Li Xuan had already opened the cage and was about to catch a Thousand Mile Bird from it, when suddenly, a voice appeared without warning in front of him, which frightened him directly.

You know, Li Xuan's current strength is almost invincible, and his hearing is even better, so even the slightest sound can't escape his ears.

However, even in this situation, a voice appeared without warning from behind him, which scared him.

"Who are you, why do you use the Thousand Mile Bird without authorization?"

Li Xuan trembled all over when he heard the voice, and then rushed forward suddenly. In order to avoid the unwarranted attack behind him, after moving forward a few steps, Li Xuan looked behind him.

In the corridor not far behind him, a middle-aged man wearing light black clothes, white face and no beard, with a long sword on his waist was looking at him calmly. Seeing that he reacted so quickly, a smile and appreciation flashed in his eyes.

But when Li Xuan saw this person, he was relieved, because besides the long sword, he also had a copper waist badge tied around his waist. Li Xuan had seen this waist badge at Brother Yun Jianyu's place. Yun Jianyu also had one, and he wanted to play with it.

After seeing this person's waist badge, Li Xuan also quickly took out his own waist badge and hung it around his waist, then bowed to him and said:

"Li Xuan, a student of the Earth Class of the Cloud Eagle Guard, greets you, sir."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, this person's eyes flashed with understanding, nodded and said:

"So you are a student of the Earth Class, I am the bronze medal envoy Peng Bailiang, I haven't seen your Earth Class coach Zhou for a long time? Is he still so fat?"

Hearing the words of the person in front of him, Li Xuan's eyes flashed with strangeness, but he still replied respectfully:

"To reply to Lord Peng, the coach of our Earth Class is surnamed Pan, and Coach Pan is a little Neither of them are fat. "

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Peng Bailiang laughed twice without apology and said:

"Yes, it's Pan, I got it mixed up."

After confirming Li Xuan's identity, Peng Bailiang looked at Li Xuan and asked:

"Why did you use the Thousand Mile Bird? Is there something urgent?"

After hearing this, Li Xuan nodded, looked at Peng Bailiang and said:

"I have an urgent matter, but since Lord Peng is here, I don't need to use the Thousand Mile Bird."

Li Xuan knew very well that the Lord Peng in front of him was definitely an innate strongman, and he was the best among the innate strongmen.

Li Xuan has been in Yunyingwei for some time, and he is very clear about the bronze medal envoy.

Let's put it this way, an innate strongman is not necessarily a bronze medal envoy, but a bronze medal envoy is definitely an innate strongman, and he is the best among them.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If you are very good at other things, such as being a master of alchemy or a master of formations, then even if you are not strong, you will become a bronze medalist.

However, those who can make exceptions are all scarce talents. They can just make pills and refine weapons comfortably in a safe place and will never come out to do tasks.

Of course, Li Xuan will also tell the intelligence to the adult in front of him first. As for whether he asks for external help, it is his business.

Then, Li Xuan did not hesitate and directly reported what he knew to the adult Peng in front of him. In order to enhance his persuasiveness, he also took out the empty exquisite wooden box and the account book of Tianjiu Village.

And the bronze medalist Peng Bailiang first picked up the wooden box. After a careful inspection, he confirmed the function and origin of the wooden box. It is indeed Xiantian Dan, and it is also a fine product from Danyun Pavilion in Beiwang County, which is very valuable.

After Peng Bailiang simply flipped through the account book, he looked at Li Xuan, who was wearing ragged clothes and talking nonstop, with a strange look in his eyes.

To be honest, Peng Bailiang did not expect that Li Xuan, who was in the Di class, would behave so exaggeratedly.

You know, according to his estimation, at this time, the people in the Ren class and the Di class who received the task were probably not all here yet. Even if he always thought he was the responsible person, he only arrived in Jiuyang County last night.

What he did not expect was that Li Xuan in front of him had not only arrived for several days, but also went to the target Tianjiu Village for a while and found out so much important information.

At this time, Li Xuan finally finished speaking, and then as if he remembered something, he added:

"By the way, Mr. Peng, according to the information I have gathered, this Jiuyang County magistrate's advisor has a close relationship with Tianjiu Village. You'd better control him first to prevent him from leaking our information."

After hearing Li Xuan's words, Peng Bailiang added another sentence in his heart, well, he found out a traitor.After listening to Li Xuan's words, Peng Bailiang said to the four iron plate messengers who appeared behind him at some point:

"Did you hear what Li Xuan said? First, control the master and the people related to him in the yamen, and then control the command of the police department to ensure the normal operation of the entire Jiuyang County.

After hearing Peng Bailiang's words, the people behind him clasped their fists and then did their own things with clear division of labor.

Seeing that Peng Bailiang did not take the news he had finally obtained seriously, Li Xuan was relieved and looked at Peng Bailiang and asked:

"Sir Peng, what do you think I need to do? "

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Peng Bailiang looked at his tattered clothes, a smile flashed in his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"You have done a good job in getting this information. It seems that you have suffered a lot. Besides, you are now a subordinate of Pan Gutou, and it is difficult for me to command you. You should go and recuperate for two days. After all the people from your Dizi class and Renzi class are here, we will go together to destroy Tianjiu Village. "

Hearing Peng Bailiang's words, Li Xuan also understood that what he said was indeed the truth. His classmates had not arrived yet, and he really had nothing to do. After thinking about this, Li Xuan bowed to him, left the government office, and headed towards the Zhuma Tower.

What he had to do now was to recuperate. Although his internal injuries had almost healed, there were still some parts of his body that were not very comfortable. In order to be in a good state for the collective action in the next two days, he really needed to rest well.

Li Xuan, who put his mind at ease, ignored the surprised eyes of others, found a small shop with a large flow of people, filled his stomach first, and then walked leisurely towards the restaurant where he was staying.

Just when Li Xuan was about to go to the Zhuma Tower, he did not expect that five inseparable people came out of the Zhuma Tower and met him directly.

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