The last five moves of "Rough Bull Fist" are completely different from the first five moves, because the first five moves are only for refining the skin, and the blood and qi mobilized at that time are not much, so it is relatively easy.

The last five moves of "Rough Bull Fist" are for refining the flesh, and at this time the blood and qi of the martial artist is at least three or four times that of the previous ones, so these five moves are more difficult.

When Li Xuan finished the last five moves of "Rough Bull Fist" with difficulty, he clearly felt that a large part of the huge blood and qi in his body was integrated into the muscles of his body, while a small part of it was integrated into the skin. This discovery surprised him.

Uncle Lin, who was standing next to him, seemed to have known the reason for his surprise after seeing Li Xuan's expression, and said leisurely:

"Have you discovered the abnormality of the blood flow?"

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan hurriedly asked:

"Uncle Lin, haven't I completed the skin refining? How come part of my blood and qi have been integrated into the skin again? Did I practice it wrong?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Uncle Lin did not answer his question, but asked:

"Xuan'er, who do you think has stronger skin defense ability, a flesh refining warrior or a blood refining warrior?"

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan answered without hesitation:

"Of course, the blood refining warrior's skin defense is stronger. I have read in a book that the skin of a flesh refining warrior can only reach the level of a few layers of cowhide at most, while the blood refining warriors are all copper skin and iron bones. There is no comparison between the two. . "

"Then, have you ever thought about why this is the case?"

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan also reacted quickly.

"It turns out that even if you have completed the skin and flesh refining, you will continue to strengthen them in the later stages to make them stronger and stronger."

Lin Hongxiu nodded and said:

"Physical training, physical training, is also a whole training. In fact, no matter what realm you have reached, the whole body will become stronger with your practice, just like now, before you start to refine the flesh, the muscles in your body have been strengthened a lot.

And the same is true in reverse. When you refine the flesh, bones, and blood, you will also strengthen your previous parts in turn. This is why it becomes more and more difficult as the realm increases. "

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan suddenly realized that this was the case.

After resolving the doubts in his heart, Li Xuan once again devoted himself to practice, and as he completed the practice of the last five forms of the Bull Fist again and again, a stream of blood and qi slowly merged into his body, making his body stronger and stronger.

"Huff, huff, huff..."

With Li Xuan's heavy breathing and beads of sweat rolling down his face, he once again completed the practice of the Bull Fist. After barely completing the last move - the Demon Bull Roaring to the Sky, Li Xuan, who was already at his limit, could no longer hold on and lay directly on the ground, gasping for breath.

Uncle Lin shook his head helplessly and said:

"You are trying too hard, if you overdraw too much, you won't be able to recover tomorrow."

Feeling the body nourished by qi and blood, Li Xuan said while panting:

"It's okay, Uncle Lin, I know what I am doing, but the last five moves of this Bull Fist are really exciting. You know, my qi and blood are at least four times stronger than before, but I didn't expect that I almost couldn't hold on."

Uncle Lin heard what Li Xuan said and said:

"All body-refining exercises are like this. Only when you train yourself more, you will make more obvious progress. If it's like ordinary boxing, even if you practice for a lifetime, it's hard to break through to blood refining."

Li Xuan also knew that Uncle Lin's words made sense, so he didn't say anything, but slowly adjusted his breathing. After his breathing slowly calmed down, he supported his sore body and slowly climbed up.

The setting sun in the west shone on Li Xuan's upper body covered with sweat beads, flashing a crystal light.

Just when Li Xuan was about to express some emotion, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. This sound attracted the attention of him and Uncle Lin.

Then, Lin Shiyu, who was carrying a lot of bags, ran in, and behind her was Aunt Lin, who also carried a lot of things.

Shiyu saw Li Xuan and his father at a glance, and greeted them happily:

"Brother Xuan, Dad, you are really practicing, and you don't know how to take a break.

My mother and I bought a lot of delicious food, including candied haws, glutinous rice cakes and meat buns from Li Erniu's house. Come and try them. They are not delicious when they are cold."

Seeing the energetic Shiyu, Lin Hongxiu and Li Xuan smiled at each other, and Uncle Lin said:

"Okay, let's practice here today, and we will continue tomorrow morning."

After Uncle Lin finished speaking, he took the meat in his hand and put it in the pot.The willow branches were thrown on the ground. Today's willow branches also made a lot of contributions, allowing Li Xuan to avoid many detours. Of course, there are also sequelae, that is, several deep red marks on Li Xuan's body.

Li Xuan looked at the willow branches on the ground expressionlessly, and then walked towards Shiyu, but for some reason he turned a small corner and accidentally stepped on the willow branches on the ground. With a click under his feet, Li Xuan's face also revealed a smile, and even the burning feeling on his body was relieved a lot.

Just when Li Xuan and Uncle Lin's family were having dinner lively, several young men in brocade robes were wandering near the door of Li Xuan's house. Although they didn't get close, their eyes would occasionally glance at the door of Li Xuan's house.

"Cousin, I really invited Li Xuan to the Zuichunlou for a banquet, but he refused. I couldn't force him, so I let him go."

Next to a tall and thin young man, a shorter young man explained to him timidly. His face was obviously red and swollen, but he didn't know who hit him.

The tall and thin young man Jia Fu glanced at Jia Gui coldly and confirmed again:

"Did you really give that box of Xiyan Fruit to that Li Xuan? Instead of keeping it for yourself?"

Hearing his cousin's words, Jia Gui's eyes flashed with jealousy, and then explained again:

"Really, cousin, brother Xizi can testify with me that I had already given him the box of Xiyan Fruit at that time."

After hearing Jia Gui's reassurance, Jia Fu's face looked better.

He knew what kind of role his cousin played, and believed that no matter how big the burden was, he would not dare to cheat on him.

The reason why he was angry was that he did not expect that when he was arranging the evening banquet and preparing to give Li Xuan a surprise, his cousin gave the Cigarette Washing Fruit to Li Xuan. In this way, his contribution would be diluted a lot, and when the matter was done and the merits were rewarded, he would get much less benefits.

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