaos, called Lord Shang Qiong.There are inspectors and golden armor guards under them. They are generally responsible for patrolling, entering the city and registering, internal disputes in the chaotic city, and no conflicts are allowed in the chaotic city. This is a force on the bright side.

The second force is the mercenary group.

This mercenary group is not on an equal footing with the strength of the city lord, but is only the second independent force under the city lord.

They all have their own territory, and they won't mess around in the city, but just maintain normal business transactions.

Most of them are in the form of hiring, and the city owner has specially opened up a place as a mission base for the mercenary group.

Anyone who wants to take a mission or hire a mercenary can go there.

The mercenary captain of the mercenary group, everyone called him Xuan Ye, I don't know what his name was.

He is still very loyal, so the mercenary group trusts him and has the right to speak.

The city lord is very strong, so I plan for them.

The third force is generally the descendants of the first and second groups of prisoners who came to Chaos City.

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