Seeing that Lord Qian was very interested in his wing suit flying device, Li Xuan found a pen and paper and drew the design.

In the previous life, wing suit flying and other things were basically extreme sports. Even with complete safety devices, there was a certain mortality rate.

However, in this life, the physical fitness of warriors is far superior to that of ordinary people, so they can play with these things at will, not to mention Lord Qian, who is at the heavenly level. Even if he is thrown from the sky, he can probably land intact.

After Lord Qian stuffed the design given to him by Li Xuan into his Qiankun bag with a smile, he took out a bottle of pills from it and threw it to Li Xuan, saying:

"I can't take advantage of you, a junior, so I'll give you this bottle of Yunzhi Blood Lotus Pill. You can completely recover from the loss and injury on your body by taking one pill, and I estimate that there will be a certain benefit."

Li Xuan was not polite, and took it after a salute.

For big guys like this, showing a little thing in their hands is enough to make them rich.

Lord Qian felt relieved when he saw Li Xuan accept the pills. He didn't want to owe favors to others. These pills were nothing to him, but they were good things to Li Xuan. If he encountered an emergency, they would be life-saving.

At this time, Lord Qian seemed to remember something and said to Li Xuan:

"Since you already have the Qiankun bag, I will give you this thing. This is also the biggest reward for you as a genius in the Tianzi class."

At this point, Lord Qian rummaged through the Qiankun bag and carefully took out a piece of golden paper. Not only was it full of tiny words, but there was also a huge word "Wu" in the middle. This word "Wu" was full of a kind of Taoism, as if the charm and spirit of martial arts were written in it, making people feel like they wanted to fall into it at a glance.

Looking at Lord Qian's cautious appearance, Li Xuan was a little puzzled. You know, Lord Qian is a master of the Tianren realm. Something that can make him cautious must be a national treasure, right? How could it be his turn?

If you don't understand, ask. Li Xuan didn't rush to take the thing from Lord Qian, but asked:

"Lord Qian, what is this?"

Lord Qian didn't look at Li Xuan at this time, but looked at the thing in his hand with some emotion, sighed, and handed it to Li Xuan, saying:

"This is the calligraphy of Jiang Xianwu, the founding emperor of our Great Zhou."

Hearing Lord Qian's words, Li Xuan was greatly shocked and couldn't help but take the calligraphy.

Li Xuan is no longer the novice before. Of course, he knows the importance of Jiang Xianwu, the founding emperor of the Great Zhou.

It is said that the founding emperor who came out of the mountains was already a master of the heavenly realm when he was just born.

And when he came out to make his fortune, it happened to be a chaotic time, so the founding emperor Jiang Xianwu conquered a piece of land with his bare hands, and it is said that his martial arts has reached the pinnacle. It can be said that in this era without the birth of a martial arts saint, he represents the pinnacle of martial arts.

And the value of the calligraphy of this founding emperor is simply inestimable.

After Li Xuan took the calligraphy, Lord Qian continued:

"This calligraphy of His Majesty the Emperor is only temporarily kept with you. When you can reach the realm of heaven and man, you can return it, or wait for fifty years. Even if you have not entered the realm of heaven and man, you still need to return it."

Li Xuan was still holding this treasure at this time. After getting it, he understood the material of this treasure. It was made of pure gold. This reminded him of the Buddhist secret book that he had kept close to him, which was also made of pure gold. It seems that among the high-level officials, pure gold is basically a circulating item.

After Lord Qian finished speaking, Li Xuan asked hesitantly:

"Lord Qian, this thing is so precious, aren't you afraid that I will lose it?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Lord Qian waved his hand and said:

"Just be careful, I will help you put a ban on the Qiankun bag later, so that except for you, others can't take out the things inside even if they get your Qiankun bag."

Speaking of this, Lord Qian looked at Li Xuan, raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"Besides, do you know how many calligraphy treasures His Majesty the Emperor left behind?"

Li Xuan's heart moved when he heard Lord Qian's words, but he still shook his head honestly.

Lord Qian smiled and then said:

"You don't know, because I don't know either."

Li Xuan never thought that Lord Qian would say such a thing, and was a little stunned.Look at him.

Lord Qian didn't care about Li Xuan's reaction and continued:

"Although I don't know the exact number, it is said that there must be thousands or tens of thousands of pieces. The one in your hand is at most a medium-quality one, not to mention the best. It is probably not even a top-quality one."

Speaking of this, Lord Qian patted his Qiankun bag and continued:

"I still have five pieces here, but with your current martial arts realm, if you come into contact with them, even if you don't become a lunatic, it is normal to become schizophrenic."

Li Xuan secretly smacked his lips when he heard Lord Qian's words. That's right, he is just a small innate warrior now. If he rashly comes into contact with those very profound things, it is indeed very dangerous.

At this point, Lord Qian looked at the calligraphy in Li Xuan's hand and continued:

"Of course, I won't give you useless things. This word "Wu" contains the martial arts will of His Majesty the founding emperor, and is also suitable for martial artists at your stage as a visualization diagram. It can not only strengthen your soul, but also enhance your understanding of martial arts. And there is also a Xuan-level martial arts on it. At your current stage, you can barely practice it."

Hearing Lord Qian's words, Li Xuan's heart moved, and hesitantly asked:

"Xuan-level martial arts?"

Lord Qian nodded, and then asked:

"What? You don't know about the entry-level martial arts?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said:

"I only know first-class martial arts, second-class martial arts and so on. As for the entry-level martial arts, the teacher did say a few words when I was learning, but he didn't go into detail. He just said that it is not something we can touch at this stage. When we can reach the innate realm, we will be qualified to understand it. If we know it too early, it will not be good for us."

At this point, Li Xuan realized belatedly

"Oh, yes, I am now an innate warrior, and I am qualified to touch these."

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