What's more, if they are truly integrated with the world beyond the Tao, the benefits will be indispensable to them.

Cui Song took them to the next street. There was a tallest building on this street. It was quaint and looked like an ancient attic.

Bai Ye turned to look at Cui Song: "Is this Xiangxi Building?"

Cui Song nodded, he said flatteringly: "Yes, my lord, it's really good eyesight, because this is for selling news, so the house news like you said is all here, I'll take you in to have a look, you You can choose slowly.”

As soon as Bai Ye heard it, he felt that this young man was very good at doing things and thoughtful.

It is estimated that choosing a house here is on the one hand, and on the other hand, I also want to use the momentum of my few people to improve my status.

This is also a conspiracy.

Use all the resources available to you to improve yourself.

Bai Ye does not reject this kind of conspiracy, but rather appreciates it.

So I cooperated with him and approached the Xiangxi Building.

The hall of Xiangxi Building is completely different from the mercenary guild.So.

Chapter 810 The technology of the mechanical Taoist god

This Xiangxi Building is quaint, and when he arrived at the door, Cui Song took out another sign on his waist.

Deliver the sign to the wooden letterbox at the door.

With a "click", the door opened, and Bai Ye and the founder Yuan Ling walked in with Cui Song.

In this hall and the mercenary center, this one is not of the same type at all. As soon as I walked into the door, I heard a melodious sound of playing.

It turned out to be the left side of the hall, and there was a performance stage with many folk musical instruments and performers.

Cui Song was very interested in seeing a few people in Bai Ye on the stage, so he took the initiative to explain patiently.

"Several adults, this is the feature of our Xiangxi Building. Our Xiangzhu really likes these ancient rhyme things, so we specially invited a highly skilled master to play here."

I saw Cui Song proudly and continued: "Every hour, there will be different performances, so many people come to our Xiangxi Building, and some come to listen to the music."

Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast, Nightmare saw a large hall on the right. It was full of people, and there were several floors above. The third floor and above were all separate private rooms. They really opened their eyes.

In a place that sells news, there is actually a concert hall, can it be more unprofessional? !

The position directly opposite the gate is similar to the mercenary center, with a large screen.

There are two windows below the big screen, the one on the left is for buying news, and the one on the right is for selling news.

"You Xiangxilou, with this arrangement, wouldn't everyone know who is going to buy the news?"

Chuangshi Yuanling asked with a frown.

Cui Song hurriedly stepped forward and explained, "Your lord, you have misunderstood, we don't have to go straight through the middle, boy, I brought you here today, just to visit this place. If you don't want people to know, we are There are other channels."

Bai Ye was also interested after listening to it: "Oh, how do you say this?"

Cui Song pointed to the one who had just entered the door next to him, and said this very wide passage.

"Look, my lord, this is not just a partition, but a passage, please come with me, this way please."

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and walked to the wall on the right.

Founding Yuanling, Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast and Bai Ye discovered that the passageway that was about one meter wide had just entered the door.

The wall on the right hand side is not flat, there are many grooves on it, and many corresponding characters are engraved next to the grooves.

Buy news, sell news, deposit, and even kill people.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and immediately felt that this Xiangzhu was very interesting.

I saw Cui Song walked to the news wall and gently pushed one of the grooves with his hand.

Only the grooves in front of him disappeared, and a plane like a big screen appeared.

There are news categories above, mainly in two categories, one for daily life and the other for cultivation.

Cui Song clicked on the daily life, and then the groove protruded out, and there were other words on it.

That is, the specific classification of the news, about people, about houses, about places, all kinds of all-encompassing.

Bai Yejue is very familiar, isn't it very similar to the tablet computer used now, but this is a more three-dimensional manual version.

Jiang Yi also felt that this phone was very similar to Zhutiancheng's phone, but he didn't make a sound.

Only Bai Ye asked out loud, "Where did this thing come from? Who invented it?"

When Cui Song heard Bai Ye's question, he turned around and said with a smile.

"This is a whole set, and there is a part in it, we can see it when we pass by in a while, this whole set is the eighth god, invented by Li Xiaodao, who is good at mechanism art, also known as the mechanism god. "

Bai Ye couldn't help but look forward to it, this is just using traditional things to make such an exquisite device!

If he dug him into my city of all heavens, the materials of all heavens and ten thousand worlds, ideas and technologies to assist, what could this Li Xiao be able to create?

Bai Ye couldn't wait, and wanted to earn enough value points as soon as possible to integrate with the other side of the road.

He believed that after this time, his Zhutian City would definitely have a qualitative leap.

If the masters on the other side of the Tao, the capable and the alien, are all drawn into the city of the heavens.

I believe that soon, Zhutian City will become an existence that surpasses the other side of the Tao!

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