Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was half a month later.

In the martial arts arena in Lin Hongxiu's yard, Li Xuan was naked from the waist up, holding a silver-colored black-headed spear in his hand and wielding it like a dragon and a tiger, causing dust to fly everywhere on the martial arts arena. The cold light flashing on the spear made people shudder, as if a transparent hole would be pierced in the body in the next second.

Lin Hongxiu and his daughter were watching Li Xuan from outside the martial arts arena. After all, the martial arts arena was too small. If they were inside, it would delay Li Xuan's practice of spearmanship.

Lin Hongxiu looked at Li Xuan who had been practicing for a day in the martial arts arena, stroked his beard and said with satisfaction:

"Xuan'er has finally mastered the "Suzaku Red Flame Spear" after half a month of hard practice. He has finally reached the entry level and can use it to defend against the enemy."

Hearing her father's words, Lin Shiyu couldn't help but smack her lips. Looking at the dazzling spear skills performed by Xuan Ge in the martial arts arena, she said with some emotion:

"This kind of martial arts is really difficult to practice. It's because Xuan Ge has a good talent for spears that he can only get started after practicing for half a month. If it were me, even if I practiced for a year, I would not be able to reach Xuan Ge's current level."

Hearing his daughter's words, Lin Hongxiu looked at her and said:

"You are wrong. How can you say that you can practice this set of spear skills to the entry level in a year."

Hearing her father's words, Lin Shiyu's face showed a look of surprise, and she quickly pinched him Pinching his shoulders, he said with expectation:

"It seems that my talent is not bad. Even my father is optimistic about me. Father, how long do you think it will take me to practice? Is it a month or less?"

Lin Hongxiu looked at Li Xuan on the martial arts field and said:

"First-class martial arts are not something that anyone can practice if they want to. Some people who don't have talent may not be able to get started even if they practice for a lifetime. What's more, this set of "Suzaku Red Flame Spear" is considered the top among first-class martial arts. If you want to practice it, you need to rely on talent."

Speaking of this, Lin Hongxiu looked at his dumbfounded daughter and said:

"Get it, silly girl, if you practice this set of spear skills, you may not be able to get started even if you practice for ten years."

Hearing her father's words, Lin Shiyu felt that she was so angry that her eyes were black, and she bit her teeth again and again. Finally, she threw her father there and went back to the house to help her mother.

Looking at Li Xuan in the martial arts arena, Lin Hongxiu also shook his head and sighed:

"The super fit is really terrifying. At the beginning, I practiced a second-class sword technique, and it took me half a year to get started. When this kid practiced this first-class spear technique, he relied on his extraordinary talent and got started in just half a month."

In fact, Lin Hongxiu was not surprised at the speed of Li Xuan's progress. Others may not know, but Lin Hongxiu, who has been practicing with Li Xuan, knows it very well.

Although Li Xuan has extraordinary talent, he also has efforts that others cannot see.

Since Li Xuan got this set of spear skills, he has been fascinated. In the past half month, in addition to practicing the "Demon Tiger Bone Refining Fist", the rest of the time was used to practice this set of "Suzaku Red Flame Spear".

Under the watchful eyes of Uncle Lin, Li Xuan's spear skills changed from unfamiliar to proficient, from stumbling to wandering, from rigid to free-spirited. These changes were all obtained by Li Xuan's step-by-step efforts, without a single trick.

So, Li Xuan practiced this first-class spear skills to the entry level after half a month of sleepless nights.

After a while, Li Xuan in the martial arts field finally ended with a downward chopping action, stirring up the layers of yellow sand on the martial arts field, and then he finished the morning's practice.

Li Xuan, who had just finished practicing, had his naked upper body muscles moved in every move, and the exposed muscle lines slid gently, as if there was a big snake hidden under the skin, making people feel full of power at a glance.

The morning sun shone on the sweat beads rolling on the upper body, reflecting the crystal light, as if this body was the most satisfactory work of God.

After practicing, Li Xuan first placed the spear steadily on the weapon rack of the martial arts field, then picked up the towel next to him, wiped the sweat from his face, and walked towards Lin Hongxiu.

"Uncle Lin, how is the "Suzaku Red Flame Spear" I practiced? Is it okay?"

Lin Hongxiu nodded and said:

"It's okay, it's at most the entry level. After the entry level, there is a small success, and after the small success, there is mastery, great success and perfection. When you can reach the great success and perfection, you will be able to achieve it.Only when you have mastered this spear technique can you say that you have mastered it. "

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan rubbed his head in embarrassment. This spear technique is very difficult to practice. He has been practicing for half a month. He doesn't know when he can master it.

After hitting Li Xuan's tail that was about to rise, Uncle Lin raised the corner of his mouth slightly and continued:

"Your Aunt Lin and Shiyu are about to cook the meal. Why don't you go and wash your body? You smell of sweat. Aren't you afraid that your Aunt Lin will say you? After you finish your meal, I will give you half a day off. On the contrary, your spear technique will not improve much in a short time. It's better to rest more. "

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan stopped wiping his sweat and looked up at him in surprise.

"Why did Uncle Lin think of giving me half a day off? Aunt Lin said you? "

Li Xuan's words made Uncle Lin roll his eyes and said unhappily:

"Have you become stupid from practicing martial arts? Tomorrow is the beginning of April, and it is also the day you report to the government office. Letting you rest is not to let you be in a good condition tomorrow so that you can take over."

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan was a little dazed.

Since he started practicing martial arts more than a month ago, he has lived a fulfilling and hard life. He didn't even feel the passage of time. If Uncle Lin hadn't reminded him, he would have thought there were still ten days or eight days.

Feeling the unusually huge blood and qi in his body, Li Xuan felt a little relieved and said with some emotion:

"Are you going to report already? Time flies so fast."

Lin Hongxiu looked at his nephew who seemed to be reborn with satisfaction and said:

"Let Shiyu accompany you to the East Market in the afternoon and buy two sets of better clothes, so as not to make a fool of yourself when you report tomorrow. "

Li Xuan didn't really care what he wore, but seeing Uncle Lin's gentle gaze, Li Xuan couldn't say no, so he nodded and agreed.

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