Baturu's face became more serious when he heard the white wolf's words. He nodded to it and shouted at the person who was kneeling on the ground to report to him:

"Did you hear what the white wolf said? Before the big army arrives, let the men be alert and move at all times. Don't let a flying bird go. Even if it's a mouse hole, fill it with poison water. Don't let the blasphemer have any chance to escape. Do you understand?"

The man who was half-kneeling on the ground heard the leader's words, his face twisted, revealing a fierce look. He stretched out his hand and pulled out the scimitar at his waist. He gritted his teeth and cut his palm, smeared the blood on his forehead and cheeks, and shouted to Baturu fanatically:

"Baturu Sir, we are all eagles flying in the sky on the grassland. We will never allow anyone to escape our pursuit and trample on the dignity of our Fiery Tribe. "

After the man finished speaking, he saluted Baturu fiercely, then turned around and waved the scimitar in his hand to the people behind him, shouting excitedly:

"Men of the Fiery Tribe, now is the most important time. Cheer up and don't miss any part of this Gobi Desert. Even if you turn the entire Gobi Desert upside down, you must find the person."

As the man raised the scimitar and waved it, the people around him also became excited. With a roar, they whipped the warhorse under them and rushed towards the Gobi Desert.

Seeing this man's performance, the huge white wolf next to him flashed a touch of appreciation in his eyes and asked:

"Baturu, is this child a member of the Fiery Tribe? Not bad, very brave. "

Although this man was covered in dust, the white wolf could still recognize that he was a young man.

Since the performance of this person was appreciated by Bai Lang, Baturu also smiled, and said with a slightly hoarse voice:

"This child is the third son of the leader of the Fiery Tribe. His father is a coward. He dared not fight with me after being beaten by me several times. I didn't expect that his son is quite brave, much like me when I was young, a fierce little wolf cub."

The white wolf watched the figure of the man go away and said:

"This matter is settled. You can let him come to the Holy Mountain. If there are people from our tribe who are interested in him, you can sign a contract and become a partner with him."

After hearing what Bai Lang said, Baturu's face did not show any surprise. , but said in a deep voice:

"It is a blessing for that kid to go to the Holy Mountain once. If he really finds a partner, I will train him well."

After the man and the wolf chatted for a few more sentences, Baturu looked up at the sky that was becoming more yellow, waved to his men behind him, and said:

"The sandstorm is coming soon, you also go to help find it. Remember, it is better to kill the wrong person than to let him go, but also pay attention to whether he has mixed in among our people. Go."

The people behind Baturu were the elites he carefully selected. They were usually warriors who could fight ten people at the same time, and everyone had a high military literacy.

As Baturu waved his hand, the people behind him saluted silently, and then ran towards the Gobi Desert silently, just like ghosts walking in the world.

Bai Lang had seen the quality of this team before, so he was not surprised.

After looking at the team, he looked up at the dim sky and said worriedly:

"Looking at the sky, this sandstorm will last for a long time. If that blasphemer takes advantage of this time to escape, he may still be able to escape."

After hearing Bai Lang's words, Baturu said:

"In this desert, even a master-level strongman can't escape without water, not to mention that the man is at most a junior who has just entered the innate realm. He dared to kill people on the Holy Mountain, so he must not return."

Bai Lang looked at the flying mountain in the distance. Eagle, said:

"It's better to catch him alive. In this way, sending that person to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters can ease the relationship with them, at least they won't become enemies."

Baturu shook his head and said after hearing what Bailang said:

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters is in a strong position now, how could they listen to our explanation? Even if they don't bother with us now, they will still come to trouble us after they have dealt with those troublesome guys."

The white wolf didn't say anything after hearing what Baturu said. After all, it was just a wolf. Although it was powerful, it was still not as good as humans in dealing with those twists and turns.

Under the watchful eyes of the two leaders, thousands of people were searching and struggling back and forth in this Gobi Desert. Even the large boulders were turned over to find out if there were still people hiding under the stones.

As time went by, TianThe sky also became dim, not only because the sandstorm blocked the sunlight, but also because it was almost night.

As the sky turned completely black, the Gobi Desert, which had been bustling all day, became much quieter.

However, in this dim night, bonfires were lit in the usually cold Gobi Desert, but there were not many people around the bonfires. Many people held torches in their hands and patrolled the Gobi Desert without giving up.

While everyone was patrolling, a small hill composed of rocks not far from the water source suddenly made a slight movement.

This rocky hill was not big, and it was all rubble. There was not even a little bit of obstructing plants. It could be said that it was in full view. Therefore, although some people came here to patrol, they would not come again after walking once.

This slight movement was heard by a person guarding the bonfire nearby, but he did not care.

These stones had been exposed to the sun all day long. At night, the air cooled down and these stones would make subtle noises.

So, after hearing the noise, this person just turned his head and looked in that direction. He found it was pitch black, so he threw away the things in his hand, stood up cursing, grabbed a torch, and went to the rocky mountain for another round. Then he came back and sat down, roasting the hard cake in his hand by the campfire. When the cake softened a little, he took a big bite.

However, when this person was carefully drinking the few water in the water bag, he did not notice that there was a pair of dark eyes staring at him on the rocky mountain behind him.

To be more precise, the eyes were actually staring at the deflated water bag.

However, at this moment, a team with sharp blades passed by the campfire, causing the eyes to disappear silently in the dark night.

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