Chapter 281

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Yan Wuya glanced at him, shook his head and said with a smile:

"With your personality, you are suitable to be a team leader."

After Yan Wuya teased Li Xuan, his expression became more formal, and then he explained:

"The reason why I didn't call them is because they have chosen other paths and are no longer suitable to participate in the competition. Moreover, with their talents and cultivation, they have no way to participate in this competition."

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, Zhou Wanmiao frowned and asked with some confusion:

"Then why? To be selected as a member of the Earth Class, They are both talented and hardworking, and Zhang Sen and Li Ming were both selected from the bottom. They are both determined and determined. How could their cultivation be insufficient? "

Hearing Zhou Wanmiao's words, Yan Wuya sighed for the first time, and then continued:

"Zhou Wanmiao, if I am not mistaken, you and Yun Jianshu should both be in the state of post-natal great perfection now, right?"

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu both nodded. Since they began to accept missions in Yunyingwei, they have obtained a lot of resources, and with the sponsorship of their families, their cultivation is now in the state of post-natal great perfection.

Seeing the two nod, Yan Wuya continued:

"In fact, if we talk about hard work, you two can't compare with Zhang Sen, Li Ming and others, but they are just unlucky."

Speaking of this, Yan Wuya's eyes flashed with regret

"The two of them are good friends, so when they take on missions, they go together. But just two months ago, when they were on a mission, they encountered a group of blood-fanged wolves slaughtering the village, and the wolf king was a great demon-level monster.

So they didn't run away, but used the secret method to kill the wolves directly, even the great demon-level wolf king was killed.

It's just that because the secret method was used for too long, their cultivation level fell from the acquired great perfection, and they haven't recovered yet."

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, everyone fell silent, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

Yan Wuya looked at their reactions and continued:

"This is still good. No matter what, they have saved their lives and their bodies are not damaged. Even if their cultivation level drops, they can make up for it later.

As for the members of the human-shaped class, six of them have been killed while completing their missions, and several of them are disabled. They can no longer stay in the Cloud Eagle Guard and have retired due to illness."

After hearing these words, Li Xuan and others didn't know what to say for a moment. They knew that since the night of the essence of the moon, the riots of the monsters have increased exponentially, but they didn't expect it to be so tragic that even the members of the human-shaped class lost so many.

After a while, Yun Jianshu broke the silence, touched his head a little embarrassedly, and said:

"Lord Yan, can you give Zhang Sen and the others a chance? I believe they will improve their cultivation as soon as possible and become the acquired great perfection again."

After hearing Yun Jianshu's words, Yan Wuya looked at him with a bit of amusement, then shook his head and said:

"Yun Jianshu, do you think the standard for going to the capital to participate in the competition is the acquired great perfection?"

After Yan Wuya asked, he did not wait for him to answer, but continued:

"The standard for being able to go to the capital to participate in the competition is not the acquired great perfection, but to become the innate realm, only then there is a little hope of achieving good results Performance, understand? If your cultivation is only the acquired great perfection, you will be cannon fodder if you go, and you have no qualification to go at all. "

Hearing Yan Wuya's words, both Yun Jianshu and Zhou Wanmiao were shocked, and looked at him with a slightly changed expression, and Yun Jianshu said in surprise:

"But, but Zhou Wanmiao and I are both acquired great perfection now, and have not yet reached the innate realm."

When Yun Jianshu said this, he seemed to remember something, and his face became ugly

"Uncle Yan, you don't want me and Sister Zhou to take the innate pill to participate in this competition, right?"

Yun Jianshu is from a wealthy family, so he naturally knows the side effects of taking the innate pill.

Generally speaking, the innate pill is taken by those who cannot even enter the innate realm.

As the saying goes, you get what you sow, and the road of martial arts is even more so. Don't think that after taking the innate pill, you can easily enter the innate realm, but this is equivalent to actively cutting off your own martial arts path.

Yun Jianshu was selected into the Earth Class, which shows that his talent is not bad. Although he cannot compare with Li Xuan, he is still a promising young man.For a genius of this magnitude, it was only a matter of time for him to enter the Xiantian realm, and even the Grandmaster realm was not impossible to achieve in the future.

If he took the Xiantian Pill just because of this competition, then his future achievements would at most reach the peak of the Xiantian realm, and it would be completely impossible to break through the Grandmaster realm.

It was precisely because he knew the consequences of taking the Xiantian Pill that his face looked so ugly.

Zhou Wanmiao, who was standing next to him, frowned slightly after hearing Yun Jianshu's words, and did not speak, because she felt that with Yan Wuya's status and identity, it was impossible for him to do such a short-sighted thing.

Moreover, their Zhou family, Yun family and Yan family were all famous families that had been entrenched in Beiwang County for hundreds of years, and their power was intertwined. If Yan Wuya dared to let her and Yun Jianshu destroy their own future, even if she and Yun Jianshu did not mind, the elders in the family would go to him.

After hearing what Yun Jianshu said, Yan Wuya's face darkened. He casually threw a brush and hit Yun Jianshu on the head. After hearing Yun Jianshu's cry, he said:

"You just think nonsense all day long. How could I, Yan Wuya, as the deputy commander of Beiwang County Yunying Guard, do such a thing?"

After Yan Wuya finished speaking, he took out two sealed pills from somewhere and placed them on the table. Then he said slowly:

"These are two sealed pills. They are the pills that need to be taken with the secret technique I will use in a while."

Speaking of this, Yan Wuya looked straight at Zhou Wanmiao and Yun Jianshu and said:

"Before you do this, I will explain the situation to you first, so that I can also feel at ease.

The reason why I require people who have reached the great perfection of the acquired world to carry out the task is because my secret technique is very domineering. Not only can only those who have reached the great perfection of the acquired world be able to undertake it, but the effect of the secret technique is to seal the internal force and blood of the whole body, making this person become an ordinary person."

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