Hearing what Pan said, Old Yan just waved his hand casually and walked away.

After watching Old Yan leave the yard, Pan looked at Li Xuan.

Seeing Pan's gaze, Li Xuan bowed to him and introduced himself:

"I am Li Xuan from Yunzhi County, and I am glad to meet Pan."

Pan's sunken cheeks made it impossible to make any expression, so he pulled the corners of his mouth reluctantly, nodded and said:

"Well, I know, my last name is Pan, and I am the coach in charge of your Dizi class, you can just call me Pan."

After Pan said this, he took Li Xuan into the room, and there were already four people waiting in the room. Li Xuan took a glance, and Pan casually pointed to a seat and asked him to sit down.

The four people in the room were all young teenagers, and although they had different temperaments, they all had a heroic feeling.

The four of them also looked at Li Xuan with curiosity, but because of the presence of Coach Pan, they did not speak casually.

After Li Xuan sat down, Coach Pan came to the crowd, looked at the people sitting obediently, coughed and said:

"Okay, our classmates in the Dizi class have also expired, we can start the class."

As Coach Pan finished speaking, one of the men who looked young and the most handsome raised his hand and asked:

"Coach Pan, we are here to learn martial arts and improve our strength, not to study liberal arts. If you want to study liberal arts, you might as well hire a teacher at home instead of wasting time here."

When this person just started to speak, Li Xuan looked at him.

This person was wearing a white suit. Although it was white, it had hidden patterns. The material of the clothes was good at first glance. Only people with a lot of family wealth could afford it. He also wore a wrist guard on his wrist and a blood-red ring on his right thumb, which was quite conspicuous.

At this time, he was frowning and staring at Master Pan, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Master Pan looked at him when he was speaking. After he finished speaking, he glanced at the people around him and said:

"The previous Di-character class taught martial arts and skills. This cultural course was added in this class. The main reason is that after our research and statistics, we found that the students who graduated from the Di-character class in the past, although they had a smooth martial arts path because of their own talents,

but many of them lacked some basic strategies, and the possibility of these people dying halfway is much higher than those who have received a certain education. This is also the reason for the change in this class."

Speaking of this, Master Pan looked at the person who stood up and said:

"Yun Jianshu, you have to know that not everyone has the same family education conditions and a good brain as you. Some people are just good martial arts talents, not all-rounders. In order to allow them to take fewer detours in the future and increase their chances of survival, this cultural course was set up."

Master Pan paused and continued:

"Moreover, The cultural courses I'm talking about are not the Four Books and Five Classics and the "Zhihuzheya", but some basic common sense of military strategists, battle strategies, military formations, secret codes and intelligence of hostile forces. These are what cultural courses only teach. "

After hearing what Pan said, Yun Jianshu realized that he was a little biased. There was a faint red on his fair face. After hesitating for a while, he stood up and lowered his head and said:

"Coach, I took it for granted. The things you said are very important and are also things we should learn. I apologize for my recklessness just now."

Coach Pan gestured to Yun Jianshu to sit down. His big hand covered with skin and bones patted his shoulder and said:

"There will be no next time. I am also taking this opportunity to explain this matter clearly. You are not even a warrior in the Xiantian realm now, and these things are useful at least before you reach the Tianren realm. This opportunity is very rare. I hope you can cherish this opportunity. "

Hearing what Pan said, the people below, including Li Xuan, all agreed.

At this time, a person sitting on the left of Li Xuan raised his hand, indicating that he had something to say.

Seeing this person raise his hand, Coach Pan's face, which looked like a skeleton, had a faint smile, and his voice became gentler, saying:

"Zhou Wanmiao, what do you want?"

Zhou Wanmiao stood up and said with some concern:

"Coach, if we use the time of the Di class to study cultural courses, then what about our monthly assessment? If we are surpassed by the Ren class for two consecutive months, the people who are surpassed here will be demoted to the Ren class."

HearingZhou Wanmiao's words made the three people in the room, including Li Xuan, look over. It seemed that except for Yun Jianshu and Zhou Wanmiao, no one else knew about this.

And Li Xuan also looked at the only female classmate in the class for the first time.

This person was also dressed in a tight suit, but it was not white, but red, like a ball of flame.

After hearing Zhou Wanmiao's words, Pan Jiaotou hadn't spoken yet, but Yun Jianshu next to him perked up and asked her:

"What? Don't the people in the Renzi class need to study cultural courses?"

Zhou Wanmiao shook her head and said:

"I've asked around, and their Renzi class is still the same as before, without cultural courses."

Pan Jiaotou waved his hand, motioning Zhou Wanmiao to sit down, and then said:

"Don't worry about this, we have already made plans. In a month, half a month will be spent studying cultural courses, and the remaining half a month will be practical courses. I believe that with your talents, even if it's only half a month, you can far surpass those people in the Renzi class."

When Li Xuan heard Pan Jiaotou say this, he was really itchy, so he quietly asked Zhou Wanmiao next to him:

"There are still people in the Renzi class? Who are they?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Zhou Wanmiao raised her eyebrows, and looked at him with a strange look, but still pointed in the direction of Pan Jiaotou, and turned her head to listen to the coach's words attentively.

Li Xuan was not annoyed when he saw Zhou Wanmiao's performance. He was just a little curious. He would know these things sooner or later.

Coach Pan said a few more words before announcing the dismissal. The class would resume in the afternoon. At that time, teachers from all walks of life would be invited to give them intensive teaching.

When Coach Pan left the room, Yun Jianshu on the other side walked over quickly, looked at Li Xuan with a smile, and said:

"Hello, I'm Yun Jianshu."

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