In his previous life, Li Xuan was weak since birth, so he was sickly and could not bear a little cold, otherwise he would have a high fever.

Li's father and mother took him to all the hospitals, but there was no good way. They diagnosed him with congenital deficiency and said he would be fine when he grew up.

Li's father and mother's working environment was not very good. The factory where they worked was a highly polluted industry.

Although it didn't matter to adults, for the weak Li Xuan, he would cough constantly as long as he stayed there for a while.

So, for Li Xuan's health, his parents gritted their teeth and sent him to his grandparents' home in the countryside. Fortunately, Li Xuan's grandparents were in good health, and raising a child was not difficult, so Li Xuan grew up in his grandparents' home.

Li Xuan's health was also due to congenital deficiency. He was sick every other day. Although it was better than in the city, it also made his grandparents feel distressed.

Finally, after Li Xuan had another serious illness, the grandfather, with red eyes, took the sick Li Xuan to a nearby Taoist temple.

This Taoist temple is very small, and there is only an old Taoist priest with a strong body and white hair and beard.

After Li Xuan was brought here by his grandfather, he didn't know what his grandfather said to the old Taoist priest. The old Taoist priest touched Li Xuan's pulse and bones, and asked him to kowtow to him respectfully.

Afterwards, the old Taoist priest taught little Li Xuan a set of movements and asked him to practice every day, morning and evening.

This set of movements is also very magical. After doing a set, it is obviously not a big amount of exercise, even a few-year-old child can do it easily.

However, after doing it, he always sweats all over his head. If you don't know, you might think he has done some intense exercise.

In the following days, under the supervision of his grandfather, Li Xuan also practiced this set of movements morning and evening, and never stopped.

Li Xuan's health gradually improved. In the following growth, he was not only healthier than his peers, but he also never caught a cold.

As he grew up and his health improved, when Li Xuan was about to go to high school, his parents took him to the city for better educational resources.

As the learning tasks became heavier, Li Xuan gradually gave up the set of movements that he practiced twice a day in the morning and evening.

After Li Xuan graduated from university, with the blessing of 998,007, his body was also damaged. Li Xuan would only think of the set of movements he had practiced since childhood when he was not feeling well. After doing them every time, the discomfort in his body was basically relieved.

After traveling to this world, Li Xuan had just recovered from a serious illness, and his whole body was a little soft, so he remembered this set of movements again.

After setting up his posture on the open space, Li Xuan began this set of movements under the warm sunshine.

After practicing for a while, when Li Xuan went to the Taoist temple with his grandfather, he curiously asked the old Taoist priest if the set of movements he practiced had a name.

After the old Taoist priest touched his head, he told him the name.

This set of movements is called "Vajra Longevity Exercise", also known as "Eight Vajra Exercises", which is a Taoist gas health exercise. In the past, it was one of the secrets of Taoism.

However, with the passage of time, there are no so many rules. Seeing that Li Xuan was so pitiful, the old Taoist priest taught him hand in hand.

"Eight Vajra Exercises", as the name suggests, is divided into eight parts, that is, eight consecutive movements.

In addition, there are preparatory and closing exercises.

Before practicing, you must relax your whole body, be calm, eliminate distracting thoughts, and be calm and natural.

After recovering from a serious illness, in order to recover quickly, the first thing Li Xuan thought of was to practice this exercise.

Li Xuan took a deep breath and began to practice with full concentration.

Part 1: Put your hands on top of your head to benefit the three burners

Part 2: Move your hands and feet forward and backward to strengthen your kidneys and waist

Part 3: Lift your hands and feet to regulate your spleen and skin

Part 4: Left liver and right lung are like shooting a eagle

Part 5: Look back at your feet to get rid of heart disease

Part 6: Five kinds of labor and seven kinds of injuries are backward

Part 7: Phoenix spreads its wings to strengthen the whole body

Part 8: Drink and eat with your feet

Although the eight movements are not very active, Li Xuan, who is physically weak, still has some difficulty doing them.

Especially when he did the seventh part, he was sweating profusely, just because this part has a larger range of movements, plus the mobilization and accumulation of the first six parts, Li Xuan almost couldn't do it.

After Li Xuan finished the closing posture, he felt much better, but he felt something was wrong.

FeelingAfter realizing something was wrong, Li Xuan didn't care about the sweat on his forehead. After taking a look at the sun, he hurried back to the room.

After he had just finished the closing posture, he felt a warm current flowing in his lower abdomen, as if a hot water bag was placed there.

The reason why Li Xuan returned to the house was to avoid the sun, so that he would not mistake the temperature of the sun shining on his body as the temperature of his lower abdomen.

After returning to the house, Li Xuan grabbed the towel next to him, wiped the sweat off his face, and sat on the chair, closing his eyes and silently feeling the condition of his body, especially the warmth in his lower abdomen, whether it was his illusion.

After a long time, after a breeze blew up a strand of his hair, Li Xuan opened his eyes with joy.

It turned out that what he felt was real. In his lower abdomen, a strand of hair-like internal force really emerged. It was because of this internal force that he felt a warmth in his lower abdomen.

At this time, Li Xuan was relieved.

With this bit of internal strength, he finally got started with the Qi training chapter of the "Da Zhou Wu Jing".

That's right, the country where he grew up was called Da Zhou.

Da Zhou was founded on martial arts, and its national destiny has been running for more than a thousand years without any decline.

And the "Da Zhou Wu Jing" he practiced was also the basic practice issued by the Da Zhou Dynasty.

However, this "Da Zhou Wu Jing" was not available to everyone. Only the military department of Da Zhou would be granted this practice after making a lot of contributions.

And Li Xuan's ancestors were all constables in Yunzhi County. Only after accumulating many years, they were awarded this practice.

And those who were not awarded the practice were not unable to practice.

However, they needed to pay a certain amount of silver to the martial arts school to learn the low-level practice in the martial arts school.

After thousands of years of experience of the Great Zhou Dynasty and more than ten versions of changes, although "The Martial Arts of the Great Zhou" cannot be compared with the sect-founding techniques of those major sects, it is much stronger than ordinary techniques.

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