Beiwang County, one of the many counties of the Great Zhou Dynasty, is located in the northern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty and ranks among the top three in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

After Li Xuan and others came out of Yunzhi County, they slept in the open air all the way. Even on horseback, it took them three days to reach Beiwang County.

When they saw Beiwang County from a distance, Li Xuan and others stopped and looked at the towering city walls of Beiwang County from a distance.

Not to mention others, even the knowledgeable Li Xuan was surprised when he saw the towering Beiwang County.

Compared with the city walls, the passers-by and carriages walking under his feet were not much different from ants.

Seeing the stunned crowd, Duan Pengfei, the leader, raised his mouth, which brought the scars on his face, which was very creepy.

However, Duan Pengfei was holding a whip, pointing to the front, and said proudly:

"How is it? This is our Beiwang County, which is one of the most magnificent in the whole Great Zhou. Isn't it magnificent?"

At this time, Li Xuan also came back to his senses, and couldn't help but take a look, and then sighed:

"You really don't know the magnificence and beauty of this world until you go out. Even if you read a lot in books, it's not as shocking as this one."

Duan Pengfei nodded in agreement with Li Xuan's words and said:

"Yes, since I became a Cloud Eagle Guard, I have been to many places, but none of them are as magnificent as our Beiwang County. Compared with us, they are all younger brothers."

After Duan Pengfei finished speaking, he looked at Li Xuan meaningfully, and a little proud rose in his heart.

He didn't care about Li Xuan at first. Even if he was a genius who was admitted in advance, he didn't care much. Who is not a genius?

But after these few days of contact, Duan Pengfei put away his contempt in his heart.

Let's not talk about anything else. Just now, after three days of continuous travel, not to mention that the ten people following behind were already staggering,

Even he and his companions who were carrying out the mission together this time now have some fatigue on their faces.

But this Li Xuan is not only full of energy every day, but also goes out for a stroll at night when he rests as if nothing happened.

And when he comes back, his hands are not empty, either game or wild fruits, rabbits and pheasants are never absent, and those who don't know would think he is on a picnic.

Just like now, this Li Xuan is full of vitality, looking at Beiwang County in the distance with great interest.

Duan Pengfei is not a novice, of course he understands why.

This shows that this Li Xuan has much more energy than others, and this situation occurs, either with an extraordinary physique or with a soul far beyond ordinary people. Whether it is the former or the latter, it shows that this Li Xuan is definitely not simple.

Duan Pengfei glanced at the state of the crowd, frowned slightly, and then said:

"Okay, okay, we have seen almost everything, there is only a little distance left, let's go quickly, arrive earlier, and you can rest earlier."

Hearing what Duan Pengfei said, everyone was also shocked, and then followed him and rushed to Beiwang County, becoming one of the many ants at the foot of the city wall.

The Cloud Eagle Guard is rampant throughout the Great Zhou, not to mention that Beiwang County is one of the strongholds of the Cloud Eagle Guard.

So, Duan Pengfei and others, wearing green and black clothes and waist badges, rode directly through the city gate and rushed along the horse path towards the most conspicuous building in Beiwang County.

Since entering the Beiwang County government, Li Xuan and others' eyes are not enough. Everything around is new and strange, and they have never heard of even the things sold on the street.

However, Duan Pengfei had no intention of waiting for them, so everyone could only look at him reluctantly and then followed him obediently.

After a while, Duan Pengfei finally slowed down. Looking at the huge building and the people coming and going at the door of the building, he said:

"This is the base of our Cloud Eagle Guard in Beiwang County, and it is also the place where you will receive missions in the future."

Upon hearing this, Li Xuan looked up at the top of the building. Three huge gilded characters shone brightly under the sunlight.

Cloud Eagle Guard

Li Xuan looked at the characters above and felt a sense of dominance. If he looked more carefully, he felt a stinging sensation in his eyes, which made Li Xuan horrified and quickly turned his eyes away from it.

Duan Pengfei was concise and to the point. After a brief introduction, he led everyone to the back of the building.

After arriving at the back, everyone came to a station, where most of the people coming and going were wearing Cloud Eagle Guard uniforms.

After entering, Duan Pengfei led everyone around in twists and turns.They came to a place similar to a training ground, and next to it, there was a large building complex.

After Duan Pengfei led everyone in, they saw a counter, and behind the counter stood an old man of considerable age.

After Duan Pengfei entered here, his face became much more honest. After coming to the old man, he bowed respectfully and said:

"Old Yan, the people from Yunzhi County who came for training this time have been brought here."

After hearing Duan Pengfei's words, the old man turned his head and looked at everyone. After making a circle around them, he looked at Li Xuan, frowned slightly, and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Xiao Duan, who is he? Why haven't I seen him before?"

The old man was very sure of his memory and had never seen this young man in the Yunyingwei uniform.

Hearing the question from Elder Yan, Duan Pengfei bowed slightly and said:

"Elder Yan, this little brother is called Li Xuan, and he is also from Yunzhi County, but he is in the Earth Class, and is already a candidate for our Yunying Guard."

Hearing Duan Pengfei's words, Elder Yan looked at Li Xuan with a sharper gaze and asked:

"Is he the genius discovered by the boy from the Yun family? To be valued by that arrogant boy, there must be something special about him. How did he perform?"

Hearing this, Duan Pengfei nodded and said:

"It was indeed the Yun Jianyu Yun Tongshi who appraised and assessed him, and promoted him on the spot."

Speaking of this, Duan Pengfei paused, then said meaningfully:

"This brother Li is very energetic."

Hearing Duan Pengfei's words, Old Yan trembled his eyebrows, looked at him with some surprise, then lowered his head and wrote something on the account book on the counter, and then said to him:

"Okay, your task has been completed, you can go to rest, leave these people to me, I will arrange them."

Hearing Old Yan's words, Duan Pengfei bowed to him and said:

"Then I'll leave it to Old Yan."

After saying that, Duan Pengfei winked at Li Xuan, and then turned around and left with his partner.

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