The big demon whose attacks were blocked by Li Xuan became even more manic.

If it weren't for the fact that every time he wanted to intensify his attack, his wounds would become more serious, he would have killed this little constable long ago.

Seeing that this little constable barely caught his attack again, although he was very embarrassed and rolled several times in succession,

But this constable was like an indestructible cockroach. Although he had been beaten and vomited a lot of blood, he still stood up nimbly and rushed towards him.

This discovery made the already arrogant big demon completely angry. He no longer cared about his own injuries and roared towards the sky. Then he looked at the ignorant little constable who rushed over again with cold eyes.

"Innate magical power - mental deterrence"


Being slapped away by the big demon again, Li Xuan only felt a burst of blackness in front of his eyes, and his chest was also burning with pain. Li Xuan knew that this was because his internal organs were shaken too violently by the big demon and had been injured.

Li Xuan staggered when he stood up again, but he still clenched his spear with both hands and rushed towards the big monster with tiger steps. However, because he had barely taken the big monster's attacks many times, the knuckles of Li Xuan's hands had been cracked, and the silver-white spear body was dyed red.

At this moment, the big monster in front of him roared wildly, and then looked at him with cold eyes, which made Li Xuan's heart skip a beat and had a bad premonition.

Then, Li Xuan saw that the big monster in front of him had originally dark blue eyes suddenly lit up, emitting blue light, filling Li Xuan's entire field of vision, making him feel dazzling.

Just when Li Xuan was at a loss, he felt an inexplicable wave rushing towards his mind. With a bang in his mind, it exploded, and the whole brain seemed to be shaken out.

This mental shock made Li Xuan's consciousness shaky all of a sudden, and in an instant he knew what it meant to be in excruciating pain and have a splitting headache.

Li Xuan, who was attacked by the mental shock, could no longer move forward. The spear that was originally held tightly in both hands was thrown to the ground with a dull sound.

At this time, Li Xuan held his head tightly with both hands and made a miserable cry, as if only this could make him feel better.

The big demon who barely activated his innate magical power became sluggish. Not only did his body sway, but even his fur that was like black satin became much drier.

The big demon's originally dark blue eyes became even dimmer, barely emitting a little light in the dark night.

The big demon suffered a big loss this time. He originally just wanted to capture a person with strong blood and take him back to suck him dry so as to recover from his injuries.

He didn't expect to encounter such a difficult guy. He obviously couldn't beat him but still pestered him. Even if he was beaten out many times, he stood up again and again.

In the end, he was entangled and had no choice but to use his innate magical power once to kill this annoying human.

At this moment, the big demon looked at the human holding his head and howling and felt something was wrong.

No, this human is not right. Looking at the human who is still alive and kicking, the big demon finally remembered what was wrong.

He is a rare spiritual big demon. He may be weak in physical combat and cannot beat the demons of the same level.

But his spiritual talent can kill instantly under the innate realm. Even the innate martial artists among humans are cautious when facing his talent, fearing that he will be hit by it if he is not careful.

And such a weak human in front of him, after bearing his mental shock head-on, will definitely become a fool in the first time, or his brain will die, and he will fall to the ground directly, instead of holding his head and screaming in front of him like now.

The big demon who felt something was wrong almost twisted the murderous intent in his body into substance.

Such unexpected people are generally gifted people among humans. If he is not killed when he is weak, he will become a great enemy of the demon race when he grows up.

The demon, who had figured it out, no longer cared about anything else. After barely standing still, he shook his head to make himself more awake, and then walked towards Li Xuan, who had lost the ability to resist.

When it was about to get close to Li Xuan, the demon had already opened its mouth and revealed its sharp teeth. This time, it was not to drag this human away, but to bite off this human's head as soon as possible.

Just as the demon opened its mouth, with saliva still stuck on its teeth, and was about to bite Li Xuan,

Suddenly, from the skyA silver line flew over, like a silver-white meteor, drawing a graceful arc in the sky, and then rushed directly to the big monster.

After leaving a silver reflection on the big monster's pupils, it directly pierced into the big monster's head, instantly crushing its brain.

When the big monster was killed, an idea appeared in its mind, and its pupils dimmed, and it fell down forever beside Li Xuan.

"Human, Moon Chaser Arrow"

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