It can be said that Li Xuan relied on this secret technique to successfully escape from Baturu's pursuit.

Moreover, in normal times, Li Xuan would habitually use the secret technique to make himself look inconspicuous, which was also his way of survival.

What Li Xuan did not expect was that even Baturu did not find him at the beginning, but now he was exposed by an old man who had already retired. I just don't know whether it was because of Mr. Yan's good eyesight or because he judged it based on experience.

So, after hearing what Mr. Yan said, Li Xuan was silent for a while, and then said ambiguously:

"Mr. Yan is joking. With my little tricks, it is still too shallow in front of Mr. Yan."

After hearing what Li Xuan said, Mr. Yan also understood that he was not the kind of person who was ostentatious, so he did not hold on to him anymore. He chatted for a few more sentences and then said nothing more.

Not long after, Mr. Yan took Li Xuan to a place that looked very ordinary. Not only was there a small flow of people, but there were not many people on duty.

However, Li Xuan knew that all this was an illusion, because when he just approached here, he had already felt the tight security here with his sensitive perception, and he didn't know how many people were watching here in secret.

And when he just approached, he felt a vague murderous intent locking on him, but only when he saw that it was Old Yan who led him here, did he disperse the murderous intent and stop staring at him.

And Old Yan in front of him didn't know whether he knew about this or not. Anyway, he smiled all the way and led him to the door of a room, knocked on the door and went in alone.

Li Xuan waited at the door for a while, and saw Old Yan came out with a smile, with a can of tea in his hand, and said to Li Xuan with a smile:

"I didn't expect to have an unexpected gain here this time. Come in quickly, I, an old man, won't get involved in your affairs."

After saying this, Old Yan didn't care about Li Xuan anymore, but walked back in the direction he came from.

After watching Old Yan leave, Li Xuan knocked on the door and opened it after getting permission and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Xuan saw a huge desk. Behind the desk sat a well-proportioned middle-aged man wearing a Cloud Eagle Guard uniform and looking somewhat elegant. Judging from the pattern on his uniform, he should be a Silver Medal Cloud Eagle Guard.

At this time, the Silver Medal Envoy was sitting upright behind the desk, looking at the documents in his hand.

Li Xuan also knew that this should be a relatively confidential place, and he did not dare to look at it too much. After a glance, he saluted to this person and said:

"Cloud Eagle Guard Iron Medal Envoy Li Xuan greets you."

After hearing Li Xuan's words, this person closed the documents in his hand and looked at Li Xuan standing in front of him.

After seeing Li Xuan, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Get up."

The voice was clear and gentle, with a sense of elegance.

After hearing this, Li Xuan straightened up and said loudly:

"Thank you, sir."

The man nodded, picked up a file next to him and started reading it, saying as he read:

"Li Xuan, courtesy name Yi'an, from Yunzhi County, father Li Zhengyuan, former captain of the Yunzhi County Constable Department, mother Li,

You grew up in Yunzhi County since childhood, and are close to Lin Hongxiu's family. This year, you were selected as a member of the Yunying Guard Dizi Class. Am I right?"

Li Xuan understood that the file in the man's hand was his own, and he was not surprised by the superficial things he knew, so he cupped his hands and said:

"Your Excellency is right."

The voice was neither anxious nor impatient, without a trace of anxiety and uneasiness about being investigated.

However, in Li Xuan's heart, he secretly complained:

"These things are nothing. If you can find out my identity in my previous life, I will be surprised."

If it really comes to that, Li Xuan will not be surprised or not, but will be sliced ​​or not.

After hearing Li Xuan's answer, the man nodded and put down the file in his hand, and said to Li Xuan in a gentle voice:

"Don't worry, these are just your superficial information. Your true identity is known to no more than five people in the entire Beiwang County, and I happen to be one of them."

Hearing this man's words, Li Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and whispered:

"I don't know what you mean, sir. I just came to hand in the task."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, the man was not annoyed, but a little happy, and said with a smile:

"Yes, there are still some vigilance. Only such people can survive. Don't worry, sir Qian has told me your identity in the Tianzi class, and I will be with you in the future.The person who is solely responsible."

Speaking of this, the man patted his forehead in annoyance and said:

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Yan Wuya, the silver medal envoy of the Cloud Eagle Guard, the deputy commander of the Cloud Eagle Guard in Beiwang County, and the assistant of Lord Qian. During his absence from Beiwang County, I was responsible for everything in the Cloud Eagle Guard in Beiwang County."

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, Li Xuan knew that he did know his identity. He hesitated for a while before asking:

"Wasn't it Brother Yun Jianyu who was responsible for my handover before? Why did it change to Lord Yan? "

Hearing Li Xuan's words, this person smiled and said with a smile:

"Yun boy has just broken through to the Grandmaster realm. It is the time for consolidation and rapid progress. Usually he is either in seclusion for cultivation or madly doing tasks. He doesn't pay much attention to you.

And usually, Lord Qian can't sit still in Beiwang County, so most of the people Yun boy contacts are me. Now you are also a warrior in the Xiantian realm, and you are qualified to contact me directly, so just let me contact you directly. "

Hearing the words of Lord Yan, Li Xuan finally understood, and bowed to him and said:

"Then I will trouble Lord Yan in the future."

Yan Wuya shook his head and said with a smile:

"In fact, you can call me Uncle Yan like Yun boy. "

Hearing Yan Wuya's amiable words, his tone was also very gentle, Li Xuan's face was full of question marks, when did he have connections with the Cloud Eagle Guard?

Seeing Li Xuan's confused expression, Yan Wuya sighed with some amusement, and said helplessly:

"My son Yan Yizi is now the commander of your Yunzhi County."

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, Li Xuan immediately had a figure with a big horse and a golden sword, and blurted out:

"Commander Yan Yizi?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Yan Wuya nodded and confirmed:

"Yes, that's my son."

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, Li Xuan carefully looked at the elegant Lord Yan in front of him, and compared him with the Commander Yan in his mind, and felt a sense of panic in his heart.

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