"Because some of the powerful seniors in the past also had something to do and wanted to see the God of Swordsmanship, they entered this trial of emotions and desires, but as a result, a demon was born. Although they quit in time, they also sat down later."

Speaking of this, the Sect Master was terrified and hesitant.

When Bai Ye heard this, he was even more determined to make a breakthrough, because he used the value points of Zhutian City to advance, so he didn't have to worry about demons at all.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye smiled slightly and said to the sect master, "Thank you for your reminder, if this is the case and the inner demons have arisen, then it is because I have not cultivated properly myself, no wonder it is someone else."

Hearing this, the head was relieved. He was not afraid of anything else, but was worried that Bai Ye would hate the Demon-Yanzong because of it.

Although the revenge of this boundless cultivator is backed by the Demon God, the Demon God is not always there.

The Demon Flame Sect couldn't stand it at all, since Bai Ye had made it clear that he would not take revenge for it.

The Sect Master stood up and said towards Bai Ye.

"Senior, in this way, when do you think I will take you there?"

Bai Ye nodded: "Just now, don't waste time."

After Bai Ye intends to see the outer demon god, he will set off to see the next god, earn enough value points as soon as possible, and upgrade the city of the heavens, which is the same as the other side of the road.

Seeing this, the sect master got up and took Bai Ye out of the hall.

Mi Zang and Mo Li, as well as the headmaster elder and others, also wanted to see the great formation of seven emotions and six desires that they only heard about.

The Sect Master took their group and turned back towards the seat of the hall, and they walked past several buildings.

Looking around in the white night, the sect of the Demon Flame Sect was built in the style of the gate of the Demonic Capital.

All walks are cute and delicate, and you will often see the grand entrance of the building, and the plaques are decorated with lovely decorations.

Soon, they came to the back, only to see a cliff behind the hall.

In the distance, you can see the opposite side of the cliff, there is another mountain, stretching towards this side.

There is a suspension bridge in the middle, and the valley is smoky, it really feels like a fairyland.

The head pointed to the opposite mountain: "Senior, it's in the cave on the side of that mountain, let's go over."

After that, with Bai Ye's consent, he took the lead on the suspension bridge.

As soon as Bai Ye wanted to go up, he felt that his sleeve was being pulled.

Looking back, it turned out that Tiger Fur was grabbing himself with his front paws.

"What's wrong? You don't want to go over?" Bai Ye looked at Hu Mao in confusion, thinking it didn't want to go over.

After all, this suspension bridge seems to be floating in the valley, and the suspension bridge is not very wide.

Bai Ye was about to say that I could fly you over, but he saw Hu Mao shaking his big head.

Then he began to take a big breath, and the body of the tiger hair became bigger and rounder as it breathed.

It's like a balloon being blown up.

Bai Ye was very surprised. He was amused by the appearance of tiger fur. He felt that this thing was too fun, and he always surprised himself.

Mi Zang and Moli had seen tiger hair before, but they had never seen this kind of full attribute, so they didn't know what this tiger hair was doing.

I can only make room for Hu Mao, and I want to know what Hu Mao wants to do.

Only then did the sect master see that the tiger fur behind Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Mi Zang with inquiring eyes, Mi Zang received the hint from the head and walked over to tell about the situation of Hu Mao.

The Sect Master immediately seemed to be thinking about something, and then suddenly realized.

Looking at the growing tiger fur with expectant eyes.

Bai Ye saw that the tiger fur had grown into two of its own, and he couldn't help but worry a little, this wouldn't be breaking himself.

Bai Ye frowned slightly, wanting to step forward to stop it.

But at this moment, the tiger fur had stopped, and then swayed to the front of Bai Ye.

After calling Bai Ye twice, Bai Ye felt the meaning of tiger hair.

"Let me go up?"

But he didn't understand what Hu Mao wanted to do, so he questioned.

But Hu Mao didn't explain it to Bai Ye, and kept urging Bai Ye to go to it.

Bai Ye was helpless and jumped on its soft back, soft and fluffy.

Hu Mao also adjusted his body according to Bai Ye's position.

Using the two stubby retreats that he was about to indent into his body, he staggered to the edge of the cliff.

Bai Ye saw the tiger fur jump down. Bai Ye didn't know what it was going to do, and he wasn't worried that he would fall.

I just want to see what this big guy is doing.

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At that time, Mi Zang and Mo Li were all surprised, and some even took a few steps forward subconsciously, trying to stop it.

In the end, what greeted them was a scene that surprised them even more.

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