After Li Xuan got the books, he saw Yun Jianshu looking at him, so he casually said:

"I have an elder who is obsessed with books like Buddhism and Taoism. We don't have these things in our small county, so I bought these books for that elder."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Yun Jianshu also nodded in understanding. Indeed, although Buddhism and Taoism are not very popular in the Great Zhou, because they are not prohibited, there are still some people who like them. Even one of Yun Jianshu's grandmothers is a Buddhist believer and often recites Buddhist scriptures.

The two strolled around Shu Wenxuan for a while, bought some books they liked, and then checked out and left.

Among them, Li Xuan also bought some travel notes and the newly published Xiyuanlu, which made Yun Jianshu look a little sideways.

Yun Jianshu bought some newly published verdicts and novels for entertainment.

After leaving Shu Wenxuan, Yun Jianshu looked at the book in Li Xuan's hand and said with a smile:

"Brother Xuan, I didn't expect you to like Mr. Song's manuscript. You should have told me earlier. I still have a lot. Besides, we should invite criminal investigation experts to our cultural class next month. You like this so much, so learn more."

Hearing Yun Jianshu's words, Li Xuan also shook his head and said:

"I am also interested in this because I was born as a constable, but I can indeed learn something from it, such as autopsy, wound examination and scars caused by various martial arts, all of which have traces to follow."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Yun Jianshu also chatted with great interest, because he was also well-read and had some attainments in this area. He usually didn't meet people with the same hobbies. Today, he finally met them and they were like-minded.

The two of them strolled for a while, and Li Xuan also bought an exquisite hairpin and a piece of new cloth, and planned to take time to go back when he had time.

At night, Li Xuan finally returned to his residence with his spoils, a room of about 30 square meters.

It was because Li Xuan was in the Earth Class that he was able to have an independent room, while those students in the Human Class lived in a room with three or four people, without any private space.

From this, it can be seen that the Cloud Eagle Guards really highlighted the privileges of the Earth Class in all aspects, and for such privileges and resources, the people in the Human Class would do everything they could to improve themselves in order to enter the Earth Class.

After enjoying such privileges and resources, the people in the Earth Class certainly did not want to be pushed down, so they would redouble their efforts to stay in the Earth Class.

After Li Xuan returned to the room, after practicing internal energy and the Eight Vajra Skills, he took a good bath, and then sat in front of the desk refreshed and read the newly bought Buddhist scriptures.

Li Xuan recalled the Buddhist scriptures he heard when he was almost saved, slowly searching and comparing them, and when he opened a copy of the "Infinite Life Sutra", he had a sense of déjà vu, and slowly recited the scriptures on it.

"Thus I have heard: At one time, the Buddha was in the Vulture Peak Mountain in Rajgir, with 12,000 great bhikkhus..."

As Li Xuan recited, it was as if the scriptures he uttered resonated with something, and the swastika symbol on his forehead, which was originally hidden, slowly emerged as he recited the scriptures.

At this moment, Li Xuan seemed to feel something, and stopped thoughtfully, looked at the scriptures in his hand, and touched his forehead, which was a little numb. Li Xuan picked up a palm-sized bronze mirror and observed it carefully. When he saw the symbol on his forehead, he also frowned slightly.

However, after Li Xuan carefully felt it, he found that there was nothing unusual, and the symbol could be hidden at will, so he began to recite it. He wanted to see what other changes this symbol could undergo.

"Thus I have heard..."

As Li Xuan slowly recited, some understanding of the scriptures continued to flow into his heart, and it was like a small stone thrown into the lake of his heart, causing a slight ripple.

What Li Xuan didn't know was that as he slowly recited the "Infinite Life Sutra", the blood-red swastika symbol on his forehead seemed to be injected with some energy, diluting the red on it and making it slightly lighter.

Slowly, as Li Xuan finished reciting the entire "Infinite Life Sutra" unconsciously, he came back to his senses.

However, just after Li Xuan came back to his senses, he felt something was wrong.

Li Xuan was not idle during the day. He practiced martial arts and practiced in practical classes. He also went out for a walk in the afternoon. He just recited scriptures for a long time.It was already night, but he felt full of energy and excitement, as if he had just woken up.

After feeling something was wrong, Li Xuan quickly closed his eyes and carefully felt his soul.

Since Li Xuan was almost saved, although he did not gain any benefits, he could feel the state of his soul.

After a long time, Li Xuan finally opened his eyes. In the feeling just now, he finally confirmed that his soul was indeed strengthened a little, although only a little, but he saw hope.

Because since Li Xuan could feel his own soul, it has not increased a little.

And by accident, it may be the resonance and connection between the swastika symbol and the Amitabha Sutra, which has made his soul stronger. Although not much, it is also a visible hope.

When he thought of this, Li Xuan tried other Buddhist scriptures again, and even tried Taoist scriptures, but there was no reaction at all.

Originally, before resting, Li Xuan wanted to read Travel Notes and Washing Away Wrongs, but under the temptation of the powerful spirit, Li Xuan chose to recite the Infinite Life Sutra. After feeling a little stronger, Li Xuan fell asleep with excitement and joy.

The next day, when Yun Jianshu came to the door and wanted to knock, he didn't expect that Li Xuan actually opened the door in advance and walked out of the room in high spirits.

Looking at Li Xuan with a smile and clear eyes, Yun Jianshu was slightly stunned. He always felt that there was something wrong with the person in front of him, but he couldn't say it.

Seeing Yun Jianshu looking at him, Li Xuan touched his face in confusion and asked:

"What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face?"

After hearing Li Xuan's words, Yun Jianshu still stared at him, touched his chin with his right hand, and said in confusion:

"That's not the case, I just feel that something is wrong with you, but I don't know what's wrong."

After hearing Yun Jianshu's words, Li Xuan didn't care and said with a smile:

"Maybe you're happy."

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