Walking on the streets of Chaos City, the young Cui Song introduced him as he walked like a qualified tour guide.

Soon they were brought to the mercenary management center.

Zhutian City also has a mercenary hall.

The founder Yuan Ling and Jiang Yi commented in their hearts while looking at the mercenary hall.

Although the mercenary hall in the chaotic city is also very spectacular, if it is compared with Zhutian City, it is still a bit far behind.

The mercenary hall in this chaotic city is even more rude and wild.

I don't know what kind of animal skull the gate is made of.

Embedded in the door, I feel that this spirit beast is not simple when it is alive, and it exudes momentum and shocking energy.

Without a little cultivation, I really dare not pass by in front of this.

They walked into the mission hall and saw people coming and going.

The hall is divided into left and right sides, the one on the left is for receiving tasks, and the one on the right is for handing in tasks.

The basic settings are similar to those of Zhutian City, but the update is simple and rude.

Opposite the door is a large screen on the ground with the name of Ren and the level of the task scrolling on it.

Teenager Cui Song pointed to the large plane of the mission.

Introduced them to Bai Ye and said: "All the tasks on this are rolling, but generally the tasks below five stars are free and open, and tasks above five stars can only be seen in the task window."

He pointed to the window again: "And depending on the level of the corps, there are restrictions on the level of tasks that you can check."

Bai Ye nodded, very simple, that is, four-star tasks can only see four-star tasks or five-star tasks.

"How do you judge how many stars the mercenary is here?" asked the Creation Yuanling on the side.

"This is very simple. It mainly depends on your cultivation level and the completion of the previous tasks. The highest level of mercenaries is ten, and those who reach the Dao Wuya realm are ten-star mercenaries."

Having said that, the young Cui Song lowered his head and smiled, looking at him in the white night and they said.

"But experts like Dao Wuya Realm won't be this little mercenary, so the ten-star mercenary is a status symbol, and those who really take on the task are all below the nine-star."

"How is the reward for this task divided?" Bai Ye continued to ask the boy.

The young Cui Song introduced: "The ratio of this kind of commission is 70 points. Generally, mercenaries will get 30% of the bonus for the task, and the remaining [*]%, which is the cost of the task, but the bonus displayed on the big screen. , is the amount after deduction."

Bai Ye said he understood, so he walked to the task panel and looked at the tasks scrolling on it.

It's really weird, there are all kinds of things.

Enrollment, lost spirit beasts are the easiest, and the most advanced is to collect secret books.

Of course, these cheats are generally four-star cheats, and there are some six-star cheats, but the bonus is also very high.

"Can you help me meet this Lord Xuan? I have a business to do with him."

The young Cui Song could see that Bai Ye and the others were not ordinary people, but he didn't expect it to be so unusual, so he looked for Lord Xuan as soon as he came up.

It seems that he did not misunderstand, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and nodded again and again,

Said: "Don't worry, I still have this connection, everyone, please wait here for a while.".

Chapter 809 Seeing Mr. Xuan

After speaking, the teenager turned around and walked to the counter, then took out a jade pendant and shook it in front of the order receiver.

The receptionist checked the jade pendant, and then returned it to Cui Song.

Take him out and disappear into their eyes in the white night.

Cui Song returned quickly, beside Bai Ye who was waiting in the hall, and said, "Sir, let's go."

Bai Ye and several others followed the boy into the side door next to him.

Under the leadership of the young Cui Song, they soon came to a yard.

There are many spiritual flowers and plants around the yard, exuding vitality.

Many of them have never been seen in Bai Ye, and they are full of spiritual power.

Bai Ye didn't care about it at first, but looking at it this way, this mercenary group still has something.

A few of them came to the hall, the door was wide open, and Lord Xuan was already sitting on a chair.

I saw that the Xuan Ye in their mouths was just a young man in his early 30s, with a calm temperament.

The eyes are gentle, giving a good feeling to get along with.

But from the muscles and physique of the whole body, it can be said that he is not a simple man.

At this time, Master Xuan, who was sitting in the upper seat, was also very surprised.

With his current realm at the peak of Daozhijie, he still can't see through the man in front of him.

He also accepted the contempt, and cautiously came to Bai Ye's side.

He smiled and said: "I don't know what is going on, what advice do you have when you come here?"

Bai Ye didn't speak, but glanced left and right.

Master Xuan immediately understood and let everyone around him go down, including the young Cui Song.

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