So he took out an invitation card from the space ring and handed it to Master Xuan.

Looking at the puzzled Master Xuan, Bai Ye said with a smile.

"You'll know it naturally after you read it a lot."

When Xuan Ye heard Bai Ye say this, he took the invitation card without ink.

Then his body froze for a moment, his eyes were dull, and his eyes flashed with brilliance.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and when he looked at Bai Ye again, he was very excited.

In my heart, I am also grateful for my previous cautious approach.

What kind of existence is that?I actually had a chance to get in touch.

This Lord Xuan is naturally different from ordinary monks. After all, he manages a mercenary center.

So he is very clear about what it means to live in Zhutian City? !

Xuan Ye took a step back and bowed his hands: "Thank you for your recommendation, I didn't expect such a magical place. I don't know who built this city."

Bai Ye was very useful, he reached out and lifted up Lord Xuan's arm, and said casually.

"I am not talented. I am the city owner of Zhutian City. In the future, I can go to Zhutian City for anything I need. However, Zhutian City is a currency that circulates in value points. If you have good things, you might as well exchange some."

Bai Ye paused: "If there is anything, you can come to Zhutian City to find me. I'll leave now. There are still a few things to do. I'll go to Xiangxi Building."

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After Bai Ye finished speaking, he got up and left the mercenary center. After Bai Ye left, he immediately entered Zhutian City.

Seeing this shocking and majestic city gate, I felt the dense rolling spiritual power around it.

What surprised him even more was that he could vaguely feel that there were already more than a dozen tenth-order masters in Zhutian City.

Who is this night?How can it be so powerful.

I am afraid that the top ten Taoist gods and the twelve emperors should be like this. Thinking of this, Xuan Ye immediately withdrew from Zhutian City and sent a voice transmission to Lord Xiang.

Not to mention how Master Xuan communicated with Lord Xiang at this time.

Bai Ye walked out of the mercenary center hall and walked towards Xiangxi Building.


When he came to Xiangxi Building, he just found a place in the lobby to sit down.

He dragged out the talisman that Cui Song had given before, gave it a pinch, and waited for his arrival while enjoying the performance.

He didn't let Bai Ye wait for a long time, and soon he saw Cui Song's figure. After Cui Song came in and looked around, he saw Bai Ye and walked straight over.

Walking up to him, he said with a smile, "Sir, I'm here, what are your orders?"

Bai Ye first threw a list to Cui Song, and Cui Song realized the result subconsciously, and then his eyes lit up.

Looking at Bai Ye more attentively.

"Take me to see you Xiangzhu, Liu Xiangjun."

Cui Song didn't expect that Bai Ye was going to see the Xiang Lord this time. He was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and then asked cautiously.

"Sir, is it convenient for you to tell me what's going on here?"

Bai Ye nodded and said casually, "Do business with him and buy some news."

Cui Song breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "You wait here, I'll let you know, and then you can come over."

Bai Ye waved his hand and motioned for him to go quickly.

After a while, Cui Song came back and walked to Bai Ye's side.

He bowed his head and said to Bai Ye, "Sir, please, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

After he finished speaking, he took a deep look at Bai Ye.

In fact, when Cui Song reported to the top, he was quite nervous, thinking that he would have to wait for a while, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

And listening to the message of the messenger, Xiangzhu is very urgent.So.

Chapter 815 Invite Liu Xiangjun

This made Cui Song more curious.

I had also reported the situation in Bai Ye before, but I didn't see that Xiang Zhu paid much attention to it?

I have been lost for a long time, thinking that I have lost sight of it.

Did you miss any news?

Cui Song took Bai Ye to the private room while thinking.

Bai Ye was also surprised that he was so well prepared. It seems that Liu Xiangjun received news from Xuan Ye.

If so, the next step will be much easier.

Bai Ye followed Cui Song to the private room, but there was no one in the security room.

Bai Ye took a look at the layout of the private room, and instantly understood that this was just a passage to conceal people's ears.

Sure enough, after Cui Song came in, he went straight to the wall on the right, picked up his waist badge, and slapped it on the picture on the wall.

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