After hearing Li Xuan's words, Uncle Lin hadn't said anything yet, and Shiyu, who was standing next to him, hugged her father's arm and shook his head unwillingly:

"Okay, father, Brother Xuan already knows he's wrong, so don't say anything about him anymore."

Hearing his daughter's voice, Lin Hongxiu also shook his head helplessly. This little girl was on the side of that dead boy.

However, since his daughter had said it, he had no choice but to stop pursuing it.

Looking at Li Xuan who was still standing there, Uncle Lin's tone softened and said:

"Okay, you just came back from outside, you should be hungry, so let's eat first."


Looking at the full bowl of food, and looking at Shiyu who was smiling next to him, Li Xuan felt a warm current in his heart. After picking up a piece of chicken for Shiyu, he buried his head and ate it.

Just after finishing the meal, when Uncle Lin next to him picked up the teacup and drank the tea slowly, Li Xuan looked at his legs covered with a blanket, and his heart moved, and he said:

"Uncle Lin, when I was on a mission, I met a bronze medal envoy of the Cloud Eagle Guard. That bronze medal envoy was a good person and we got along well."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Uncle Lin put down the teacup in his hand with some surprise, thought for a while, and said with some emotion:

"The Cloud Eagle Guard, that is the elite of the court. To be able to become a bronze medal envoy of the Cloud Eagle Guard, that person's strength should also be very strong."

Li Xuan nodded and said:

"Yes, that bronze medal envoy is already a congenital strongman. It was he who shot that big monster with one arrow. Our Constable Yang was also very polite to him. Moreover, he is quite optimistic about me."

Uncle Lin heard Li Xuan's words and looked at He urged:

"Since that lord is optimistic about you, you should also build a good relationship with him. If you only stay in the county, you will not meet such a big man for a few times in your life. Has that lord left? If he is still here, you can go to him more often. It would be good to do something for him."

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan looked at Uncle Lin and replied with a smile:

"Well, that lord is easy to talk to, so I invited him to visit our house. Moreover, he promised me that when he comes, he can help take care of Uncle Lin's legs."

Uncle Lin was thinking about how to entertain the lord of the Cloud Eagle Guard so that he would have a better impression of Xuan'er, but he didn't expect to say such words from his mouth. His body shook, and the teacup in his hand was not held firmly, and it fell to the ground with a crash. Obviously, the teacup was completely destroyed.

Uncle Lin didn't care about these at this time. His face immediately flushed with excitement. He looked at Li Xuan and asked with strong expectation in his voice:

"Did the master really agree?"

Looking at the expectation on Uncle Lin's face, Li Xuan nodded and said:

"Yes, Uncle Lin, the master said that he would come after finishing his business."

After confirming, Uncle Lin's face was even more excited. He would not cherish what he had not lost. Since his leg was injured and he could not stand up, he knew what was the most valuable.

Although he still had the strength of the peak of bone refining, in his opinion, since his legs could not move, he was a waste. If there was no hope, he still had a wife and daughter, he might have killed himself directly.

After the excitement, Uncle Lin's face was full of self-mockery and pity. He mocked himself for not being able to keep calm and getting excited easily.

Thinking of this, Uncle Lin sighed with some regret, looked at Li Xuan and said:

"Xuan'er, you shouldn't bother that adult for my matter. We have no reason with him. The reason why he agreed to this matter is purely because he is optimistic about you, but you bothered him for my leg, which may make him have a bad impression of you. This will have a great impact on your future."

Hearing Uncle Lin's concerns, Li Xuan smiled and looked at Uncle Lin seriously and said:

"Uncle Lin, I think this is the most correct thing I have done. Even if I lose the favor of that adult, as long as you can stand up and live like a normal person, I think this is the most worthwhile thing."

Li Xuan is not a fool. Of course, he knows the consequences of this matter, but he is willing to bear it.

At this point, Li Xuan looked at Uncle Lin's legs and continued:

"Moreover, I also know that your legs are corroded by the snake demon's venom and demonic energy. As time goes by, the condition of your legs will get worse and worse. Even if you can stand up, your path to becoming a warrior may be cut off because your legs have been corroded for too long. At that time,How can you protect Aunt and Shiyu? "

After hearing Li Xuan's words, Uncle Lin was also convinced. He sighed and said:

"Xuan'er, I owe you one."

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan smiled and said:

"Uncle Lin, what a joke, we are originally a family, we are one body, if we count so clearly, I owe Uncle Lin, Aunt and Shiyu, I will never be able to repay it in this lifetime. "

Lin Hongxiu nodded and said nothing more. If he said anything more, it would seem too hypocritical. They were all grown men. They should just keep it in mind and there was no need to speak it out.

Just when Li Xuan finished his meal at Uncle Lin's house and was about to go home, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

Lin Shiyu was the most active and ran to open the door. Li Xuan was a little worried and followed behind.

After opening the door, Lin Shiyu did not recognize the person in front of him, but the person was wearing a constable's uniform. Lin Shiyu asked with some doubts:

"Who are you?"

Before Lin Shiyu finished speaking, Li Xuan passed Lin Shiyu and clasped his fists towards the person who came:

"It turns out that it is Yan's personal attendant. Are you here to see Uncle Lin? "

Li Xuan knew this man. Although they had never spoken, they had met several times.

Li Xuan had seen this man several times at Captain Yang's place and knew that he was Commander Yan's personal assistant. He could be said to represent Commander Yan himself.

When Yan's personal assistant saw Li Xuan, the serious expression on his face softened a lot. He clasped his fists towards Li Xuan and said with a smile:

"That's right. The commander wanted to see Captain Lin for something, so he asked me to come and invite him. Moreover, it was a coincidence that Brother Li was among the people invited this time. You are also here, so I don't have to make another trip."

Yan's personal assistant had heard Li Xuan's name several times from his uncle, and even went to the Wang family to warn the head of the Wang family for him. Naturally, he knew Li Xuan's weight and talent, knew that he had a promising future, and was willing to make friends with him. Otherwise, Yan's personal assistant, as the representative of the commander, would not be so kind to everyone.

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