"This is? This is all the formations in the entire trial of the Seven Emotions?!"

In other words, this is the main control room, and I didn't expect to find it by myself.

Bai Ye's eyes lit up: "Hey, should I pass the test?!"

Bai Ye shouted to the void, and after waiting for a while, there was no response, and Bai Ye didn't care.

"Don't talk? Pretend to be dead? It doesn't matter, I will destroy this place, and let everyone know when the time comes. I don't believe that no one will stop you from looking for trouble with your Demon Flame Sect!"

Bai Ye guessed that you should have a wisp of consciousness of the Demon God to maintain the operation of these formations and the evaluation of the people who break into the formation, so you just shouted.

"Congratulations, you have successfully passed: 'Sorrow', 'Le' level luck."

Bai Ye heard the voice in his ear, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he bet was right.

It is estimated that the Demon God himself did not expect that someone would enter the main control room so directly, and if he did not compromise at this time, would he have to wait until everything was destroyed before he would surrender!

At this time, Bai Ye was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he grew up wretched and called Xiao Bai out.

The head waiting at the door, when Bai Ye entered the control room, the light curtain at the entrance of the cave began to turn white.

Then it began to rotate again, slowly becoming transparent until it disappeared. .

Chapter 828

As the light curtain at the door disappeared, Mi Zang, Mo Li and others who were waiting outside were a little stunned.

They all looked at the Sect Master who was standing on the side, as if the Sect Master didn't feel everyone's attention.

Continue to stare silently at the entrance of the cave.

The rest of the people didn't dare to speak, just like the headmaster, staring at the entrance of the cave together.

In fact, they didn't know that the head of the sect at this time had already wandered far away.

Because the Demon Dao God has not received the news of entering the trial grounds of the seven emotions and six desires for a long time, but anyone who enters the trial grounds, he can know.

Especially this time, after many years, someone entered for the first time.

Therefore, in Bai Ye, when he first entered, the Demon God had already received the news, but he felt that it might be the same every time before.

Will not even pass the "seven emotions".

The result was obviously disappointing. Bai Ye not only passed the border, but also overturned his old foundation.

So he took the initiative to find his own disciple and grandson, whether there was anything wrong with the situation of civilization.

Therefore, the current Sect Master is communicating with the Demonic Spiritual Mind and has not noticed the surrounding situation.

Besides, at this time, the most exciting thing is Bai Ye. Not only is the formation on the ground, but in Bai Ye's eyes, what is it?

That's a value point!And it's still free, 537 don't want it for nothing!

So he summoned Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, scan all the formations on the ground and estimate the value points."

"Okay, City Lord..."

"Bagua Liangyi Array, worth 20000 value points..."

"Jiugong Bagua Sword Formation, worth 50000 value points..."

"Starlight Seven Killing Array, worth 356000 value points..."

"Report to the city master, a total of [*] arrays were scanned, with a total value of [*] billion value points, which have been deposited in the Zhutian City auction site, and the auction estimate is [*] trillion. value point."

Bai Ye heard Xiao Bai's voice in his ears, and he felt very relieved. This was really a fortune. The upgrade of Zhutian City required [*] trillion yuan. Although it is not more than [*] trillion yuan now, it is still a lot.

This valuation is still a reserved valuation. If it works well, it is likely to double.

Bai Ye thought for a while, and then sent a letter to Shen Wansan with his divine sense: "Shen Wansan, I'm looking for Liu Xiangjun to cooperate with this auction, and buy all these formations for me, and sell them for a good price."

"Okay, City Lord."

Shen Wansan began to operate after receiving the news from Bai Ye. Since the last time the city lord killed the Supreme Avenue, Zhutian City has not been so lively and generous for a long time.

Shen Wansan had been gearing up for a long time, and couldn't wait.

Bai Ye handed the matter over to Shen Wansan, so he didn't care. He believed that Shen Wansan could do it well, and his task was to continue searching for good things, including people of course.

Therefore, if there are still six desires that have not been passed, you can continue to search for the demons and gods.

The Demonic God, who communicated with the spirit of the Demon Flame Sect's head, suddenly shivered, but he didn't feel that he had any murderous or bad premonition about him.

It didn't even take it to heart.

After communicating with the disciples in charge, the Demon God was still very interested in this white night.

But you can't break the rules you set yourself, you have to test whether this person is qualified to meet you.

Therefore, the Demon God did not interfere with the trial, but quietly paid attention.

At this time, Bai Ye looked at the formations in front of him. He felt that if he stayed here, he would not be able to practice, so he left this room.

Came to the room where I stayed before.

When Bai Ye saw it, the room behind him was automatically repaired, and it looked as complete as new, as if Bai Ye hadn't knocked it open.

And outside Mi Zang Moli and others, when they returned to the room in Bai Ye, they saw the light curtain that had disappeared.

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