Bai Ye nodded in understanding, but he didn't take it to heart.

Then he continued to ask the Demon God to see when it was convenient for him to help introduce the Mechanical God.

"We live far away. Where are you going, it's easy to find him, but you can't meet him. This... To meet him, you still need a stepping stone. You wait for me to prepare. two days."

"No need, Brother Du, since I want to see the Mechanical Taoist God, I have already prepared my stepping stone, so I don't need Brother Du to bother."

When the Demon God heard Bai Ye's words, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Bai Ye to be ready.

Demon Dao God laughed and pointed at Bai Ye: "You kid is very clever, yes, you are very thoughtful, I like it! That's fine, then I will contact him now, and it will save a lot of nights and dreams."

"Bai Ye is here, thank you Brother Du."

Bai Ye picked up the wine glass, toasted a glass of wine to the Demon God, and drank it all in one go.

The Demon God waved his hand.

Then the Demon God contacted the Mechanical God, and Bai Ye immediately gave the prepared drawings to the Demon God.

Sure enough, not long after, several syllables rushed towards the Demon God.

The Demon God gave Bai Ye a dumbfounded look, tapped him with his finger, and opened the sound transmission one by one in front of Bai Ye.

"Where are the people? Bring them to me quickly."

"¨"Hurry up, hurry up, don't ink, Lao Du, or I'll find you, no, no, you should come and find me."

"It doesn't matter if anyone comes or not, remember that you must bring things over."

Bai Ye heard the urging one after another in his ear, and suddenly laughed a little, this person is really a technical control.

The Demon God looked at Bai Ye and said, "Brother Bai, do we set off immediately or do you have anything to explain?"

"I don't have anything to explain, Brother Du, I can leave at any time."

The God of Demon Dao sent a sound transmission to the disciple, the grandson of Demon Flame Sect, and told him that he and Bai Ye left together, so he didn't need to wait outside.

Then he took Bai Ye, and Hu Mao, and left Moshendu together, and went to Mechanic City together.

The Machinery City is located at the southern end of the other side of the road. The main reason for staying there is that there are more building materials there.

The mechanical god is convenient to source materials locally, so the mechanical city was established here.

Demon God, Bai Ye, because they were not in a hurry, so the two of them were drinking, chatting, and hurrying on the road. They were unspeakably comfortable and unrestrained.

They are sitting on the magical pet of the demon god, a very large whale. Yes, you read that right, it is really a whale.

At the beginning, Bai Ye was shocked when he saw it, and the Demon God was very proud.

He enthusiastically introduced it to Bai Ye: "I gave it a name, and it flew to the sky. How about it? Isn't it suitable for the occasion? What's the name of your tiger hair?"

Bai Ye looked back at the tiger fur that was following behind him, the white fluff, subconsciously wanted to call Bai Mao.

But after thinking about it, I felt that the name was a bit rustic, so I opened my mouth and swallowed it.

"I haven't named it yet, and I don't know what to name it."

The Demon God rubbed his hands and said enthusiastically: "How about I help you build one, called Dundi, how about it? It matches my Feitian very well!".

Chapter 833

Bai Yi turned back to face the tiger fur standing behind him.

Looking at it with eyes asking for advice, the tiger cat shook its big white head in the middle of the night in a very humane way.

The demon god, who was so amused, held his stomach and laughed while rubbing his stomach.

"Brother Bai, your magic pet is so funny! Why are you so funny?"

Bai Ye ignored the magic way, turned his head and looked at Hu Mao seriously.

"What's your name? Baimao? Baihu? Baibai? Dabai?"

Bai Ye said one, Hu Mao shook his head, Bai Ye kept saying four, Hu Mao's head kept shaking and disagreeing.

In the end, the night had no choice.

"If you can speak, you can call yourself one, but now you can't speak, who knows what name you want?"

The result was tiger hair, and a few chirps of grievances.

In the end, Bai Ye gave up and said, "Let's call you Dabai first, since you can speak by yourself, you can change your name yourself. If you can't speak for the rest of your life, then just call it that."

After listening to Bai Ye's words, Hu Mao could only nod his head helplessly, so in the end Hu Mao's name was Da Bai.

The name reminded Bai Ye of the movie he watched before, the fat robot.

Compared with tiger hair, let alone, the name really suits it.

Mo Dao Shen and Bai Ye sat in Feitian of Mo Dao Shen together and headed to the mechanical city. On the way, Mo Dao Shen explained why he called this whale Feitian.

Because he felt that whales shuttled through the clouds in the sky, very beautiful and dreamy.

With such an explanation, Bai Ye also felt that the picture was beautiful.

It's just that they didn't fly so high, but flew at a low altitude, and they could still see the scenery below them clearly.

Because the distance between the Demon Gods and the Mechanic City is a bit far, they have to pass through several cities on the way.

So every time they go to a city, the Demon God will go down to buy some special good wine and good food, and the two of them will enjoy it on their wide back that day.

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