After hearing what this person said, Baturu was happy at first, but he immediately felt something was wrong, because the person in front of him looked very terrified, but there was no trace of joy.

Logically speaking, if he really found the traces of that blasphemer, this person should be very happy, and he would not look so terrified.

When he thought of this, Baturu's face turned ugly. He looked at the person kneeling in front of him and said in a deep voice:

"What else? Tell me all at once, I won't blame you."

Hearing what Lord Baturu said, the man lowered his head even lower, swallowed his saliva and said:

"We only found traces, but we didn't find the blasphemer, and, and, according to our speculation, the man is likely to have left the Gobi Desert."

Hearing what this person said, Baturu's eyes condensed, staring at this person, and said:

"Where are the traces? Take me there."

The man didn't dare to delay, and quickly got up and took Baturu to the puddle that Li Xuan dug out not far from the water source yesterday.

Baturu looked at the small puddle with an ugly face. The pale yellow water mixed with mud and sand in it, in his opinion, was the blasphemer who stretched out his hand and slapped him hard in the face.

Baturu's eyes were gloomy and full of rage, and his low voice was like a wounded beast:

"Have you tried it? Is the water here poisonous? Can you drink it?"

Batur looked at the colorful water source not far away, holding the last bit of hope in his heart.

After hearing what Lord Baturu said, a man who had been at the puddle bowed to him and said with a pale face:

"Reply, Lord, we have tried horses and some small animals, and so far, no signs of poisoning have been found."

Hearing this man's words, Baturu gritted his teeth fiercely, his cheeks twitched violently, and looked at him gloomily, and said in a deep voice:

"Haven't you tried it with anyone?"

The man quickly shook his head and said

"Replying to Lord, we haven't had time to find anyone yet."

Batur nodded, stared at him, and said gloomily:

"No need to find anyone, you come and drink!"

Hearing what Baturu said, the man was startled and cold sweat immediately flowed down.

Being able to report to Lord Baturu here, this person still has some status, and can be regarded as a small captain.

Poison testing is a dangerous thing. Logically speaking, even if you find someone to test the poison, you should find someone who has no background and strength to do this.

However, the captain did not expect Baturu to let him test the poison directly, and he could not help but hesitate.

Seeing this person hesitate, Baturu looked at him with bloodshot eyes like an angry beast, and a real killing intent enveloped this person, and only one word came out of his mouth


Under the murderous intent of Baturu, the captain knew very well that if he dared to hesitate again, he would be killed by Baturu directly, so he immediately agreed, picked up some yellowish water in the puddle and drank it, and drank about a liter of water before standing up nervously.

After this person drank the water, Baturu narrowed his eyes and looked at this person quietly, as if waiting for this person to be poisoned.

After waiting for a while, just when Baturu was getting impatient, another team ran over and reported to him:

"Master Baturu, we found a body of one of our own on the edge of the Gobi Desert, and the horse belonging to that person was also stolen. It was probably done by that blasphemer."

Hearing this person's words, Baturu turned his head and looked at him. A wanton murderous intent enveloped everyone present, making them immediately feel that a disaster was about to happen, and even the hair on their bodies stood up.

However, in the face of Baturu's murderous intent, everyone did not dare to resist, and could only bow their heads deeply, praying that they were not the unlucky one.

After receiving this news, Baturu was very sure that the blasphemer had definitely escaped under his nose.


Baturu, who was furious, could no longer bear the anger in his heart, and stretched out his hand to slap the captain who had just drunk water. After flying dozens of meters away, he fell heavily on the colorful water source like a tattered rag doll, splashing a large area of ​​poisonous water.

Fortunately, the water source served as a buffer, so this person did not die immediately. After coughing twice with difficulty, blood rushed out of his mouth as if it was free. He looked at Baturu in the distance unwillingly, and then swallowed the last bit of blood.After Baturu slapped the man to death, his anger dissipated a little. He said to the people who were scared like quails, with anger in his tone: "Immediately notify the falconry team to send their mountain eagles to explore the place where the damn blasphemer might escape. Although it may not be as easy to explore as before due to the sandstorm, it is much faster than our exploration on the ground. Also, send all our people in the Gobi Desert to chase the place where the man escaped. Keep one person and two horses, and change horses but not people on the way. I don't believe that we can't catch up with the damn guy. Finally, send a group of people to notify the large army that will arrive soon, and ask them to change direction. The team will form a fan-shaped team to chase the direction where the man escaped, and see if they can form an encirclement to wrap him up." Hearing the task issued by Lord Baturu, the people kneeling around him breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that their lives were no longer in danger. They wiped the cold sweat and hurried to complete their tasks. After giving the order, Baturu was not satisfied. Instead, he came to the body killed by Li Xuan. After carefully investigating, he sighed.

Just as Baturu sighed, the white giant wolf came over quietly, sniffed the surroundings carefully, and then showed its sharp white teeth angrily, saying to Baturu:

"That person is very cunning. Even when killing people, he didn't leave any smell. Damn it."

Looking at the giant wolf that was panting, Baturu reached out and patted its tall body, saying:

"If this guy wasn't so cunning, we would have caught him long ago. Don't worry, he can't run away. There are our people in this area of ​​100 miles. Sooner or later, we will catch him."

The white wolf nodded and said:

"Then I will send a message to the tribe and let them disperse. I don't believe that the man can hide in the rat hole all the time."

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