Li Jiu barely blocked the shot that Li Xuan swept over. His hands holding the knife kept shaking, his face flushed red. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he said to Shan Jiu next to him with some fear:

"It's a tricky thing. Let's deal with him together, otherwise we'll be dead."

Shan Jiu hated Li Xuan so much that he certainly wouldn't refuse Li Jiu's proposal, so he and him attacked Li Xuan from the left and right.

Long spears are originally suitable for group battles, the kind of one-on-one against a group of you, so he didn't care about the two bandit leaders joining forces, but instead circulated his internal energy, poured it into the long spear in his hand, and slashed at the two again with the long spear.

Li Jiu and Shan Jiu originally thought that they could take down the Cloud Eagle Guard together, but soon after the fight, the two could only cope with it awkwardly.

Because Li Xuan's spear was not only extremely heavy, but also had very sophisticated moves, the two of them were no match even if they joined forces. In just a few breaths, they were cut with many wounds, and Shanjiu's wound was the most serious, and he was almost disemboweled.

Li Xuan shook the spear in his hand and gradually found the feeling of fighting with the enemy. Seeing that the two on the opposite side were already very reluctant, even their own breath was disordered, knowing that they were no longer worthy of sparring, he added two points of strength to his hand and chopped towards Shanjiu, who was slightly weaker.

Shanjiu saw Li Xuan attacking him again, and barely pulled himself together, put the long knife in his hand on his head, and wanted to take Li Xuan's spear.

But what Shanjiu didn't expect was that he was already at the end of his strength, and Li Xuan added two points of strength, so he couldn't catch Li Xuan's spear at all. When his long sword just touched Li Xuan's spear, he immediately felt a huge force that he couldn't match.

In front of this huge force, his long sword was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot. He was chopped away and even his arms were directly broken by this huge force.

But now Li Xuan didn't want to delay with them, so after Shanjiu was chopped away, he swept towards the attacking Lijiu.

And Lijiu didn't expect Shanjiu to be useless. The crisp sound of bone fracture and the broken and deformed arms showed that Shanjiu had completely lost his fighting power, so he immediately attacked, but was knocked aside by the long spear that swept towards him.

When Lijiu was knocked aside, Li Xuan followed closely and stabbed him with a long spear.

At this time, Li Jiu did not dare to face Li Xuan's attack head-on. When his spear came at him, he immediately dodged it by leaning sideways.

Seeing this, Li Xuan sneered, crossed his hands, and the spear in his hand changed direction urgently. The tip of the spear directly cut through Li Jiu's body, just like a hot knife cutting butter, and directly cut off his right arm and the Mo Dao in his hand.

The arm and the Mo Dao drew an arc in the air and fell in front of Shan Jiu.

Li Jiu, whose right arm was cut off, was immediately overwhelmed by the severe pain. He couldn't help but cover his broken right arm and screamed loudly. As a result, the next second, Li Xuan swung his spear and cut off his big head.

Seeing that Li Jiu was killed by Li Xuan, and Shan Jiu's arms had been broken just now, Shan Jiu, who knew that he had no resistance, was immediately frightened and turned around to run away.

As a result, a gun tip emerged from his throat the next second. Shan Jiu opened his eyes wide and raised his hands to cover the wound on his throat. However, when his hands were just raised, he was shocked by the internal force on the gun tip and died directly. His body fell heavily to the ground and there was no more life.

At this moment, Li Xuan felt a malicious attack on his left side, and the skin on his neck was stimulated by goose bumps.

Li Xuan didn't have time to think about it, so he leaned back suddenly and dodged a silent hidden arrow wrapped in internal force.

When he saw the hidden arrow passing by his eyes, Li Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his back was covered with cold sweat at this moment.

This hidden arrow was similar to the method he used to shoot the flower thief in Yunzhi County. It was silent and a great way to sneak up on people.

Li Xuan felt a little scared. It was because his spirit was strong that he had a certain premonition of this sneak attack. Otherwise, he would have been shot here.

Li Xuan opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the hidden arrow came from. Sure enough, he found a bandit leader holding a strong bow and looking a little panicked.

The leader was also very panicked. This man was a fierce man.In one round, he easily killed the two leaders with the highest martial power.

How could he not panic when his most proud hidden arrow method was avoided by this Cloud Eagle Guard?

Seeing the somewhat panicked bandit leader, Li Xuan grinned at him, revealing his sharp white teeth, which made the people on the opposite side even more panicked. Although there were many bandits from Tianjiu Village nearby, he felt like he was facing a ferocious beast alone in the deep mountains and old forests, which made his heart beat wildly and his mouth dry.

Seeing that the opponent was so unbearable, Li Xuan picked up the Mo Dao that was thrown on the ground, poured his internal energy, and threw it at him.

The two-meter-long Mo Dao flew towards the bandit leader with the whistling sound and majestic momentum.

The bandit leader's fighting power was far inferior to that of the eagle. When he saw that the sword in the hands of the Cloud Eagle Guard was several times more powerful than that of the eagle, he immediately turned pale with fear.

When the sword was about to hit him, the bandit leader barely pulled himself out of the intimidation and rolled on the ground without caring about anything else. However, the sword passed directly over his head and stabbed three ordinary bandits in succession before barely stopping.

Listening to the screams of the three bandits behind him, the bandit leader's face was very pale and he regretted it very much. Why did he provoke this evil spirit for no reason? Isn't this courting death?

When Li Xuan saw that this man had dodged the sword in a mess, he frowned with some dissatisfaction, and without saying anything, he stomped his feet, stirred up the dust on the ground, and then rushed towards him at a high speed with a spear in his hand.

He would not tolerate anyone who provoked him and would take revenge on the spot. Since he was going to kill the enemy, the bandit leader who provoked him would be his next target.

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