


As the distant bells rang, Li Xuan opened his eyes in time. Just as he opened his eyes, it seemed as if a purple air flashed through them. I don’t know if it was reflected by the sun or something else.

Looking at the rising sun in the distance, Li Xuan felt a little happy.

Ever since he knew that the tea in the Wuyou Teahouse had an inexplicable benefit to him, Li Xuan basically went there to drink a few cups every day for that month.

And in this month, he drank at least more than a hundred cups of Wuyou tea and ate more than a hundred pieces of tea.

As these teas went down his throat, the jade seeds in Li Xuan’s body finally changed significantly. Not only did the rotation speed become much faster, it was at least three times faster than before.

This means that even if he didn’t practice his own Xiao Wuxiang Gong, relying only on the jade seeds, his practice speed was several times faster than others. This made him, who had just reached the Qi training realm of the late Xiantian realm, make great progress.

He had only recently discovered another benefit.

After taking the tea for almost a month, he discovered that he could absorb a special light purple gas in the sunlight of the rising sun when he was practicing in the morning.

Li Xuan was not very clear about this purple gas, but he could clearly feel that since he absorbed it,

his pupil technique, which had been stagnant, seemed to have changed from an ox cart to a thousand-mile horse, with continuous progress and breakthroughs.

Just when he had just finished practicing, he practiced this pupil technique to perfection, which increased his pupil technique's functions and power.

Moreover, Li Xuan could clearly feel that most of the purple gas he absorbed was actually swallowed by the jade seed, and only a little bit was consumed by practicing the pupil technique.

After completing the practice this morning, Li Xuan dressed neatly and opened the room, and Zhou Wanmiao, who was opposite him, opened the door at the same time. After smiling at each other, the two knocked on Yun Jianshu's door and walked towards the square not far away with him.

At the same time, in a room, a person who was like iron castings and exuded a black iron metal color gradually returned to his normal color. He opened the door and walked towards the square with great force.

In another room, a slender person with frivolous eyes floated up from the bed as if he had no weight. Then, when he left the room, he gently fell to the ground from mid-air without making any sound.

The man yawned a little bored, wiped away the tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes, and then lightly tapped the ground, and then walked towards the square like an arrow shot out.

Bump Bump Bump

Along with a rapid knock on the door, there was also a full-of-energy girl's voice urging:

"Brother Zhuzi, the bell has rung, let's go quickly."

"Oh, Lingmei, wait a moment, I'll be there soon."

A rough voice sounded, and there was also a piercing sound.

After a while, the tightly closed door finally opened, but the way to open the door was not quite right, because one of the doors was in the hands of the man who had just come out of the room, and it seemed to have been taken down.

The man who just appeared was a big and strong man. Judging from his figure, he could fill the doorway. At this time, he was also looking at the door in his hand with a confused face, and touched his head with his other hand in some confusion:

"Is this door so fragile? I haven't used any strength yet, and it has left the door frame by itself,"

And the petite little girl next to him should be the sister Lingmei he mentioned,

This little sister Ling covered her head in despair at this time, speechless:

"Brother Zhuzi, you took down the door of the room again, tell me, how many times has this happened, if you do this again If we say that, we will all be chased away. "

Hearing what Ling said, the big and strong Zhuzi scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said with a smile:

"Pay attention next time, pay attention next time."

Ling had been speechless to Zhuzi for a long time. After rolling her eyes, she said angrily:

"Let's go, let's go to the square to draw lots. If we draw at the end, it will basically be difficult to deal with."

After hearing what Ling said, Zhuzi smiled and said:

"It's okay. With so many people, the chance of meeting a good player is actually not high."

As the big and strong Zhuzi said, he casually took his hands andThe door of the room was put aside, and then he and Sister Ling rushed to the square together.

The rules of this competition are simple, that is, draw an opponent, as long as you can beat the opponent you are paired with, you can advance.

And if you can't beat them, these losers, if they are not convinced, can also participate in the resurrection match to fight for the few places.

These competition rules were known by Li Xuan and others the night before, but because Li Xuan didn't care about these rules, as long as he was on the court, he could knock down the opponent and crush him all the way, so he didn't take it to heart.

When ~

With the ringing of this bell, this competition finally began, and Li Xuan and Zhou Wanmiao and others lined up to wait for the draw to confirm their opponents.

While queuing, Li Xuan also looked at the people around him who were going to participate with some curiosity.

Because after this competition, he will go abroad to participate in competitions with other countries.

Therefore, all the people who participated in this competition were carefully selected from each county.

As the saying goes, quality is more important than quantity. In fact, the people from each county were just like Li Xuan and his group. Basically, there were two or three people. The total number of people present was not many, only about fifty or sixty.

However, although there were not many people, they were all elites. So even if there were fewer people, they all had different temperaments and strong auras. So at first glance, they were basically high-quality people.

"A-5 vs. B-3, start."

Just as Li Xuan looked around, the first pair of people who drew lots were already standing on the high platform, waiting for the referee to say start.

"I am Yu Baishi from Lingshui County, please give me more advice."

"I am Long Fei, the king of Feiling County, please give me more advice."

As the referee next to the two of them rang a small bell next to them, indicating that the game had begun.

When ~

As soon as the bell rang, the two people standing on the high platform collided with each other.

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