After Li Xuan finished his meal happily, he helped Aunt Lin pack up and asked:

"Uncle Lin, what should I do next? Continue to practice bone refining?"

Uncle Lin shook his head and denied it after hearing Li Xuan's words:

"That won't work. Your flesh refining is different from skin refining this time. It is completed with the medicinal effect of the spiritual fruit. In the next period of time, you should consolidate your own blood and qi. When you can make your blood and qi like mercury, you can start bone refining."

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan nodded in understanding. Uncle Lin had much more experience than him, so it was better to listen to Uncle Lin's words.

After taking a sip of tea, Lin Hongxiu continued:

"Besides, although you have completed the refining of skin and flesh, you only know one "Rough Bull Fist", which makes you very passive when encountering an enemy.

Before you report, you should choose to practice a weapon. In this way, when you encounter an enemy, you can also use the weapon skillfully to resist the enemy's attack."

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan was also curious and asked:

"Uncle Lin, I saw that most of the constables used Pudao before. Do I need to learn a sword technique?"

Uncle Lin shook his head and said after hearing Li Xuan's words:

"It all depends on you. If you are still in the stage of refining If you are in the skin stage, it doesn't matter what weapon you use, they are all the same anyway.

When you reach the flesh refining stage, you can become a team leader, and you have the privilege of using the weapon you are good at. Of course, you can use whatever weapon you want. "

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan understood the reason and said with some embarrassment:

"Uncle Lin, I don't know what I am good at, what should I do?"

"It depends on your own choice and what suits you. Choosing a weapon is simple and complicated. It is related to your inner preferences, your body posture, and even the psychological state left over from your childhood. Shadow. "

Here, Uncle Lin paused for a moment, and said in a distant tone:

"There is another situation, that is, people who are born with a knife embryo and a clear sword heart. People like them are born to practice knives and swords. They can practice for one month and be equivalent to ordinary people practicing for ten years. It is impossible to infer their degree of progress by common sense. "

As he said, Uncle Lin took Li Xuan into the room and pointed to the weapons on the weapon rack in front of him and said:

"These weapons were collected by our Lin family ancestors. Although they are not particularly precious, they are all rare and exquisite.

As long as you let go of your mind when you come into contact with them and infuse your own blood and qi into them, you can Feel whether it is suitable or not. "

Speaking of this, Uncle Lin said with some emotion:

"Some people have obsessions in their hearts and cannot see their own hearts clearly. They are obviously not suitable for this kind of weapon, but they still choose this kind of weapon. Although it cannot be said that it is a wrong choice, it is also twice the result with half the effort, and they will never reach a high level in their life.

There are also people who are good at their own fists and feet. For such people, their own fists and feet are their own weapons. As long as they have a protective tool such as boxing gloves, it will be fine. "

Uncle Lin's family does not have many types of weapons, and it has not reached the level of eighteen kinds of weapons, but the most common weapons are still there, including knives, swords, guns, and sticks.

Looking at the many weapons in front of him, Li Xuan was also secretly a little excited. His future weapon was finally chosen. If nothing unexpected happened, the weapon he chose this time should be used for a lifetime.

In Li Xuan's heart, of course, the sword with white clothes fluttering, killing one person every ten steps, and leaving no trace for a thousand miles is the most suitable for his heart. In this case, I don’t know how handsome it will be.

Li Xuan took a deep breath before taking a sword from the weapon rack. Then he relaxed his mind and slowly poured his blood and qi into it.

As the blood and qi poured in, Li Xuan felt the sword in his hand slowly humming, and it resonated with him.

Uncle Lin beside him nodded and said:

"This sword recognizes you. Kendo is a good choice for you. Do you want to try something else?"

Li Xuan did not speak, but slowly put down the sword and picked up the knife next to him.

This knife has a relatively slender blade, similar to the Embroidered Spring Knife.

After Li Xuan picked up the knife, the blade hummed suddenly, as if welcoming him.

Uncle Lin beside him was very surprised by this situation, and said with some joy in his tone:

"It seems that Kendo is more suitable for you."

Li Xuan nodded, but put it down in Uncle Lin's puzzled eyes.He put away the knife in his hand, and then reached for the spear next to him.

In fact, Li Xuan was attracted by the spear after entering this room.

This is a spear made of metal. The body of the spear has a silver-gray luster, and it is dull with some matte.

The tip of the spear is black. If it weren't for the sharp light flashing on the tip of the spear, Li Xuan would have thought that the spear was just a decoration.

The reason why this spear was put last is because Li Xuan also wants to see his talents in other places.

As soon as Li Xuan's hand touched the body of the spear, he immediately felt different, as if something in his body had awakened, and he had the urge to wield the spear in his hand.

Li Xuan suppressed the urge in his heart, held the spear shaft, and infused his own blood and qi into it.

With the infusion of blood and qi, Li Xuan immediately felt a sense of unity with the spear in his hand.

As the long spear in his hand hummed, Li Xuan felt that the long spear in his hand was the derivative of his own hands and feet.

Slowly, the long spear in Li Xuan's hand seemed to have moving colors. Along with Li Xuan's breathing, the colors on the long spear also flickered visibly, as if it came alive.

At this moment, Li Xuan's heart moved, and he guided the internal energy in his dantian into the long spear. Just after he had just input it, the long spear in Li Xuan's hand suddenly made a sound like a sword being unsheathed, and as this sound rang out, a half-inch long spear light protruded from the tip of the spear.

Seeing the changes in the long spear in his hand, Li Xuan was also startled, and quickly stopped the input of internal energy. The spear light left a deep mark on the wooden weapon rack, and then dissipated as Li Xuan stopped inputting internal energy.

Lin Hongxiu, who was standing by, was also stunned when the spear in Li Xuan's hand changed. When the tip of the spear showed a sharp edge, he pulled out a few strands of his beard. The pain of having his beard pulled out brought Lin Hongxiu back to his senses.

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