Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan's expression became even more confused, and he asked in confusion:

"Uncle Lin, I am just a constable. Whether I am an apprentice constable or a formal constable, it only affects my own income. What does it have to do with Wang Zixian? After all, he is a member of the Wang family, and he should not look down on my mere trifles, right?"

Lin Hongxiu shook his head and said:

"Of course the Wang family will not look down on this little profit, but what if there are greater benefits?"

"Greater benefits?"

Li Xuan repeated Uncle Lin's words, scratched his head and asked:

"It's just being a constable, just like my father, I don't know when I will be in danger, what benefits can there be?"

Lin Hongxiu stroked his beard and continued:

"I didn't understand it before, But I finally understood it after you finished talking about Wang Zixian. "

Seeing that Li Xuan's face was more confused, Uncle Lin did not keep him in suspense and continued:

"Are you wondering why Wang Zixian would join the Constable Bureau when he doesn't need this little money and elixir? Even if he is willing to be a trainee constable?

You know, the monthly salary of a trainee constable is sometimes not enough for Wang Zixian's daily expenses, so how could he stay in the Constable Bureau? "

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan nodded and said:

"Yes, this is also what I am confused about."

Lin Hongxiu sneered and continued:

"This is because Wang Zixian is not prepared to be a constable for a long time.

I also know this Wang Zixian, he is the son of the head of the Wang family. Son, there is an older brother above him, who is also a talented person and can inherit the position of the head of the Wang family.

When that time comes, his youngest son will not be able to stay in the Wang family, so this Wang Zixian should be arranged by the head of the Wang family of this generation to work in the police department. "

"But being a police officer is not a good thing? You don't know when an accident will happen.

Unless you can climb to the position of head of the police, otherwise, there is really no way to get ahead. However, if you want to become a head of the police, it is not easy. Not only do you need superb strength, but you also need achievements, and you may not succeed in the end. "

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Uncle Lin glanced at him and continued:

"Didn't I just say that Wang Zixian didn't plan to be a police officer for a long time. This job is dangerous. It's still very high.

I calculated that Wang Zixian should be around 18 years old now. The reason why he joined the Constable Department is to go for the Constable selection quota four months later. "

"Constables still need to be selected? What for?"

Hearing Li Xuan's stupid question, Uncle Lin first drank a sip of tea, rolled his eyes and then said:

"Of course, go to a better place. In order not to bury the talents below, the upper level holds a selection every three years. This selection has a threshold. Those under 18 years old and have certain strengths are required. There are not many quotas. There are only three quotas in each county, which can be regarded as one in a hundred."

Hearing what Uncle Lin said, Li Xuan finally understood and suddenly realized:

"So, this Wang Zixian regards me as a thorn in his side, just afraid that I will grab this quota. "

Uncle Lin nodded, leaned back, and continued:

"If you become a formal constable, he can't snatch you, because your family has been in our Constable Department for generations, and now you are a martyr's relative, and you are younger than him, so you are more malleable, so Wang Zixian is so hostile to you.

And if you are also an apprentice constable, their Wang family can manipulate too many things, and when the quota is determined, it is very likely that he will snatch your quota. "

Speaking of this, Uncle Lin's face also showed a gloating expression, and said with a smile:

"But what he never expected is that your strength is far superior to that Wang Zixian. Although you are three years younger than Wang Zixian, your strength is far superior to him, so his plan to suppress you did not succeed, but instead he lost himself.

With Wang Zixian's current injury, even if he recovers before the selection quota is determined, he may not have a chance to snatch other quotas without the crucial four months of practice time. "

After saying this, Uncle Lin also sat up straight, looked at Li Xuan with a sharp gaze, and said in a serious tone:

"Xuan'er, you did the right thing this time. For those enemies who want to provoke and suppress us, we must give an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. If he dares to stretch out his hand, break his hand. If he dares to open his mouth, break his teeth. This is also the way of our warriors.

Repaying evil with kindness, how to repay kindness?Why do we practice martial arts? It is to be able to stand up straight in this muddled world. Otherwise, what is the use of learning martial arts? "

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan also felt a surge of blood boiling, and nodded heavily to Uncle Lin, indicating that he had understood.

Just as Lin Hongxiu was talking to Li Xuan nonstop, trying to pass on as much of his experience as a constable as possible to Li Xuan, a white-haired girl with two cute buns poked her head out of the door and said crisply:

"Brother Xuan, Dad, Mom has prepared a lot of delicious food, let's go eat it quickly."

Lin Hongxiu was also amused by his daughter's salivating appearance and said with a smile:

"Just go, just go, don't worry, you can't miss it. "

Lin Shiyu saw that her father had agreed, so she quickly jumped over, grabbed the handle behind her father's wheelchair, and quickly pushed it out the door, shouting to Li Xuan as she pushed:

"Brother Xuan, let's go, let's go, otherwise it will get cold and won't taste good. "

Uncle Lin's sense of security was greatly reduced when his impatient daughter pushed his wheelchair, and he said in a panic:

"Slow down, slow down, pay attention to the road ahead, look at the road, look at the road..."

Seeing that Shiyu had pushed her father out quickly, Li Xuan shook his head with a bit of amusement.

Before Uncle Lin couldn't stand up, Shiyu hadn't been so naughty. The reason why she was like this was that she saw her father was depressed all day long, and in order to make her father happy, she acted so impatient.

And Uncle Lin was also driven by her, and he was not in the mood to think about sad things, which was not in vain.

After hearing Lin Shiyu's words again, Li Xuan hurriedly followed. He had been tossing around in the yamen for a whole morning, competing, and collecting things. He was tossed around a lot. The ten big meat buns in the morning had been digested long ago, and naturally he became active in eating.

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