"It hurts, it hurts so much, where is this? Am I still alive?"

Li Xuan felt pain all over his body in a daze, and he had a high fever. His body was hot, but he couldn't sweat at all. He hadn't felt this feeling for a long time, even when he was infected with the virus a few years ago.

At this time, Li Xuan faintly heard the sound of a rooster crowing.

"It seems that it is already early morning,"

Li Xuan was very familiar with this sound. He grew up in the countryside and was woken up by the big rooster raised by his grandmother every morning.

"No, I am in the city now, there will be the sound of a big rooster there, even the farmer's market is far away from my home, the sound of the rooster can't be heard at all."

Li Xuan, who was still dizzy, suddenly felt something was wrong. Since he graduated and stayed in the city, he has never heard the crowing of a rooster.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and there was some light in the house.

After feeling the light, Li Xuan tried to open his eyelids, which seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and saw the environment he was in.

The gray roof, the gray-brown beams, the wooden grid windows and the yellowed window paper on them, as well as the simple furniture and furnishings, made Li Xuan stunned for a moment.

"Where is this?"

Although Li Xuan grew up in the countryside, even in his hometown in the countryside, the furnishings were much better than those in this house.

At least, in his hometown, the windows were all transparent glass, and even in the countryside, electricity was connected in the 1980s and 1990s, and the lighting was all based on incandescent lamps, not the old oil lamp on the table close at hand.

Seeing all this, Li Xuan felt that his already painful head hurt even more.

Li Xuan rubbed his forehead in a panic, trying to make it feel better.

"Why am I here? Is this in a mountain village?"

At this moment, Li Xuan finally remembered his last memory, which made him silent.

Originally, he had just graduated and was enjoying the blessings of 996 and 007. Just when he got up early and was on his way to the company, he encountered an out-of-control car at an intersection. He was already unable to dodge, and just had time to push the student next to him out before he was hit by the car.

The last scene in his memory was the panicked expression of the driver in the car and the clouds in the sky. Then, his consciousness fell into darkness.

Li Xuan rubbed his forehead in pain and scanned the environment in the room.

"In that case, I was not rescued, but traveled through time."

Feeling the intact body, although it was still relatively weak and painful, there was no physical pain after being hit by a car, which made Li Xuan understand it all at once.

At this moment, a torrent of memories rushed out from the depths of his mind. The huge memory made Li Xuan only have time to scream in pain before he fell into a coma again.


"Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan, wake up?"

When Li Xuan was still in a daze, he only felt a familiar voice calling him, and then a cold hand was placed on his hot forehead, making him feel a little better.

Then, he heard the sound of water flowing, and then a wet towel was placed on his forehead. Li Xuan groaned twice and fell into a coma again.

After several hours, Li Xuan barely received all the memories of his previous life and woke up from his coma with a dizzy head.

It was noon at this time, and the sky was already bright.

Li Xuan, who woke up, could barely hear the noise from the outside world.

Li Xuan's high fever had subsided, so although he was still in some pain, he was still alive.

Hearing the voices from the outside world, Li Xuan reluctantly opened his eyes and looked out weakly.

First, what caught his eye was a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, with flowing hair on her head, two sweet dimples on her small face, wearing a coarse cloth, sitting at the table and humming a song.

Seeing this girl, Li Xuan, who had accepted the memory of his previous life, couldn't help but blurt out:


Hearing Li Xuan's voice, Lin Shiyu, who was still humming a song, immediately turned her head and saw that Li Xuan had woken up and was looking at her with a smile. She immediately jumped up from the chair and cheered:

"Brother Xuan, you're awake."

Li Xuan nodded, and seeing the copper basin and the towel on the table, he understood what was going on, and said weakly:

"Thank you for your hard work, Shiyu."

Lin Shiyu shook her head quickly, and quickly took out a large bowl of porridge from the food box next to her, and brought it to Li Xuan, saying:

"Brother Xuan, although I know you are very sad, you have to take care of yourself, otherwise Uncle Li and Aunt Li will be worried down there. "

After hearing Lin Shiyu's words, Li Xuan fell into silence again.

Li Xuan, who had completely accepted the memories and feelings of his previous life, felt sad.

The name of his previous life was the same as his, Li Xuan, but the difference was that his parents had just died, and he was in mourning for his parents. He was too sad and had a high fever at night, so he passed away directly.

If Li Xuan, who had traveled through time, had not been discovered by Lin Shiyu early, he might have died just after traveling through time.

Lin Shiyu saw that Brother Xuan had fallen into silence again, and then she realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said. She stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly and immediately changed the subject:

"Brother Xuan, try it quickly. This is the lean meat porridge cooked by my mother. I added some salt. It's delicious. I'll serve you a big bowl. "

Li Xuan was in a low mood, but after being interrupted by Lin Shiyu, he recovered a little. Seeing the fragrant meat porridge close at hand, he felt a little hungry, so he took the big bowl from Lin Shiyu with some effort.

Since it was already noon, although the porridge was kept warm in the food box, it was only warm now, but it was just right for eating.

This bowl was very big, probably used for soup at home. The porridge was very viscous. Not only was the rice boiled, but there were also granules of meat scattered in it.

After getting closer, a smell of rice mixed with meat entered Li Xuan's nasal cavity. It was this year's new rice that was boiled, which made Li Xuan, who was a little hungry, salivate and feel like he had a big appetite.

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