Because most novels are not written like this, but anyone with hair will turn into a hard weapon, or armor, or a human body.

Bai Ye has already thought about it, if this is the case, I won't take it with me when I go out in the future.

Hu Mao, who was advancing, felt Bai Ye's strong thoughts, and suddenly felt a little wronged.

Because Bai Ye guessed right, its hair has become like a steel needle, and it can be fired as a weapon.

At that time, Hu Mao didn't want to leave Bai Ye, and thought it was very interesting to follow him, so he just resisted the upgrade of the hair, and transferred this power to his forelimbs, because the retreat had already been upgraded and perfected.

However, Hu Mao also used a part of his spiritual power to wrap his body and make a nutritional repair for his hair.

Makes its fur softer and more shiny.

There is still a lot of spiritual power left, Hu Mao thought about it, and let his eyes and ears absorb it.

Soon, Bai Ye saw a new tiger fur.

The upper and lower fur of this tiger hair is smoother, and it feels softer. The sides of the front limbs are longer, and the nails of the limbs are sharper.

It exudes a terrifying luster, and it is very sharp at a glance.

Hu Mao happily jumped to Bai Ye's side, put his head on Bai Ye's head, and rubbed it back and forth.

Bai Ye subconsciously reached out and touched the fur of the tiger fur, feeling softer than before.

Immediately, I was overjoyed, and I continued to touch it hard, very satisfied.

"Yes, it's more and more attractive!"

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When Hu Mao heard Bai Ye's praise, he chirps happily.

The most surprising thing here is Moli, because she really wants a tiger hair, so she knows the characteristics of tiger hair the best here.

Generally, at this stage, Hu Mao has entered adulthood, and looking at Hu Mao's current cultivation, it is also adulthood.

But adult tiger hair is not like this!At least the hair will become super hard.

And the shortest, close to the skin, like armor, but what's going on in front of him?

Can you control the direction of promotion independently?Is it so outrageous?

Mo Li didn't know that she had guessed correctly, so she was only surprised.

Seeing the white hair that was still fluffy and felt better to touch, I couldn't help itching my hand, so I reached out.

...... 0

Hu Mao is now sharp and clear, and immediately has insight into Mo Li's thoughts, immediately snorted twice, and hid behind Bai Ye, letting Mo Li flutter in the air.

Mo Li, who was very embarrassed, saw her raised hand and retracted it in disappointment.

Looking at Hu Mao resentfully: "Senior Bai, I feel like touching."

It's true, just turned over to touch it, but now Senior White doesn't let it touch it as soon as he arrives.

Bai Ye nodded indifferently, then turned his head to the head and said, "I can see the Demon God now."

"Well, of course, senior, please come here."

The head nodded in response, and then said to Mi Zang, the elder head teacher, "If you stay here, don't follow."

Then just lead the way ahead and go in the other direction.

After turning a corner, the sect master stopped, then took out the sect master print, and stamped it on a very ordinary stone on the right side of the mountain.

Then came a crackling sound.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at the place where the cliff was clearly in front of him, and slowly long stones appeared one by one from the mountain wall.

The orderly arrangement forms a downward staircase.

The head turned around and said to Bai Ye, "Senior Bai, this is the residence of the Demon God, after a while, the Demon God will come back to meet you, I will send it here and wait here. ."

Bai Ye nodded, then passed the head, stepped forward, and slowly walked down the cliff along the protruding stone steps.So.

Chapter 830 Finally Seeing the Demon God

Bai Ye walked down, thinking about it.

I don't blame the previous novels or anything, I am willing to write about falling Xuanya to obtain treasures, or peerless martial arts, because these powerful people really like to live under the cliffs.

Because the cliff is very high, Bai Ye looked down and found that if he walked down the steps one by one, he would probably be able to reach the darkness.

And this step is still spiral, which can make him dizzy.

So Bai Ye began to jump down, jumping down in a circle, and by the way, experience the scenery and beauty of this cliff.

Soon, Bai Ye arrived at the bottom of the cliff. Below the cliff was a rushing river, which should feel very deep.

Because Bai Ye jumped straight down, the entrance of the cave was not in this direction.

Bai Ye followed the direction of the mountain to find the entrance of the cave, and after walking for about a stick of incense, he saw the entrance of the Devil's God.

There was a restriction at the entrance of the cave, and Bai Ye walked in without even thinking about it.

He didn't believe that at this time, the Demon God didn't know that he would come, so this ban was only to block others.

Sure enough, he passed through it smoothly, and what caught his eye was a large hall.

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