Before leaving Beiwang County, Li Xuan had already found a map and determined the location of Jiuyang County.

Jiuyang County is farther away from Beiwang County than his hometown Yunzhi County. Even if he rides a horse, it will take at least five days. Moreover, because it is located at the border of Beiwang County and Nantong County, it is a no-man's land, so this group of lawless bandits will breed.

Just when Li Xuan had left Beiwang County for half a day and was riding on the official road towards Jiuyang County, he vaguely felt that there was movement behind him, and it was getting louder and louder.

You know, Li Xuan is riding a horse now, and his speed is not slow, but he didn't expect that someone would be able to approach him or even surpass him.

Li Xuan's mind moved, and he quietly slowed down the speed of the horse. With the ordinary clothes he had changed a long time ago, he immediately became a passerby who was not in a hurry to travel.

Because Li Xuan slowed down the speed, the guys behind him soon caught up.

Li Xuan took a quick glance and recognized that these people were from the Human Class.

Because at this time, they were all wearing green and black clothes and were wearing black iron plates, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were the iron plate users of the Cloud Eagle Guard.

There were five people in this group, all carrying a huge package on their backs.

And the horses they rode were not ordinary horses. They were all red and had green eyes. Not only were they two circles larger than the horse under Li Xuan, but even on the necks of the horses, there were faintly fine scales flashing.

When Li Xuan saw this magical horse, his heart moved and he understood the source.

He had read in a book that in order to train cavalry, the Great Zhou Dynasty had specially cultivated a kind of hybrid horse with monsters. This kind of horse was not only born with strange phenomena, but also much stronger than ordinary horses in terms of load-bearing, speed and endurance.

However, this kind of horse was not popularized in the army later, because this kind of horse not only has a very low fertility rate, but also is very picky about food. It will not eat anything except fresh meat.

The high cost of raising this kind of horse is difficult for even a small family to afford, let alone the army. Only large families and some special departments raise a part of it.

When these people passed by Li Xuan, they also looked at him a few times, but when they saw his ordinary clothes and the ordinary horse, they soon lost interest and passed him one after another.

At this time, one of the fatter fat men looked back at Li Xuan and smiled at a man riding in the middle of their group:

"Mr. Feng, do you think that guy is from the ground class? They should have received the same mission as us. If they come out quickly, we are still likely to run into them."

The fat man was cautious. Although he said it with a smile, he still lowered his voice so that only people nearby could hear it.

Li Xuan moved his ears, and his eyes did not even waver, still looking indifferent.

After hearing what the fat man said, Young Master Feng in the middle had not spoken yet, and another thin man next to him said:

"Fatty Liu, don't exaggerate here. Since we received the assessment task, we have prepared some necessities and followed you back to Feng Mansion. Thanks to you, we can ride this exotic BMW. Even those people in the Earth Class set off early, and we have been left far behind."

After the thin man finished speaking, he pointed at Li Xuan who was behind and said:

"And look at this person, he has a plain face and simple clothes. How could he be a member of the Earth Class?"

Fatty Liu Being rebuked, he had nothing to say, and could only mutter in a low voice:

"It is better to be safe than sorry."

As a result, this sentence was also heard by the man, who then said loudly:

"Even if the people from the Earth Class came, with Master Feng here, he could only go back in disgrace. It was because the examiner was blind, otherwise, with Master Feng's talent, he would have entered the Earth Class long ago."

Hearing this, Fatty Liu was completely silent, and muttered in his heart:

"You are only good at flattering. If even the people of the Cloud Eagle Guard were blind, the entire Great Zhou would have been finished long ago."

Of course, Fatty could only say these words in his heart, and he could never say them out loud.

And Li Xuan, who was already a little far away from them, was speechless after hearing the thin man say that he was dressed simply, and glanced at the ordinary clothes on his body.

However, Li Xuan still got a lot of information from their conversation, not only confirmingThey were confirmed as the Ren-zi class, and there was also a Mr. Feng in it, who seemed to be of great origin, and even had a special BMW at home.

However, perhaps because of his lack of talent, he could only hang out in the Ren-zi class, but not in the Di-zi class.

Of course, these had no effect on Li Xuan. When he could no longer see them, he increased the speed of the horse again. Anyway, he could not catch up with them, so he could run without worry.

What Li Xuan couldn't understand was that he also set out after he was ready, so why did these people come so late than him, but they naturally thought that no one would set out earlier than them.

At this time in Beiwang County, Yun Jianshu and Zhou Wanmiao had just walked out of their respective homes, carrying packages and leading their horses.

In this way, Li Xuan traveled during the day and rested at the post station at night. Because he had the iron plate of the Cloud Eagle Guard, he had free food and accommodation at the post station. In this way, after five days of traveling, when the horse was a little shaky, Li Xuan finally saw the city wall of Jiuyang County from afar. Under the setting sun, it looked like a mottled ancient monument.

Li Xuan shook his head, and when he was about to reach the city gate, he got off the horse and led the city gate closer.

But what made Li Xuan feel a little strange was that although the city gate was open, there were very few people inside and outside, and there were no yamen guards at the city gate, which was equivalent to directly abandoning the gate of Jiuyang County.

Li Xuan's heart sank when he saw this situation, and he knew that there must be something wrong in the county, otherwise, there would not be no one guarding the long gate.

The result was not beyond Li Xuan's expectations. After he entered the county town, he found that there were even fewer pedestrians inside. Even if there were people, they were all in a hurry, as if a disaster was about to happen.

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