No matter whether it was Lao Bai or Lao Gao, after hearing what Lao Xing said, their faces changed and they hurried over to Lao Xing.

When the two came to Lao Xing, their faces had changed, and they frowned and looked at him seriously.

In their hearts, no matter how much they made trouble, it was their own business, and they would see each other sooner or later. Even if they made more trouble, it would not be too outrageous, and they could solve it with a drink.

So they hurried over after hearing what Lao Xing said. They knew in their hearts that Lao Xing was the most tactful person. If he said such words, the situation should have been impossible to ease.

And Li Xuan, who was standing next to him, was also looking at Lao Xing and others in confusion. He still didn't know what had happened.

Seeing that Lao Bai and Lao Gao had come over, Lao Xing glanced at Li Xuan next to him and said with a grim expression:

"The quota for our Constables to go to Beiwang County for training next month has been announced. Each brigade has one quota, but Xiao Li is not included."

Hearing what Lao Xing said, Lao Bai and Lao Gao were both startled and asked in unison:

"Really? Not Li Xuan?"

Lao Xing nodded and said:

"It should be correct, and the quota in our brigade belongs to Wang Zixian."

Hearing what Lao Xing said, Lao Bai was almost furious, his originally fair face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"It's that little brat, I'm going to kill him right now."

As Lao Bai said this, he was going to go and make trouble for Wang Zixian directly.

Although Wang Zixian had been back for several days, he had been transferred to another team when he came back and was no longer under Captain Zhao.

(The Constable's Department is divided into three teams, each team is led by a captain. Captain Yang is the leader of the third team, and Wang Zixian is still in the third team, but he is not under Captain Zhao.)

Seeing that Lao Bai was about to run to find Wang Zixian, Lao Gao and Lao Xing quickly grabbed him.

After grabbing Lao Bai, Lao Xing said with anger in his eyes:

"Don't be impulsive at this time, it's useless to be impulsive. Let's go to Captain Zhao. If Captain Zhao doesn't care, we will go to Captain Yang.

If it still doesn't work, I will go all out and go directly to Commander Yan. Commander Yan was transferred from Beiwang County and should not be affected by the Wang family. He will stand up for justice for us."

In the government, the most taboo thing is to report to a higher level. It is understandable to report a level higher, after all, the person above you has wronged you.

However, if you go directly to the person at the top, then even if you report the matter and get it done, it will have a bad impact on you in the future.

However, in the minds of Old Xing and others, Li Xuan is their man, and Li Xuan's father was once their captain. When Captain Li was still there, he was very good to them.

Although Li Xuan is very strong now, in their hearts, Li Xuan is their nephew. Even if his strength exceeds theirs, he is still their junior.

And the quota for training in Beiwang County is definitely Li Xuan's, which is very important for his future development.

Now that their nephews are bullied, they will certainly stand up. This can be regarded as the unique human touch of small places.

Hearing that Old Xing was going to find Commander Yan, Old Bai and Old Gao beside him also nodded and said with a little excitement:

"Yes, if the higher-ups don't care, we will find Commander Yan."

Whether it is Old Xing, Old Bai or Old Gao, they all know that since Wang Zixian can squeeze out Li Xuan's quota, it may not be effective to find Captain Zhao and Captain Yang.

Just when they were discussing fiercely, Li Xuan beside him also understood, and a warm current flowed through his heart. Then he raised his hand and said:

"Brother Xing, Brother Bai, Brother Gao, I have something to tell you."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Old Xing beside him patted his shoulder and said:

"Li Xuan, don't be afraid, we have been constables for several generations, and we will never allow such a thing to happen. This is not only for you, but also for our group."

Looking at the somewhat excited Old Xing, Li Xuan twitched his mouth a little embarrassedly and whispered:

"Brother Xing, there is a reason why I am not on the list."

Old Xing waved his hand and said in a rough voice:

"Reason? No matter what the reason is, it won't work. This is an opportunity that your father fought hard for. The three of us brothers will never let you suffer this grievance."

Old Bai and Old Gao beside him also nodded.

Hearing Old Xing's defense of his shortcomings without asking why, Li Xuan's eyes slightly turned red, and he said with a hoarse voice:

"Thank you, Brother Xing."

Then, Li Xuan scratched his head a little embarrassedly.head, and said:

"But, I have been included in the Cloud Eagle Guard, so I am not on the list."

As soon as Li Xuan finished speaking, he saw that Lao Xing and the other two seemed to be frozen, standing there motionless.

Then, Lao Xing reacted, looked at Li Xuan with bright eyes, and asked in surprise:

"Little Li, is what you said true?"

Lao Bai and Lao Gao next to him also stared at him closely, wanting to confirm the news as soon as possible.

Hearing Lao Xing's words, Li Xuan covered his forehead helplessly,

Well, now he is excited to call himself Little Li.

However, Li Xuan did not argue with Lao Xing, but explained to them:

"When we were on a mission in Niutou Village, we encountered a big monster, and we also encountered a master of the Cloud Eagle Guard.

That master came to test me, and later I passed the test, and now I am considered a member of the Cloud Eagle Guard."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Lao Xing and Lao Bai looked at each other and asked:

"Why did the master of the Cloud Eagle Guard come to test you? Do you know him?"

Li Xuan touched his chin with his hand and said hesitantly:

"I know him. Brother Yun is very nice to me, but I only got to know him after he came.

The reason why the Cloud Eagle Guard sent Brother Yun to test me was because Commander Yan thought I was more talented and met the recruitment standards of the Cloud Eagle Guard, so he reported it to the higher-ups, so they sent people here."

Hearing Li Xuan's clear thinking and speaking out all these things one by one, Lao Xing and Lao Bai believed what he had just said.

Then, Old Xing reacted, patted Li Xuan's shoulder hard, stretched his face in front of Li Xuan, and said with a dangerous look:

"So, you knew that your name was not on the training list, but you didn't tell us brothers, and just watched us anxiously?"

Hearing Old Xing's words, Li Xuan's desire to survive was also very strong, and he waved his hands repeatedly:

"No, no, why would I laugh at you brothers? It's mainly because Uncle Lin didn't let me tell anyone, for fear that something else would happen."

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