Pretending to stare at the light curtain seriously, Mi Zang was really looking at the light curtain with a serious face, and imagined what 29 should do if he wanted to, and how to solve the current predicament.

At this moment, Mo Li had already focused her attention on Hu Mao's body, and she fondly stroked the white hair of Hu Mao.

Hu Mao seemed to be awakened by the words of the head just now, so he stopped paying attention to the light curtain.

Instead, he quietly felt the contract between himself and Bai Ye, lying on the ground obediently, closing his eyes, as if he was asleep.

Bai Ye has been shaking his legs, he can feel the mud in his abdomen, which has been loosened by him.

He was calm, unhurried, and swayed at a certain frequency.

Because he thought that he could resonate with the soil, generate vibrations, and rescue himself.

Slowly, Bai Ye felt the vibration of the surrounding soil, and after a pause in his heart, he continued to calm down and maintain the frequency steadily, and continued to shake.

With a "tear" sound, the soil around his waist has fallen, and Bai Ye can feel the air that comes through slightly, and he takes a deep breath.

Continuing to shake, Bai Ye can already see the light coming through from below.

Bai Ye struggled to break free and jumped down.

Bai Ye landed in a closed room again. Bai Ye tidyed up his clothes and drained the dirt from his body.

At the same time, the sound of customs clearance also sounded in my ears: "Congratulations, you have passed the levels of "joy", "fear" and "evil".

Bai Ye looked up at the room in front of him, ignoring the voice in his ear, because he discovered that your mood swings are the key to this level.

And any hints given may be meant to mobilize your emotions, not necessarily true.

After understanding the white night here, with a mentality that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, I live this game with great interest.

And the room in front of me seems to be really a game level.

He saw that all around were four walls, each with a title.

Bai Ye came to the wall on his left, and it was written at the top that he needed to complete four questions before he could leave the room, but after finishing the questions, he would not be able to see the Demon God.

Yo, this is a multiple-choice question for me. Bai Ye wanted to laugh when he saw this. He didn't know how the previous people did it. Anyway, he read all the questions carefully.

Then he took out his source of thousands of machines, and turned it into a pen, holding the pen, brushing, and writing the answers on the wall.

The leader outside shook his head again and again. This level is the "desire" level. It is a level to show one's own desire, longing for recognition and correctness.

This level is the same every time, but the questions on the wall vary in difficulty.

No matter whether the question is correct or not, even if you deliberately do it wrong, you are still eager for the correct answer, or pass this level, this is a trap and will fail.

Half of the people who went in before have failed here.

Seeing the Sect Master sigh, Mi Zang asked incomprehensibly. Hearing the Sect Master's explanation, Mi Zang suddenly realized that the Demon God was really powerful, and at the same time, he felt sorry for Bai Ye.

As a result, to the surprise of the head and others, the scene in the light curtain changed very quickly.

This means that the white night has passed this level.

Several people looked at each other in dismay. At this time, the elder head teacher on the side stepped forward and explained to everyone.

"Master, I just saw that Senior White wrote the correct answers to all the questions on the wall, but I looked at it vaguely, and he seemed to have written the answer to the first question on the second question. , the answer to the second question is written on the third question, and so on.”

Hearing this, the headmaster, Mi Zang and others all bowed their heads and thought.

At this time, Mo Li, who was brushing her hair on the side, suddenly reacted and said loudly.

"I know, wonderful!"

Seeing the head, Mi Zang and the others all looked at themselves, Mo Li said subconsciously.

"What Senior White means by doing this is that he can do all these things, but he doesn't care whether he can go out or not, whether he is recognized or not, because normally, he has done everything wrong, but in fact, no one would think that he would not, because he All right."

Several people understood in an instant, and they all sighed at Bai Ye's wit.

But at this time, Bai Ye had already received a prompt to clear the customs.

"Congratulations, you passed the 'desire' level, and you are about to enter the next scene."

537 At this time, the surroundings have recovered, the appearance in the cave, Bai Ye raised his brows, is this coming back?Finished the pass? !

Seeing the front door, Bai Ye didn't think much about it, just take one step at a time.

After calling the door, what caught my eye was an exit. Bai Ye came out to take a look, and after observing, it should be the other side of the mountain.

To be honest, Bai Ye was a little stunned, what's the situation?Shouldn't there be two more hurdles, is this a joke or is this part of the trial?

Bai Ye thought about it and felt that it should not be so simple. At that time, he had no clue at all.

He also admires the Demon Dao God very much now. His brain is too big, and other people simply compare it.

Judging from the information Bai Ye has now, among the seven emotions, he has already passed "joy", "anger", "fear", "desire" and "evil", so the rest are "sorrow" and "evil". Happy".

According to the characteristics of the previous levels, these two estimated tricks are similar.

So now let yourself come out of the hole, do you want to make yourself "happy"?so childish? !

Bai Ye felt that he didn't have any clues at this exit, so he might as well turn around and go back.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it, and Bai Ye turned back to his previous room.

In the previous room, there is nothing, but this room has two doors, one is the entrance to walk in. .

Chapter 827 Passing "Seven Emotions" (Part [*])

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