"Huff--inhale--, huff--inhale--"

As the pain in his body became more and more intense, in order to resist the maddening pain, Li Xuan slowly adjusted his breathing and tried to calm himself down.

At this moment, Li Xuan suddenly thought of the breathing method that matched the movements in the "Eight Parts of Vajra Kung Fu". With a thought, he changed the frequency of his breathing and used that breathing method.

Because he was trapped in this small bathtub, Li Xuan could not practice the "Eight Parts of Vajra Kung Fu", so he tried his best to see if the accompanying breathing method would give him a surprise.

As Li Xuan slowly adjusted his breathing, he fell into silence. Although he still felt very strong pain, he was able to relax his body with his breathing, and his muscles no longer twitched and tensed, allowing his body to better absorb the medicinal effects in the liquid medicine.

Just as Li Xuan was slowly able to adapt to this pain, his emotions slowly calmed down. Li Xuan's heart moved, and he remembered what Uncle Lin said, so he focused on his lower abdomen, mobilized the internal force in his Dantian, and began to practice slowly according to the content of the Qi training chapter of the "Da Zhou Wu Jing".

What made Li Xuan overjoyed was that perhaps his body was stimulated by the medicinal bath, making the movement of internal force much smoother than before, and the mobilization was also much more handy.

Then, Li Xuan mobilized his internal force to rush towards the next acupuncture point of the small Zhoutian, which seemed to be much faster than before, giving him an indomitable momentum.


With the impact of the internal force, this acupuncture point looked even more shaky, giving people a feeling that it was about to be opened.

This discovery made Li Xuan excited. Originally, this acupuncture point would take two or three days to open, and if it was not opened in time, it would make the acupuncture point recover slowly, deepening the difficulty of opening.

And if he follows the current progress, it is possible to open up this acupuncture point when he finishes the medicinal bath.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan became more motivated and once again controlled his internal force to rush to the acupuncture point.


While Li Xuan was practicing diligently, something about him was happening in another corner of Yunzhi County.

At a rather imposing gate, the words "Wang's House" were written on the plaque above. The vermilion gate was nailed with large brass nails, which made it feel like a place for strangers to stay away.

At this time, a thin man with ordinary clothes hurriedly knocked on the door knocker on the gate. Not long after entering, he hurriedly left.

In Wang's house, a young man in a brocade robe knocked on the door of a room anxiously.

After he knocked on the door, he heard a middle-aged man's voice from inside.

"Who is it? What's the matter?"

After hearing this, the young man said in a panic:

"Father, it's me. I have something to report to you. It's about my second brother."

Just after he finished speaking, the door of the room was opened, and the middle-aged man in the room stood at the door and scolded:

"Why are you so flustered? You must be calm when encountering major events so that you can make correct judgments in time. Have you ignored what I taught you?"

After being scolded, the young man took a deep breath, and the panic on his face was reduced a lot. Then he said:

"Father, the person I sent to keep an eye on the kid at Captain Li's house just came to report to me. He seems to have recovered. He went to his father's best friend Lin Hongxiu's house early in the morning and has not come out yet. If I'm not mistaken, he should be To prepare to take over his father's position as a constable. "

Hearing his son's words, the head of the Wang family frowned slightly and said:

"I thought that the kid from the Lin family would continue to be decadent. In this case, even if he took over his father's job, he would at most be an apprentice constable. In this case, your brother's affairs would be easier to handle and he could grab the position of a formal constable in advance.

Unexpectedly, he actually came out.

If I remember correctly, there is still more than a month before he takes over, right? If he is lucky, he may be able to complete the skin training before then. In this case, your brother will have no hope. "

Hearing his father's words, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in the young man's eyes, and he lowered his voice and said:

"Father, do you want me to find someone? In this case, he will not be able to complete the skin training before taking over. "

As the young man said, he also made a gesture with his right hand.

Hearing his son's words, the head of the Wang family's eyes flashed with a look of desire, but still shook his head and denied:"It's not worth it. Don't treat others as fools. The Li and Lin families are all detectives in Yunzhi County. Some of them have been heads of police. Although they are not as good as our Wang family, they are very sensitive to these things due to professional habits.

Moreover, their colleagues and friends are also detectives. If they want to find out, it is not difficult.

When this time comes, our Wang family will be very passive and the price to pay will be too high. Therefore, these things cannot be done."

Hearing his father's words, the young man said helplessly:

"Father, what should I do? I have waited for this opportunity with great difficulty. If I can't become a detective, I can't get the training of the court and it will be difficult to get promoted."

The head of the Wang family stroked his black beard, thought for a while, and said:

"Although we can't use force, we can use some Other means.

I remember that the Li family kid is already fifteen years old, right? It is the time when youth is budding and reckless. You can ask your friends to find him more often and see if you can take him to drink and have fun. It happens that no one in his family cares about him. In this way, even if he is wasted, it is his own fault and you can't blame others. "

Speaking of this, the head of the Wang family added:

"You must remember that you are the future heir of the Wang family. Don't go in person, or it will arouse the vigilance of that Lin Hongxiu. Aren't those friends you usually keep proficient in eating, drinking and having fun? Now is the time to use them. You should spend more money and don't forget to get yourself out. "

Hearing his father's words, the young man suddenly realized it. After agreeing with his father, he hurriedly left. It seems that he went out to find someone.

Seeing his son in a hurry, the head of the Wang family shook his head helplessly and said:

"You still can't keep your composure. You need to practice more. You need to practice more."

After sighing, he turned around and went into the study. With a creak, the door of the study closed again.

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