"City Lord, after the last time, plus the recent All-Heaven City commission, there are still [*] million value points, which is not enough for the City Lord to upgrade this time. After this transaction, you can upgrade ¨.."

"Okay, then send my clone again to the other side of the Tao. After the transaction, I will also bring back the spirit beasts of the time and space of destiny. I will officially enter the other side of the Tao."

Bai Ye's avatar once again threw himself into the other side of the Tao with the help of the Dao of the Heavens.

On the other side of the road, Bai Ye rented a house.

Creation Primordial Spirit, Nightmare, they felt it when Bai Ye came, and naturally they all gathered at the door of Bai Ye.

When Bai Ye came out and saw the inquiring eyes of everyone, he nodded to signal them to come in.

When both, Bai Ye told them about his plan.

"The main body enters the other side of the Tao? City Lord, is it so fast? Then here we are..." The Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny said in surprise.

"Yes, we don't stay here anymore. It doesn't make sense to stay here any longer. I will go to the mercenary center later, and then go to Xiangxi Building to buy some news, and then I will go to visit the ten gods."

Bai Ye said calmly.

"City Lord, what about us?" Jiang Yi looked at Bai Ye blankly.

"You can follow me and use the body to come here. I don't plan to retire here. If you want to stay in this chaotic city for a while, you can live here. If you want to travel to other places, there is no question."

Bai Ye took a look around and found that the Origin Spirit of Creation, the Nightmare, and the Space-Time Spirit Beast of Destiny were all thoughtful.

After a pause, he said: "Of course, several of you want to go out with me on adventures, and I am very welcome. You don't have to worry about this, I will stay here for a few days, and after five days, I will use the main body to re-enter the The other side of the road."

Well, the space-time spirit beast raised its head at this time.

Looking at the white eyes, he said, "Okay, City Lord, I'll think about it again."

Bai Ye nodded in understanding, and the voice of the nightmare appeared next to him.

"City Lord, I'll follow you, I think following you, there will be adventures." Nightmare looked at Bai Ye expectantly.

"Okay, then you can prepare. After five days, you will go back with my clone."

"I didn't think about the city owner, I'll think about it again." Jiang Yi also said hesitantly.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, and finally turned his gaze to the Creation Spirit, who had not spoken.

Or find that there is no sound around, the Creation Yuanling raised his head and saw everyone's eyes.

After thinking about it for only three seconds, Chuangshi Yuanling solemnly said to Bai Ye: "I want to go out to experience the experience, I want to find the city owner, is it enough to go to Zhutian City?"

Bai Ye said with a smile: "Yes, yes, everyone can also wander around and earn some value points, which can also be regarded as helping me brush the value points of Zhutian City. Because this time my body entered the other side of the Tao, and it was also for Zhutiancheng. the next upgrade.”

"Okay, don't worry, the city owner, I can't help with this trivial matter." The founder Yuan Ling said with a smile.

In Zhutian City, they have all seen what the upgrade looks like.

I also know the benefits that Zhutian City will bring to them after the upgrade.

This kind of benefit is the kind of solo experience and entering the secret realm, which is incomparable.

Therefore, the city of the heavens belongs not only to the city owner, but also to them.

Creation Yuanling originally planned to go around to experience, find some treasures, and exchange some value points for storage.

After knowing what Zhutian City needed, he made up his mind even more, and he was duty-bound.

After the discussion was over, Bai Ye said: "¨"Okay, you can prepare by yourself. I will go out in a while and hand over the task of the last mercenary center.

After the Destiny Space-Time Spirit Beast, the founding Yuan Ling, Jiang Yi and the Nightmare all went out, Bai Ye's clone flipped the space ring in his hand.

The first step to upgrade, let's go!

This time Bai Ye didn't call the young Cui Song, but it was because he already knew the route or because he didn't want to make trouble.

Soon Bai Ye came again, the gate of the rude and grand mercenary center.

At this time, he looked at the skull of the giant beast at the door.

The mood is extremely comfortable and anticipation, and Bai Ye flicked the dust that did not exist.

I went straight in, looked around, and found that there were not many people who handed in tasks today.

The queues at the window were not very long, Bai Ye chose one at random and lined up.

Soon it was Bai Ye’s turn, and the receptionist at the window smiled at Bai Ye.

"My lord, may I ask how many quests do you hand in?"

Bai Ye suddenly realized that this window should not accept Jiuxing's task purchase.

But I thought that I had no way to meet Xuan Ye directly, so let them report it.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye said directly: "The nine-star mission, you go and tell Master Xuan, and said that the person who took the nine-star mission from him came to hand in the mission."

As soon as the voice fell, the receptionist at the window hadn't spoken yet when Bai Ye heard a loud laugh coming from behind him. .

Chapter 813 Complete the mercenary nine-star ten-star mission

"Oh, I'm dying of laughter! It's so funny, bragging about it here, let me see, who is the great power? He actually handed over the task of Nine Stars."

Bai Ye turned his head and saw a man standing behind him with a height of more than two meters and a well-proportioned figure, like a noble man.

The muscles on the body are not solid, it can only be said to be well-proportioned and powerful, and the face is beautiful.

But the sound doesn't match the image at all. Listening to the sound, Bai Ye thought he was a burly man, but he didn't expect...

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